Show Thursday PAGE TIM THE four have greatest asset man can And right at this is good health Consolidation of the Grand Valley Timesjmd the In12pcndlntj A when Moab people are shifting Utah season at Moab Grand County Issued Every Thursday from the warmerto the colder months idea to realize ii is the I'ostoffice at Moab a mighty good at Entered as Second-class the Matter their Tool 1879 this and be on guard Under Act of March of us rely altogether on the many to repair us when we can no SUBSCRIPTION RATES doctor $ 50 Three Months longer keep going and do nothing curLOO Months from needing medical Six selves to keep 200 one Year attention (Payable In Advance The things most necessary for good water pro-1 health are pure air pure LOREN L TAYLOR Editor regular rest perly prepared food and medicine can take the place ol STRONG Manager No W They are all within the reach these of us if we will only y one of ST PETER WON'T WAIT habits to make use spend some time in the afternoon and watch them We should h the station like to anil there day in the air rem open every the Thave'b for know a lot is nothing outdoor almost two years and better than an en ow of ven"£ thfhe!:yme the city unused to walk There should be plenty infrequent visitors to night kulies and old men in the bedroom at Illation long before tram time hard who arrive Jlhea(1) An(1 it's business n!inute Drink plenty of pure water- J''iabimtZXm-then S'the 1"!" riubSati°n' breath' to drink too much of it Take care acr"S just food nt i the balance to provide o proper -t- better to get up and don't gorge It's who had ates missed a car or lost their watches from the table still a little hungry than with the feeling that you've eat is the period in en too much Sleep It which the body is restored after the the day Medical men fatigue of have estimated that the loss of one to the Gf fillenbeLfthe Thousands of night's sleep is as destructive but he did not exterminate them of Austrians three day's with no apprecatmn of the system as the loss their decemlants and relatives still wave-still meals Vnlrhfren4l our They should Im gelled Guarding and protecting simple matter if we go health is a the right way And the about it in tin'e th' Uch "K WIUt' man nr r Twain' "You waste t"° woman who acts upon these suggestions will never have cause utHn'LL the enormous membership of Just a Little Late Club few "1g m it to has regret Miilh much more Ynnn who was lunching tm hurt u?iy u a ktzl hvi than both than And a man passed who has much more-money have POSSIBILITIES O money usJpul He is industry as well as of VAST of captain of other peoples together and THIS SECTION PORTRAYED an office boy today heads his own He began work twenty years ago ofasthis city of the one "k concerns Continued from first page) great manufacturing pointing to him "Last year fellow" said my friend with linn about the foimation of a new com A number of test wells had long series of negotiations were for nearly thiee work find for us to meet practicallyevery day put San Emery It down in Juan wasallnecessary only fev pany late but a that time he twice and thentelling entered prior In Grand counties on land months was never he his office of lime he sent word to me irum me the in each to withdrawals and many minutes And discovered oil of a good be hitv grade would and them was his time t!iat fjf was wortfi $1000 at a moderate depth but at that every hourlateof for appointments or who when oil not had no with who time the price of crude patience men were was he for to see development in they him did not give him his moneys worth in exchange sufficient to justify camethev ho time took view of the lack of transportation the said fur me to live" Pompey "but it is necessary of "It is not Since the maessarypoint passage at certain time" interest has that be at a certain a leasing bill however new life to having been a the field and And Loril Nelson said "t owe all my success in been aroused in quarter of an hour before my time" are being made to undertake of the faint that it I hold up the record these famous men m hope may development work on a more The i I j mswmSAssotiAnoii 1 7te " - material and highest class best employed in the shoes we buy are l Our i want you are are Sewing Machines which we Guaranteed to give satisfaction have on hand a few ree closing out at hall price returned money We offered Machine? Sewing a only values splendid Do workmanship of Shoes School of line I j Style and Quality of Shoes or i 1 1 of assortment large a Clothing and Dresses Hats Shoes to select from xXfh'Sf 1 have We a'TH'ly "A is non I ar-our XA 9 or Prepare School Now a 3 ZEta September UAlh ASSET GREATEST OUR TIMES-INDEPENDENT THE MOAB DEPENDENT ES-1N I 1 a Department Grocery Our I w-mlerful ‘ ' complete a time to facilities A I market the have is the Stoves Get left few a Now Rubbers und preparations We affords of Cups Oil Star