Show A VOLUME CONSOLIDATION 46 MOAB TEST WELL THE O GRAND VALLEY GRAND COUNTY UTAH ON THE SEPTEMBER INDEPENDENT NUMBER 1920 9 40 Preparations - - lUlHtHlHWwHWl LU' fboR MEAT UP-TO-DATE geraniums UM GRAND AND SHOWING Home Coming JABT TIMES THURSDAY PiEP ROAD O LONESOMErtESS I HAS $10000 TO EXPEND COMMISSIONERS PROJECT PLAN SUBMIT ROAD AUTHORITIES QUICK ACTION DESIRED COUNTY J on PROGRESSING 1'AVORAND SEVERAL CHANGORMATION DR1LLED DURING THE WEEK WORK ABLY TOTATE IL ELMO SALT LAKE BANK ISSUES TRADE BALSLEY AND INANCE LETTER SETTING SCHUERMANN WILL AND ORTH THE CANNING ACTORY SOUTHEASTERN O INTO WHOLESALE UTAH MEAT HOUSE J CONVERT' RESOURCES i'Y IN ES 4 w Moab is soon to have a modern meat The vast natural resources of Grand packing plant and the mpiy tens of and San Juan counties and all of thousands of dollars that annually go southeastern Utah are portrayed in a joint trade and finance letter just qut of town for meat products will reweeks progressing very by the National Copper bank and main satisfactorily according to reports re-I here ceived from the well J R the the Bankers' Trust company of Salt today Balsley proprietor of in The hole is now down about four part: Moab Meat Market and Elmo Sc hue Lake City The letter says and feet and is hundred seventy showthe old canning factory One of the biggest and most promising ing both oil and gas maiMi have leased The formation in the country drilled and will few days commence Western is within a areas now being a fossiliferous Southeastern lies in lime to awaiting development which although quite hard convert it into an breaks more or less readily under the Utah The section includes packing plant Machinery mid equipment strokes of the heavy string of tools the counties of Carbon Grand are being ordered and it is Emery mid a good footage can be made each the plant in and to ha operation San Juan and they embrace more day than of the state's within thirty days Amqng the equipment twentybut peronlycent While tho oil showing encountered SCHOOLS OPENED TUESDAY be about per cent inspection trip hist COUNTY COMMISSIONERS to installedare a refrigerating total area evening at the well is not considered its population Approximately is to ahead system lard press sausage grinding of county's plan go of much The impedance by the four-fifths of the machines and other machineswith population of the and expend the $10000 getting the of the Big Six ! company yet WITH GOOD ATTENDANCE HAVE BUSY the will be able to turn entire section reside in Carbon and mad in Moab and Castle they state that it is inwhich plant shape between good the and nearly half in valley so that route will be dication of what might very be out all of the products usually manufactured Emery counties the expected passable' to by smallest of the automobiles this coming when the first oil sand is penetrated a packing plant Carbon county the the four products which The unequal distribution of winter The state will be asked for Since the well The schools of Gram! coupty open-id Among spudding in elevqn The board of county commission-eis beef is due to development of in the to turn out are population completing project of had in in house expects (operation changes formations have been Tuesday with good attendance met 'Tuesday regular session pork of Car rlmii and the Emery view of the fact that county is of mutton smoked and cured meats the coal fields Ju which have been lime The Grand county high Chairman W Williams and Comstone all districts the of all kinds lard counties major portion of which in handle most missii ners G excellent condition to sausage now Some of the lime is said to be nearly school has an enrollment of 104 puMciiruie and iteber has tin project and poultry products taken place in Carbon county and with a minimum of bit used to drill it and pits Considerable as hard as the which is the biggest attendance Murphy being present in days the coal deposits have road is will a few even there the commission only Work commence state showed a ever enjoyed by the school business was transacted many days of drilling been A scratched Yast deposits urged to hole In the It on the plant number of changes scarcely coal extend its cooperation is under' few inches of new ten Central school there is an decided to sell jwo tracts of mid was rom he of have been discovered in the plan land at additions will submitted and it to feet drilled enrollment of 150 in the six grades Elgin which are owned by necessary twelve are being now the of and Grand counties and that the them installation a Emery some there will be no adverse Within the next two weeks it is Silliman of Green among county to B but the part of the slaughtering room The canning factory mines are being operated decision on the state