Show ARRESTS FOLLOW FOLLON SALE OF MEAT Gu Guests Gueits of Hotel HoLd Suffer When S Served With Veal Sold by Accused Following the thc report that several sc guests at Joseph Ferrando's hotel 66 West esl South Temple became seriously III lu after alter partaking o of ot a n meal of or which veal cal was the principal article city health officers investigated and the result was that J. J Hicks and Elmer Elmor Hopkins are in lit the elt city jail char charged cd with having ln sold oId infected meats 1 They hey were arrested b by Dr M M. J. J Connolly It is h charged that hat the two killed a a. sickly starving calf in the r rear ar of ot orthe otho the ho Kennedy saloon First South and andrest West rest Temple and sold tho the carcass for fora a small m sum suni to J Ferrando Tho cook at the tho hotel is reported I Ito to have protested against serving servin the veal eal because it looked unfit for food I but orders were given and tho the guests became side sick It Is charged further that tho the two I slaughtered a cow that was sick because because be cause of a broken leg and sold two front quarters to a res restaurant In First South and anti that they tIley contemplated selling the carcasses of or five rivo starving and sickly cows caws Sale Salo of oC these last animals wa was wat prevented prevented by b Dr Connolly Connolly Con Con- noll nolly who set sel about having the animals ani ant mals condemned Hicks Is said to be a stockman of or Park City who has thas been grazing cattIe cattle cat cat- tle tIe In the hills east cast of or Salt Lako City Hopkins is an said to have Q been employed b by Hicks to dispose dispose dis dis- dis pose of or tho the alleged unfit carcasses Dr Er Connolly says starving star animals of ot tho the type mentioned are arc Infected and death may follow eating such flesh lash |