Show 4 person persons causing fire fires criminal criminals say chie chief igims persons re Ima sible for fire oro through car care lesen pas are cri minoll and I nd should so be treated alj said I 1 1 ire Ile carthy at a hearing parine li biafore the state fire cominis lon here hie III committee ei ap pointed by governor Oo vernor cox li is seeking means to tt reduce ar are in hlo this ante state 1 I urge the passage of law laws making every bergot on chow premises prem lec alrie occur anser be fore ore A court and here there 1 rea son on for uch such fire the chief aid said if it lie li Is unable to prove that the fire wae wall not due to ills carelessness or negligence he should he be floid to make him 1040 realize iiii hi guilt 4 t |