au that Arrangements have been complet-' there will be additional River for $116 at billions of tons that thorities ed by very slight expense can bo fields contain Strong which will place the Requisition W manager of the enrollments was fi made by theto state made to into ideal packing have not been touched The several The sent in the well road an small following letter Big Six to two Moab schools above commission '$55000 apply was operate company plant road explaining fields treated as a whole form one of the state commission mi Grand county's share of the towers at the well the first of next any previous figure according to and road The much the great coal deposits of the western the county's plan requesting week has been I) S L McCorkle post work The state's requi-si'icn new business will mean Chas Ycule who this section in that it will is bituminous in to provide hemisphere The coal the state's drilling in the answered general cooperation: Bluff oil field for the The Moab schools arc starting out way was in character and generally of an with ready market for cattle sheep hogs Moab Utah September 6 1920 most successful mid the audition Monumental Oil company has been every prospect for was instructed It will also quality keep thousands State Road Commission The teachers and pupils send $18000 at this time and to pay and poultry engaged and will report for duty this term of at Utah is unusually rich City with ami the "balance in dollars home which arc Southeastern Utah embued enthusiasm monthly payments Salt Lake week arc for meat products in natural resources practically all Gentlemen: According to Pat Holohon driller! the work is already well under way Anda Middlemist of Monticello was annually sent out of the which are in early stages of Grand county recently issued and the Prof M Young is principal of given permission to catch two dozen prospects of getting a well withdevelopment The discovery of oil sold bonds to the the high amount of seventy-five in the next school and is well pleased irnail in Moab vallev to be planted in MOAB few weeks are very enLONG END and TAKES Emery for the and the San he road work couraging and he enrollment with Juan county provided obtains seeps in San few Juan Grand thousand dollars stated that with with led the O ANOTHER SLUGEST counties a in the county years ago by theto federal the rig working continuously at least spirit shown by the teachers and tie permission of Charles' De Moray withdrawal of vast tracts The La Sal Of this amount $1000000 was feet of hole be made a studentbodv has already president of the Mountains twenty could til as and with the ish and By of 24 to 15 Moab won government reserves 'declared intention of day been organized for the year and it Game association a score with-draw'n has lands of is today Utah more using it to expected that there will be much 'fhe commissionersdecided to meet baseball game at Green Rivimprove that 'section the as oil lands than any state in the state road athletics with the necnle of Castle vallev and er Monday The local boys got away the known to you as activity among the pupils in RIVER PIONEER GREEN big lead early in the and Union Investigations of the oil Moab-Cisco road and which is as well as debating music and Moab on September25 and look over to game BURNS TO DEATH IN CABIN the possibilitiesin that section by for automobile and truck travel dramatics the river road in order to decide on a the result was never in question The survey between Cisco and Richardson Prof Russel G Hodge is principal plan to get things moving on the project contestis reported to have been unin-I United in States geological Ross Wheeler Green River pioneer highly flattering Mr McBride was asked to meet foresting throughout Tho Moab fel-! some We have promised the taxpayers who was well known throughoutthis of the elementary schools and the with the but the withdrawal of the the ball all the vast and we in the people of his section and lows knocked ourselves wish to expend the section of Utah Central over was found burned to enthusiasm manifestprofitableterm effort ask'as a committee cn arrangements let and there was not much acreage and inadequate transportation $1000000 in work on that portion of death in cabin on the Henry Hal-miles schools bespeaks a the Moab-Cisco road that the River facilitieshave hampered development begins at verson The chairman and clerk were instruct- put forth to keep Green ranch five south of river ed to the state road local boys and It is write commission team's down Tho Moab Grand Green River Tuesday morning score runs north up (Continuedon page four) IN THE POLITICAL ARENA in to regard to state cooperation on the went over Sunday morning for a game Richardson a portion of the road