Show S S Of G AND JU l Attorney Udall Demands For Defamation Of Character NOT GUILTY OF MISCONDUCT Tur Wm in tn He lie Hod It 11 Mudo the grand jury jur made an un al III false e Impertinent defamatory tory tOr report In ie J ard ord to him c cA A Udal nn un y residing at nt today tiled cult In the district t I court against the of ot the jury to recover damages In the lum of ot 59 51 Tho complaint alleges that prior to Nov No 1905 the v an an at nt attorney torney at nt In practising In the courts of at this state and hall had never keen guil guilty guilty ty of ot any IIno misconduct or In connection with his hi profession but bitt that thill notwithstanding Mill fart the defend defendants ants named herein James on L O Thomas Crooks T I ton Alfred A T P Heck Heckl l r John A Mel Melville el ville Ir 11 returned published hc on th above date the report of ot anil 1111 1 concerning plaintiff plain tift We further and report that ona OM Udall an attorney nt at law 13 of o Juab count ha been guilty of unprofessional conduct recommend mend that the tho State liar Bar association make It Is that raid lIld de words ore ere written md i lul lullI lI hell by h the defendants while they the w Were re tul ely to be he as asa JIIn a n lawfully authorized NI grand Jury Udall that paid statement has Ms Injured him In hi hl on und do di him of or crat greal and profil which would otherwise oth hoe have arisen and accrued to him In his profession all ull to toI I i damage In the sum named above 1 |