Show CHINESE EXCLUSION LAW LAWI I I i l for I i IrICH Ii lIt llo lull ott mid a II Serious Situation Berkeley Cal Nov ov 21 Horace Da Dals Dais ls is I n it former dent of the lie state stale uni university and prominently connected with the he Pacific ln lI roast t trade the lie orient declared today ada In a it lecture on that lint sub subJect subject before the college of commerce n a branch of tiC the university t the tie boycott on aim American goods In m China to be lie a 11 men menace menace ace to American Interests III In the orient creating a II situation so o serious that the Chinese government finds Itself power powerless less to lo control It II This untoward con condition condition he attributed to C the time harsh harAh admin administration of or the American exclusion lon law last III Speaking of oC the possibilities I of oC th this the trade with China alone ho he said Raid These The Chinese hiM nw have a foreign commerce amounting to about un 16 a n ahead head hend per year r Japan has hus In 40 10 years developed R a commerce running up from nothing to 10 0 about M i per person a ayour your year or nr about per year yeam ear alto altogether nether gether It If china can be he made to do lie elop elo such flUch n mm trade as 1111 this In time the sam time it II t would amount to about 2500 O Now ow Chinas foreign commerce I Is IA What t this great I growth would mean to 10 all the his countries taking I part In supplying Chinas needs need can cano o c telly be b i understood If China could I Ier rr over er r be le made ilia 1 8 to develop a n foreign commerce aqualung equalling per capita talta the com corn commerce I merce meree of at this his country It would amount to stupendous total of or a 1 year jear eal an 00 amount almost Inconceivable I |