believed that the fire was caused by reply that be that at day but it had to called off open for wagon lightning was re -Y present is Both the Republican and Democra project and a prompt BOARD O INEDUCATION travel As Monday bn account of rain Mr Wheeler was last seen op Saturday tic eountv committees will soon issue oiiested REGULAR MEETING It is they to by A adopted day decided remain our desire that we the Anderson He was in their calls for the county conventions for The following wages were of be On work on the Wilson Mesa-Brum over and put on the game then Grand county his spirits Tuesday usual got will doubtless be held the early of education which and The Grand county board by the $875 fans who state road commission Mr Anderson was passing by the Halverson part of October ley ridge road: Man and team Tho Moab players to the exp end place single man $475 them report having hud met in regular session Tuesday $1000000 as we see and he stopped to see fit and A number of claims were allowed fine time lie iiieco Trustees Miller wc wish to put the work under the aired As he approached the nicer people President Robertson man Tnvlnr ic hnino hnnnwd hu and other routine matters attended to the supervision of Xfnv U being as usual most hospitable agent in ihiji thnt it had pYnpriuncpd and Superintendent your Balsley Muller and caw friends for the Republican nomination Giand county but that we will pay n up rno urn inp ir mp np for representative to the state legislature McCorkle being present all the bills on " account of the work ig ne juuiiu C is in BRIDGE NEARING COMPLETION nuilmntf was sun sianaii It is Knox from Lisbon valley not known definitely S Tho action of Superintendent McCorkle as the Whpnl(-r Ivino' bpd his $1000000 "s concerned KT and de-1 ncroRR Mr Knox others are in employing Taylor would ac- (today teachers for We propose to make a good location whether or net Mr veil ping rnosi to a cincier ne hraHv humor eept the some carnotite properties in The submerged bridge across the smno of the outlying schools was ratified and to nomination improve those portions of luwer h n nan hvivi it lx uutn"J uern luiuinfprini4 McIntyre canyon in lower Lisbon val-i Court House wash is practically comthe that impassable road are friim iho nf tho present now hodv Thn and he here is looking up a market pleted ruita for RC lark The crew under Miss Ethel Hill of Democratic county ley for the ore oreman H was employed automobile and truck travel building was badly burned Mr An-I He reportsthat Lisbon P and we Wright is now finishing up the as teacher at the pumphouse believe that we are more familiar chairman is being suggested for the derson wras unable to account of the valley is harvesting banner crops the of structure and within week or so south of Cisco citizens that with the and needs fill tu can spend origin of the fire unless it had been IHHIUIIHUUIIUH JCHVOVIK- this fall will this to the bridge in Moab can-I having agreed to provide a jn ative to 'the such a Attorney move money manner that causeu uy llgni-iiiiiH uuuiik iue oiviui' Knox Patterson legislature just This actual has also von west of the dugwav building free of charge to the more been menbenefit will result than Sunday if we hfiVHi Misses Mildred and Gertrude Mef-! bridge will be completed which will turned this money to the state C W'heeler was about 70 lirarixul Vnithnr of fhnso mpn Roswell T take only a time will of the road fund jb or J short ami work The work ceiling sewing to he they would sisters Mrs Learning spent by resided ip the indicated whether or not your commission years old He had of will the former to take then be started on the constructionof and domestic science arrive Sunday re from Salt Lake 'm Green River vicinity for many years accept up her duties as a teacher in the Central a bridge over Seven Mile wash the high school which had been diyie Me do not think it this time you and had and wide acquaintance and the latter to is by V R accepted school going forward steadilyon Contractor Bush was ran consider the of the the resume theWork construction the citizens who have been friendship throughout pastern Among her in the high school east the Mcab-Ciseo studies They bridge across Pack creek of and payment on contract was road the as whole and we navfV nf this state He has a numconsideration for brought into delayed at Placerville week on town under the direction of are very oreman ‘made anxious to make such her of relativesin the east His sisRepublican nominations for county were It is understood that that account cf the sudden death of an Blumenthal John Shafer having completing those citizens of ter Mrs William Doyle of Bristol commissioners during the past week this will be put to work the uncle on the