Red ew best supply your JciTS) ruit t the with get while yours the price is right scale reefs 1 i 1 1 1 r w 1 1 extensive o ' faint The is of so very And yet the habit unpromptness hope is very tenacious so difficult to break to he inside when the pearly gates are closed on the If am fortunate shall know what to expect judgment day St will be terrific battering on the gate ive minutes later there shall not be Peter may be surprised but of the most they will be When the gates swing open again there the -of some Little lovable lived- members the Just exasperating people who ever Lnte'Club- panting apologetic explanatory to the last Bruce Barton of oil sand have been Rafael region and now being conducted evolving some method In of obtaining oil from the sands of Carbon county there some parts are mountains of rich ofoilthe shale principally Denver & along the line Rio Grande railroad and experimental v- work also is being conducted for the satisfactory process development of the while for the extraction of the oil from the THEY'LL NEVER DIE each Sunday newspaper xi into hundreds shales J in aui XV m Ills carry his messages for oil it is sale creasing demand homes every week There is one class of weeklies which that within a comparatively It tbit with form will die as long as men and wo-men would every time the seem short production of oil from never in itself in the and will live small eomniuni-1 of amusement parading sands shales form one of the together ties and in well-settled countrysides public prints the church could no great industriesof the countybeen S"me metal deposits have It is what the reading public of America longer afford to ignore the power of and worked tn a limited way It calls "the the cannot afford but the distance country weekly" printed word from rail transportation and use has discouraged the development And right here we would say to the to further fail to recognize the the that the all but metals such as Community rarer of people of Moab and newspaper columns to advance the carnotite ores and one and interest of the organization the weekly Can a country deposit the Big Indian in San wonderfully ilnireh afford not to advertise when hundreds of them are Juan county The section taken as a nils the well conducted decs fi mH attempt at greater number of souls approaching wli le greatest uranium dailies all to destruction can better be appealed belt yet found in tnlie world compete with the big city in Possibilities ol to than Agricultural with thejr dencns through pages newspapers The agricultural possibilities of mid thousands of inches through any other source? jjvery issue Southeastern are almost beyond and of featuie articles ?nd display adver churches Sunday We see Emery conception Within Grand and lhat is in ot tne schools advertising counties lies an area which ultimately tising '1'hc country weekly many will by far the form greatest reel nroncrlv conducted does not try to weekly papers of this country while project in and Utah probably mation its columns all the the big city papers carry church news the greatest if not the greatest cover in one the of the world which it knows its vertisingright along Attractive in the By United States of a big will get dam about thirty from other sources vertising will amuse interest in any and believe fully it could give it to chut'ch n miles north of Green River city it will than movement we more be 240000 possible to reclaim about satisfied to give its little of it It is as an experiment new to and agriculIbem of the finest fruit community would not be acres land in the readers all of the town community Moab and turn state and filings Its field is idea and bud federal government ne'°'hborhooj news made by' the lands of the on the waters and ''limited fur 'every live town has one to the section land encouragement tut as long YEAR as hO-man will be undertaken or more weeklies GREAT ALALA that the project thoit ih date interested at beings remain no distant citizen the Moab have been ntiil their frieiuls Whether methods riniiHrft average Dry' farming those or realizes it with or not tnis nas been a emnloyed excellent resultsinin alni neighbors the field will be there but all the United each county' extensively more Tuan season over vo ne and insistently demanding uulu San counties Its cultivationin Emery Grand zs lYllTl States for alfalfa II'L soealled "1"Country rv -11 editor" has kl'i When null ft a MIVCIIIVU where there are vast areas susceptible vvunvj the miry this country began m regions to cultivation in this manner Practically the ability to gather all this news and it has Lhabit L ol All J n (T if ns the entire not under sending acreage to present it attractively and combines because is all the long earth to cultivation in countiesryid with this roots down into the an honest mind and adapted to grazing purposes moisture there is kind clean and heart