Show il OF J 6 MCBRIDE PLEASES R GRAND JUNCTION the election tiec tion of J G mcbride as representative from grand county to the utah tate state aturo greatly plea tied his hi friend friends at grand junction judging from tho the following editorial published in gldays dally daily sentinel of that city among the victor victors in the recent election junction has more than a 11 superficial pleasure in tho the success of one outside of colorado tern terri tor mr sir J G mcbride of cisco utah wa was elected to the legislature of his state and will RO go up to salt lake city january I 1 1st at for thirty day days to look after the interests of grand C county ty mr sir mcbride is strictly a busine bu alK man but comin coming frona kentucky many years apo ago he has ha eno h of the eld distillation of demo democratic eraN blood still 1 ienir in his to get him into the rime game when he sew en cn 0 ohnor or eunity to aid his country so along alone with john W davis he carried hie his county and will be an active solon at tit tho the capital thi this winter for eastern utah mr air mcbride has hits been one of the leading le adini spirits in tho the road enterprises 0 of f his county no man iman hai has done more for the 0 0 P P highway at a the most vital point for hn his section of his state and incidentally Incident aliv for ours we ammine innelle mr mcbrides legislative ambition was largely kindled by a ee cesiro to overcome if possible the neg lect elect which tho the road building function arim of utah have been heaping upon grand county in this particular grand junction extend extends congratulations to mr mcbride and wishes him well kT crowing OWing that if any man can pet get the road project projects on tho the way ita its me mc |