work of kalsomining the old section Grand county living in the of his death are P and J crew northern notified Miller W Bliss New York was of the high Part cf the proposed large bridge across Mill school building and county can reach the counand it is believed that the body will ty seat by creek at the Peterson ranch as soon varnishing all the desks of both buildings Mrs Knute Jackson and small son ins automobile and at the same be shipped to his old home in the east G McBride Dr W Williams J tho time cut off the beard authorized payment Pack creek structure is comseventy-five and R C Saturday for Provo to meet Mr miles of the for burial Clark are being suggested fileted for the work distance they at for in for Ia'ksn arrival Provo a must travel order as Democratic nominees county visit to The salary of Superintendent McCorkle get to from San Moab by automobile CARLOAD O CARNOTITE conirnissioners rancisco whero be is ORE of the an intern? in hospital He will reJ was raised to $2100 per year called meeting Edward Rogerson of Monticello ye have BRINGS BETTER THAN $5300 citizens of both It is G Woodstu'n (n that Place- Hntl Mrs- Jackson well known here was married last parts of the county to understood that P Po the 'Y111 back to to of over "m'D' come Moab spend Provo Walter McGee of Kansas a school proposed work on Sept The returns on a carload of carnocould not accept the Republican nomweek to Miss Dolly Darrel and therefore we the winter They will teacher Moab the last of would like very tite ore recently shipped by for county clerk for the rea-W reside at Provo came to Howard mation roach if loyd that he would be unable to the you would take this week and applied for a position matter Balsley C W Wright and son serve P as II K in the He sne-n as let us if elected of Open season on mourning doves will Thurber and a party of uranium county schools possible and Trout from their claims on Cane n account private was given on 'now your will decision in the matter of arrive in Moab today the Thompsons school and he left for received duties Mr Woods has been mention- continue throughout the month men springs wash have just been e wpgit to do this work ed as Kearns that place to between possible candidate for sheriff September with a limit of twelve birds for an inspection trip to the commence his duties The shipment consisting of 25 tons ow inil day He December so the road will brought something in excess of $5300 a or twenty-five per season They holdings in Dry valley recently Tuesday unable to resist the was 'n by the shape to use this winter and half of Campbell who was recently may be taken each day only from half Tungsten Products call of the wanderlust however and which it is understood represents Leo ''ext spring the net profit resigned after being on a job a day The ore brought suggested as a candidate for sheriff an hour before sunrise to sunset II company of which Mr Thuiber is sufor the to perintendeiit or Superintendent McCorkle is Respectfully $383 uranium content on the Democratic ticket cannot announcementof R two per ton in with the nomination it is fish and touch several applicants 'DzLIAMS Chairman and $120 ton for the vanadium stated Mr Siddoway state now per game com R card (lf Commissionersof Campbell is attending school in Colorado missioner At the home of Mrs jvhn Collins for the position and it is expected Grand content bounty and it is understood that he Monday eve log a lawn party was that the Thompsons school cqn reopen are conThe owners of the property and ward Relief society in a few days R J THOMSON are wants to complete his course Sunday given by the Third tinning mining operations Heber Murphy came down he to has complimentary Mrs M Young County Clerk additional where getting ready to make from Wilson mesa The announcementof p G Woods charge of the construction work on prior to her departure for Moab to theGood headway is' being made on shipments of the reside f0RMER LOCAL for the nomination sheriff on the The entertainment which surfacing of the post road under Wilson Mesa-Brumley road new BOY and luncheon the He music direction of Clinton W Crepps section was visited by a soaking Republican ticket was announced to states games dancing now getting under way A A long enjoyed by thirty-six resident engineer stretch of WEDS PROVO GIRL This rain Sunday Many of the wash day subject to the will of the Repubthat not much work has as yet been gift was to the but home guest road between Cedar ridge and Moab and Thompsons lican voters as expressed at the counto the shortage of heln was presented between Moab done due es Salt has been Lake Tribune shaled and work will the tv convention to be held the early part that with the -Provo Cor canyon to overflowing and approach