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Show ping Up : it\ciene it ciene itcieneri \ ri ric c , n erv e elenee lenee Service ServiceWi -Wi Wi - U Sert ice ice.n . In : .n n n Becomes BeCODles Hot Hoten of ofw ofn w e nEyesAreBusy n Eyes es Are re Busy Busy&ntist Busyntist , l ' entist ur'ns urns & ' ' Reveals Revealscate [ tate sate cate Meter feter 1Lests Tests TestsE TestsFperature E perature ferature p Changesp i Changesi Changesa Changes Changesicago a ica icago ica.go . o . . - - - Measuring thet theof the theof t of a brain-wave brain wave brain-tivave tivave - is the thc late latievement latchievcment lat- lat latchievement - e ch chievement chievcment ievement of Dr . . R . W W.ird Wird . . rd of the University ofgo ofgo of ofFDr go gowho , who 10 years ago , FDr D Dr . , A . V . . Hill . , British Britishel BritishI I prizeman , first mcasured measured mcasuredeat measuredeat measuredHeat eat of a nerve ncrve message . fee 0 o past four years much at atbad at- at atbad - - . & - " bad had been aroused since sincets sinceis sincebsts ts is found it possible to tothe toire toera ire the electricity which theproduces theproduces the theproduces produces v.hen vhen then . hcn it . works v.orks vorks worksre v.orkse workse re e recently , . , Dr . . Gerard reo reota re re-11 re 11 - to ta the American Amencan Physlologi-ociety Physlologi ociety Physiologi Physlologi- Physlologi Physlologieiety - . clety eiety , , the amount of oxygenby oxygenby oxygen oxygenby by portions portlons devoted to the theof theof thec of sight and touch has bas been beened beened beenured ed ed . . He has now been ablea able , thermometer which records recordsge recordsge recordsSite ge In temperature of 000075 000075s 0 00075 00075s s Centigrade to measure the therature therature the'rature therature ' rature changes of the livingv liVlDgJ livingr liVlDgthermomcter livingthermometer living liVlDg J r thermomcter thermometer IS an electrical electricald d the 'bulb bulb "bulb ' " ' ' " is the SIze at of atneddle ofpeddle neddle peddle . 'nus nus This ' Is m mserted erted into intoarUcuIar intoarticular arUcuIar articular part ot of the bram brain of oflaboratory oflaboratory laboratory anI a n i m a I 1 to be bed bed d . Whea When it is desired to find finde e hcat heat involved in seemg seeing , eedIe eedle goes into the paths that thatm thatm m the optic net nerves " . es and theor the theor or mstance instance , where it Is located located'tone locatedone 'tone tone ' one twcnty twenty fifth of an inch inchatlng inchatmg atlng atmg the eyes e } es of the ex- ex exental exental - ental ammal animal , , the e\.pcrl e.pcrl e .pcrl pcrl e.peri eperi ' \ . ' rs tound found that these optIc optIcys opticWays Ways ys In the bram brain began beganllh , \\llh llh with withmute \ llhmute mute , to get warmer . . two mmutes minutes more the tern tern- terne . - e rose , until it was a hunt hun- hun huntof hunof - of a degree above normal normale e restmg resting bram brawl . Four mm minr . ter this , the temperature was wasthat wasthat that of the restmg resting braID brain . . v Reaction Reaehon of Paws . r rChicago Chicago physiologists foundar found tound foundnllar toundJar nllar Jar ar response to pressing preSSlJ1g thewhen thewhen the thevhen vhen when the tiny tmy thermometer thermometerwas ! was ! , as placed in that part of ofram ofram ofram ram which has to do W1tht W1thIn with W1th t , In some parts of the bram brain brainpressing , essmg essing and "seeing seeing "seemg seemg " " had theof thek the theol k { ol of raising ralsmg the brain tem- tem tern- tern teme ternre tern-lire tern lire - re e . . Investigators In'wesUgators InwesUgators intiestigators ' have eV1dence evidence eV1denceese evidenceuse evidencethese ese use changes in the bram brain bramature brainattire brainirature ature attire are m la in part due to ane an ane anue e of blood flow to the por- por porthe por-of por of - the brain bram used In tHght sight tightithe , , the eye is illuminated lliummated , and andt andit t portion which is used to toh toulsh tob ( h b touch when the anunal animal anunalched animaloiled animaliched ched oiled ; ; but in part dut due duetto to the thework thework theI work done by nerve cells . |