Show I I q WILD WlL RUMORS ORS ORSI Admiral who tho ho has not noti i I prominent nt In Iii public view since tho th II I lily flay ho lie lost hla hl hI largo larKO Ile t In the tho I of ot Korea KorM has haa h ll aIn again come onie to the tho front Tills time ho lie appears rs with n it story slon etor to tot the t h effect that the English commander j f of ot f tho the Asiatic IulI to toJ J 1 Ills hili In 11 case CAKO thu Jap Jal JalI I hould fall to do so eo o q has hall ia evidently taken of or tho tM th lie t credulity of tho the bl big HU and spun a I yarn yams which he haa has accepted as ni fact l ThU Is 19 not when It In It re remembered rei i that he lie fired filM at peace lenC peaceful lenCi I i ful Cui fishing oat oits In the orth North Sea Sen I where this kind of or craft In III so o numer numerous t i ous In thi belief bellet that they the were ero tor torpedo torpedo do Ono who con cnn make such Much sucha l a I 1 childish mistake 1 Is no authority on onI I tho the plans plana of ot Great or any other country The Th government could hav h hare o no flO object in Attacking K Ito jf unless the tho Intention Win WAR to t makl war upon But Dut Orett Ore i proved prove thai nho eho did not want war lIr r by hy tho Improbable ex explanation offered red nn OM R nil excuse for th the i North orth Pea Se ea blunder If JC that country had ui desired war var would ouM havo hao been fell the time to declare It for tor a it flimsier cx OX 4 cUlla could uld have been conceived 1 of ot for such lIuch a l grave gruve mistake ml Hut But Eng Jong England land dill did id not want wt war with Russia nu ln Tho The facility with which absurd rd tU ru rumors I Imo J moN mors mo ran can pi gln In credence In Ilu Hussla sli In III marvelous Here Bern li It I another Ill Illustration A short tune time no a n f Immigrant arrived In Hoton Of Ot course Ms hh opinion wan wall a l concerning In his lila country Ho tie declared that tho the troubles of ot the Crr 4 V jt w Were re caused by h Jews Jewa who ho tor tormented 1 the military Into committing C outrages He lie Mild hl alto ateo that the revolution tion was an nil of M tile tho Jay Jov J W J lt to o upset the tho Imperial Im au ILU authority In tn order ordet that they themselves might become of ot In III a II I country where hero s Mich Ich absurd rumo cnn can In I bo Ln 1 0 circulated and considered truthful I yarn arn about Great Oret OretI I f hostility cannot fall tall to find j Trady Tho Jews e Inspiring to obtain control of ot the tho nIL i government I V 1 nut flute como comno to tf think of ot It are nm ru rumors I i mors nors nor nn moro mor absurd than some omo of ot those that have been sent font broadcast In Inthis I this country about the tho That Tuk the Mormons though they bo ho hut hIlt a Q handful PA u compared to toI I the population of at tho United n nj nM jj j to lo the control of ot the government Is III Isone I Ione one of oC the time many ghost told to ocaro the tho tug bill n In this country I It Is III entirely on a tt n par mr with the t etory atory about tim tho Jews of or that country tind their olin at nt control cont contOn Only On a 1 short abort time ngo ago a J fanatic enter entertained nn an Illinois audience by hI that the tho Mormons will vIII In a n short time Irne hold tho the balance of or power In nil the th Western Wyoming Mon Men Montana tana Info Nevada Oregon Washington f New ew O V Mexico Arizona California and I Colorado an orea nt of ot rt Jt ure The Imp In ImperIo ho will viIi bo ho then iw II longer n i dream of ot a n fanatical sect hut but a n I thing thine realized As AM long bug nn nil n American Am In InI I eon can nn receive auch tales with fear t ar mutt mul anti and be he become become 1 come hysterical we le must mullet cealo a at nt the tho effect of ot similar hoods upon the tho ho musses II nero Her HerIn ro roIn a In thin I country countr education In le more immure gen general I eral Them should bo he l le ien H credulity I and n nIl moro common sense lIen I |