Show MI r E E A Larkin St ISI k mants m for tor the tho Dally nally 8 Saturday v and Weekly klY News ld on tin th the same tamo let terms mi 04 U at III the gait Bait Lake Circulator John J McGregor 2241 Wash Ave e Ind Tel ith rt Pap lac Paper r Co Payments for the Iho Dally ally Saturday and nd S News hewn should b be ba made to 10 time tha circulator Delivery made Duel h b by carrier on tho the Lame came terms lenn as II In hI Salt Batt Lake PROVO DEPARTMENT The Th New Mi 11 delivered dellver J by carrier In Trovo Provo at tt 71 TI cents centA per month R A J Agent Arent I i Poulton Madsen Owen Co 11 MAIN STREET 33 OFF OFFA A On all Suits and Overcoats in including eluding Alfred Benjamin CoA Co CoALL 1 ALL A LL THIS T HIS WEEK 1113 Min Main Street Where the the Clothe Clothes Fit Hew to Avoid Avord Pneumonic Pneumonia lien h YI never lIH I hard of a 1 In Instone stone of Ir a s cold col I resulting In 1 or oth other r lUll lun lung r y Money Henri mid and Tar bus liun hen taken Ilk n It II not only s sIlia the Ilia coned couch but hut hula and nirl strengthens time t 10 Ask Ahk for Koloj c Honey ney sod Tar Tal anil reus l nn nIl any offered Dr C 1 l nf of ln w v Mich I have hafI used usell tied und end Tar In III verr vert moos Of nf ini wimp Rood cool re reo stills mils II In every fn cu u sain sale h by y F I J Hill Drug Co C m Chamberlains C g Cough l Remedy h Y J Curu Neu Colds Cold Croup sad aid Couch Cou k BENT HER DOUBLE DOUDLE I f ku 1 knew w io one fur for 01 four lilli 1111 I 1 wag wa sick lck 1 1 with It h typhoid t kidney y trouble Mrs r Annie Hunter of It Pittsburg Ill rn and I gut Kot better hetter although I J hall had limo nilI of nr th b h I st t doctor doctorI I 1 could got QI I was bout beat double und hud bud to r nt my 1113 hands on ins III n when I Iu walked u Krom thin terrible t I 1 waa rescued rl bv b 11 Bitters which was i cu d ol by hy m which h now Harr no 1 I CUll can walk us as its I vr VII They are simply teed to cure liver IRr mind kidney at It t M It 1 t L true utere 1111 I Forth Houth Main ahl St HI price limbs 60 ro THE WAY OF OP IT All 1111 comeTo come rome comeTo To those e wha wait Hut But when they th do out of date late Catholic Standard and ana an 1 Times i AN OLD BACHELORS OPINION There may lOa him b stains upon her soul II 01 I nut the she will not lIt repine t Or bother much concerning that If J her 1111 l One New Orleans SAVED HIM TROUBLE Una Dubbs made mil de up 1111 Ills his mind 1 to marry Illa that ift 7 arv It Sh made up her er mind Houston lon Post Poet HIS PROFICIENCY Does Doe lit ble Billings play pia golf Xo No answered 1 Miss lIss Cayenne He lIt dOf nt play piny phi It t he talks It WAsh WAshIngton Ington Star MEXICO CITY AND RETURN Vl Via D 0 R G January Ten dun days transit limit haunt In both hath direr IlIre directions untie Kin Final nl limit Feb An 1 unusual un usual opportunity to see the greatest trelle t winter retort resort ll ort on earth eurth Thousands are going from toll rum the frozen fio en East 1 lIst to witness NUneS the Grand Oolf Tournament Party leaves leee Suit Snit Lake via 11 I D A H It O G tt tit 8 n a m ill slid makes direct connections See Seo Se SeI I A Heaton Bell tOil Dooly Block for tor further particulars THE CENTURY SEWING MACHINE Eli I m m Mall Yo d e 1 el r ri ft Yoa fu I ISleD SleD i n Ii u uThe i s The highest type ype of or FAMILY P Y SEWING SE