of the fall season ?S roCGivp4 in Moab this were filled of October commence in a few days surfacing the ne freight cars were held up Citv marriage aat Oiitl bait ijaiC Lake stage and men and teams will be available Jast Walter J Winhourn this week sold new road al the head of the canyon iBe of C little damage was done at the Mr Woods has never before sought and work can proceed rapidly TaviA week Cecil Some his residence in the if:' T political Moab to Earl Harris which will open up and a office and has the qualifications new canyop rarmerly of this place concrete bridge in Court House wash The that $1500 Mr grade a would make a competent was Wagenen of Provo The when a big flood came down without Tl'bert Warwick in "An Adventure Harrisconsideration vonn did sheriff had previously sold his home He has resided at Moab! in Hearts"- Marv Pickford in "1Daddy c°uPe have gone on a The bridge workers trin motor warning time T get all of their tools for ten and for five or Longw Kf aiiriPA T ine euu vi o Lewis Quigley's daughter Wenda Te Yellowstone nut to years' Legs nnrnaiir's m noun town Win park and have some to be has Bingham vi been in the cattle busi-1 "Victory": the Paramount special plan winoourn and ramuy is reported for very sick and is being rpturn "411 likely make and implements out of the wash with six years to leave soon for Midvale by At Utah cared Mrs Lillywhite and at that ness present he is also connected "Evervwoman" Pr°y° for the present the a concrete mixer and with nvil vv uinH Ethel jiiivi Clayton :n her continuous the the W J will work at his trade as Mrs Cooper who are giving in the IkMoab wn zz avm k vv Mr Male" a Inhere niay to mud in rai Garage jzii nr ruin company iizi ii "More Deadly' Than county remove Grand water wagon were buried - he family later intend to attention nighj and day - All of the large acauaintanceship acquaintanceship wonderful fea-1 carpenter equipment has since been Woods has a aggregation of film Mrs'r' Taylor is the son of Air the rnrrvn o 'Twm Hsdla Idaho San Juan Record and extricated The submerged bridge throughout county apd his candi-1 ui 'utr incii nv-u vi KUDlIicigeu uiivukosuv cuies Jloah'i' Ph L draw strong coming week at the Ides theater Taylor formerly of which is practically completed with- dacy will undoubtedly C A NOTICE Mr and Mrs McDaniels have has PAU1 now res'ding at Provo He stood the flood in good shape support These pictures are pronounced among moved in from Big Indian for the the ever seen on Broadway district r'enh! throughoutthis lilt VITV Oltll VU very best G'll LHVauvay he C Hereafter a deposit of 2a cent for winter of bride is the Charles A Leu came down from Lyman passed through Moab -and while they're Hill new they will daughter W ach roll of left at the drug pr°n)inent11 films Saturday en route to Blanding from be presented at Moab even before Ed Van Wa&enen Reaver basin the first of the week for be pal developing must A hoop is about the only thing left 2 reslflentsof Provo left for where he Salt Lake where he had been in the thev have been shown in many cities store the manv and Cane springs in this ends country that can make both fhe proposed road to the of much larger ize You should see o couple extend will work on uranium properties for interest of the LTAII VIEW COMPANi ends meet congratulations H (Adv) W Balsley and associates natural bridges ‘rverv one ef these features by the were taken Tuesday commissionersto county construction work under way at fet to Castle be loa(' from mjee mi The vallev along the Grand river decided to meet with commissioners vallev of and Castle Moab the people 25 and September go on over the route with those interested with the view of deciding on a location idea in at plan of and arriving a action G McBride of Cisco Commissioner J the agreed get in touch with t" and his district have a committee of appointed to arrange for the Since hard Slels of board at drilling lime out which the Moab drilling is of the exceedingly retarded progress had test well for a i four issued I i i r- I M up-to-date cili-zents expected 5 officials i a ‘ i ' j ! J I weinersbologna J i expense ' I : be-lieied a J i expected I totals r Superintendent I ' a excellent t a a i i i 1 pupils issued j -'nether a nowused resulted reports i 1 i a I I : ! wasLabor ' commissioners I : j allowed j 1 ' uc-iconipanied ! a i 1 i r : a 1 1 z -' insofar - i a i 1l 4 i 1 U j ( ' ' I i ?I I I a 1 za J i l 1 1 1 1 L i a I u I : i I ! ! -room f a j i a I V - improvement a I 1 i J i i I J ' i ' -now i a a i i i : i a purchased c according I accept ' included i ! ! u v 1 ' - - - - ' - I - ' a fol-thfirlr"eir r i I I -result V r c v- i X z z i i f i T z i i a I - I I 1 I i i 1- 1 i 1 1 t i 1 n g ' r 1 Theeartv n -t41 s |