Show r Ie IC e Furnishing a Question IF- IF L Of l Knowledge Not Money i T of or homemaking women L Jt At part Is Js hing and decorating Hi house Yet In this art they I I ir rulo rule absolutely untrained a I cJ f Itle College Course Courso In Economies Economics will Include a num- num e on this fascinating sub sub- ns f le ot by bp Winifred The he first two are 3 item tem assistant professor protessor of doc do- do Iowa State college ic c rt fy y Winifred S. S Gettemy sunt Professor of Domestic Art l Iowa State College lesson in Tho The Telegrams Telegram's S in home homo economics economics p g. g COU ou cane mno e furnishing Is not a L question ney ch chiefly but o of at k knowledge tort fort simplicity P- P anti and beauty uty the e es- es lais of ot A Awell well turn furnished 1511 cd home borne are aren jn In n roach reach of even the small income J th the on one who directs the fur fur- in h has some ome understanding of or I proportion p and am color tho the laws rn Sit all ornamentation I terms terrea of or art value alue means the I Iff tt te of or dark diTl or light of at a a. tone ie 1 natural t e divisions ons of or ft a room m may l kei to those those- In a landscape walls Io foreground round cell cell- I the landscape these divisions are T values ues ranging from the tho t X with tho the darkest t vahie to theroun the tho round Around medium and ond finally to tho the the lightest lightest- The corn corresponding I 9 5 of ot a r om should bo o of or the same sam 0 Ire ITC values lUcS l e Floor Floor The The use tISO of at the trot floor r T res re- re s that it be dark enough to with w I j the nat natural du dust A that may be ba bae bee I Ip p e e In upon lt it th the floor loor er c. covering n color as wen well aa g design should be such as na to emphasize em em- I tb flatness' flatness of or the surface covered It Jars jar the tho sense of ot the fit fitness fit fit- ness nes of at things to walk upon pictures of sleeping dogs or cats or luscious red roses while soft dull tones and Inconspicuous Inconspicuous inconspicuous Incon incon- geometric rna patterns servo not only as Os s a n becoming background for tor the theother theother theother other furnishing of ot tho the room room but also aleo fulfill the tho duly duty for which they are arc made Tho The Walls Walls The The wall are arc not walls alone but also tho the back background und for tor pictureD plc- plc turea turc and furniture t and should be subdued in tone but lighter than tho the floor Door Plain wall wan surfaces are always the best When fl are 9 used t they they should bo be of or a c conventional nature small in design soft in color and lIko Ilko the floor coverings emphasize the flatness of ot the wall valL On bright lar large c figured walls pictures suffer sutter decidedly from the contrast Such walls aIls should be kept zept free from pictures as ns they are sufficient decoration in themselves Proportions high hiSh ceilings cell ceil lags ings will appear r lower if it the picture molding 1 Is dropped as low 10 as possible When ben wall w spaces are ue extremely low or rf n long they should never be bo broken cn b by picture molding molding- or plate raiL nal Addit horizontal linci linc only emphasize low long Ions effects The usco use o of ot striped paper In such rooms where it is 18 suitable will mn serve e as ss a a. counter counterattraction I at attraction to 10 the tho exaggerated horizontal lines Inca s Interior as a u Whole Whole The ol The whole floor o of f a n house should be bo considered of decoration as ns one in the question If it well arranged the tho rooms will bo be thrown together tog ther more or lers and a pleasing from each into tho the thoo o others rs will wUl be gained guined by a use of ot re related ro- ro colors In the a rooms |