Show Re Realty Listing B Bureau r a aI I To Meet Wednesday Ti The annual meeting of the F bureau of the Salt L Lake ke real estate board will be l held eld at 1215 afternoon at atthe the chamber or of commerce A directorate dl- dl rate of five members will be bc elected at the at-the the meeting from which will be chos chosen n a. a ch chairman and and vice n of the bur bureau au The anJi anual an- an Ji ual al report of of the retiring chairman chairman chair chair- man will be read The first meeting of the season of the Salt SaIto Lake real estate board will be held H at t 12 1215 15 o'clock Thursday Thursday Thurs Thurs- day afternoon at the chamber of at commerce Delegates Delegat s to the na na- na convention will deliver reports reports re- re ports on the Seattle meeting |