Show SI STANDARD TO PAY 40 Cents a Share Declared De- De dared Payable Sept 29 The Tintic Standard Mining company corn com pany dl tribute 40 cents a share or to stockholders on Sep SepI I r 29 it was announced Tuesday Tuesday Tues Tues- day morning by James W. W Wade Vade assistant as- as general manager following a meeting of directors The dividend divi- divi will be paid to stock o record rec- rec ord of Sept September 15 and the company's corn com pany's books will be open for transfer trans trans- fer on S September 17 it was an- an This is the regular quarterly divIdend div div- o of the Tintic Standard Mm- Mm Ing company making a third for year ear or og a total o of for the three quarters of 1927 With the payment of this dividend the company corn com pany will have paid in dividends to stockholders a total of Other lead slIver mines that are expected to pay regular quarterly dividends with the close o of September Septem ber are Silver King Coalition with 25 cents cens a share and Utah Park Consolidated with 20 cents a share |