WINO MACHINE the embodiment of or SIMPLICITY and UTILITY the ACME of DC CONVENIENCE f Cj Still another feature Is the OSCILLATING OSCILLA HOOK a device assuring absolutely correct motion for or making A PERFECT LOCKSTITCH avoid avoiding Lug log variable speed and reducing friction I Machines Rented Repaired Exchanged changed At the Singer Store I 43 South Main St Salt Lake City Utah x r r t t i Tho Tim Kind Hind You Yon i avo Always Bought and which has lias l been id 16 use uso for fOl over aver 30 years has hns borne born the tho si fil of ot and has been lo under tinder his hI per since Its infancy Allow no ono one to deceive you In this All AM Counterfeits Imitations 1111 arc but Experiments that with nod endanger tho the health of ot Infants nud Children Experience against Experiment 1 t What is CASTORIA j is IR a n substitute for Castor OH Oil Pare Paregoric gorle ROrie Drops nail and Soothing Syrups It is Js Pleasant It contains neither Opium Morphine nor 1101 other Narcotic z Its ago is It destroys Worms nUll and allays Feverishness It cures Diarrhoea VIOl Wind t Colic Jolle It relieves Teething Trouble cures nUll 1 It assimilates tits tho Food l regulates the Stomach and ml Bowels giving healthy and natural sleep sloop Tim The Childrens Panacea Tho mothers Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of ofIn The Tho Kind Kill You Have Bavo Always Bought BoughtIn I In Use For Over 30 Years T t COMPANY 00 as f 10 tin cn I THE UNITED STATES SMELTING COMPANY If Is I now In th the mullet market for all Wads of otlea l t and o OO popper w r cm or 0 at SAVOR 1 VOR ABLE TO all to SALT iAtT LAKE LANE UTAH UT n ill all aa as panted eDited Dot l Stats BlaU Company JUNCTION UT Ul When Whan nt U is I mart made pl pleas NOTIFY US and an If It SAMPLER U is preferred pr w a WHICH ONE also alio i l nati ONE AS f SA TEn I k A L Doors Open at TOMORROW WE ENTER UPON ANOTHER DAY DA Y 9 Tomorrow OF THIS THE GREA GREATEST TEST SALE KNOWN r Morning Horning and I 2 ESTABLISHED AB LI S H B G 1864 t 11 I IT WISE BUYERS f WILL BE HERE THEN ONE PRICE TO ALL NEVE NEVER R RT UNDERSOLD T IS literally the fhe Sacrificing of Prices the wiping out oui of profits and the throwing in in of generous portions of the he original cost cos of the greatest I stocks of Seasonable Merchandise and all this that thai we may close out this grand of Winter Winer Goods before the fhe arrival of the new spring crop It is isas as the people well know our rule of conduct as unalterable as the tides lides never to 0 carry carryover over otter goods from one to the theother n r r rother other HOWEVER HEAVY THE LOSS SUCH A COURSE FREQUENTLY CALLS US TO FACE Faith In m the he future Ill fortified by commercial courage and a determination to 0 present our patrons at al a commencement of each season with the latest and best besl of the worlds productions productions A lions are reasons good and sufficient to us for having entered on this seemingly suicidal course and continuing this Carnival of present loss Tomorrow Morning sees a REARRANGEMENT OF ALL GOODS ON TABLES AND COUNTERS TO FACILITATE QUICK SELLING GET HERE EARLY EARL Y I tl I I t I I II 1 4 i I 7 I Try Graves D Tooth Powder It is the most effective tooth t and cleanser nude nade Use it for health and leaves delicious after t taste Ask your dentist In haply and metal dun caul 1 or l i 5 I Jr Crr Iy s Tooth Powder Co Go i I iI |