for use in his gather whatever ot coal a outside mining stOCKgrowing but it has the recently been is the principal industry hidden below he does for that rt thrivesin regions wneie The growth of the coal industry has souls of his readers what the country'shown b the chief there is considerable moisture en factor in railroad for the bodies of his doctor does and as new properties are alfalfa is comparatively' While new up the demand for bettertransport the opened in the States it is one of ition facilities increases Tn We are not throwing bouquets We oldest United of It the bene-fit cultivated of the opening up of other facts for crops was arc merely staling and appreciated a thousand parts of the big field several railroad of that fast dwindling class of pcoknown and the rocky surveys already have been made this nle in years before Christ tramped country who haven't yet hills mining operations undoubtedly actual s to Palestine ivnen tne ueues will result in mqre railroad building found out the mission of the "Counto exterminate will and Persians trying financial conditions try were as soon as weekly each other their horses were being permit The mines of Carbon Emerv and Grand counties supply practically sustained upon alfalfa hay Europe All the coal in used Utah a CHURCH ADVERTISING cultivated it a thousand years portionof that used in Idaho and the Spaniards carried it ago and Nevada and in recent years they The fact that it pays to advertise the to South America have sent a heavy tonnage to California by successacross ocean long recognized has been and the northwestern states Catholic priest introduced it into and it is interesting A this mprehnnts section produce The tnfres of five Me nnnntrv wirnin me ast one iu million tons annually to pick up from four to papers from many sections ured and it was nm until " and at prevailing prices are adding the country and that win years see of be?an t0 be cultl" twelve to thirteen million dollars land fast years a&° that isters of the are learning to the state's wealth each year iboirivated as a commercial crop in the this truth and applying it investigationsof the coal United States making its way from field of the section indicate that own the plains and it contains approximately seven and California across the minister think When stops to recoverable under thence to almost every section of the a half billion tons for one moment he cannot help but land of the it is one most present mining methods or enough to Today he realize has the greatest thing in and this working at the current keep the mines to crops in America the all the world to offer humanity- valuable rate for next fifteen hundred is year of all years the harvest a of eternal life There are two ways and worth many millions years and A good qualtiy of coking coal lias word of mouth advertising by in of dollars been discovered in Carbon county the So the through the newspapers vicinity of Sunnyside the where of is by word uel is an advertiser preacher best town in the world is where Utah company has built what The he of beehive method said to be the largest battery the gossip is not mouth but through this only publicly known coke world few score of people but publicly shunned ovens in the can reach but a Gigantic found in the experiments 1 I with a view San are to a 1 Company Co-operative Moab "EVERYTHING TO EAT USE AND WEAR" a : J esamfl a 4 4 i i v i i i i n i V i t w i 1 1 1 ' i r 1 ' V ' I I i f r V 1 1 I - toforecast L ( j f IT'S i immensecopper well-conducted TO EASY discovered DO a VJ" Tlt-ih JL TT' JL ' a-1 ad-news i -tf ' ad-rcaders construction j j I recently' It ' p can than I of the only one dollar Moab We principalas will fast 1 a c i 1- 1 1 1 1 ' -- " ' o ‘ ' L- I 1 t 1 I 1 1 I I I 1 1 I to (H-nur i l ' I irst National to open a savings account with the begin paying interest on that amount and you able If as you are you should pay in more principal later need you can spare and some of it you can withdraw from the There is no red tape to our method of conducting our Savings Department You make the deposits and we compound the interest every six months will take Bank add ru-nvw Q n-f a I i I-IV i 1 ' certain Later increase the Begin now to lay aside sum every month amount Keep it up for twenty years and then if you want a rest you can and the with the a vacation pay INTEREST we pay you Or if expense exceptional opportunity for an investment you will have the money you see an take r at development your disposal patients It's i ' to easy start a savings account and it's easy to keep it growing once anticipation vou make up your mind to it ! Come in today and let us explain more fully the advantages of our Department and you will be under no obligationsto us whatever Savings considerable I j ' - t Exhaustive resources record-breaker A irst The National Only National Bank Bank in of Southeastern Moab Utah |