Show Big nl Five Mining Co Denver Donver Colo Cola Aug 14 A stormy weeks session of ot th nili fig Flys Fhe Mining company has ho ended In of ot actions In the time federal court against Dr DrO DrI O 0 I II ButTe n a BOlton stockholder for COr or damages William P Daniels president anti and M C Merrill secretary treasurer of or time tho company nrc tho the complainants Each asks for tor for alleged defamation of character Tho Time suits tire aro based on alleged to 10 untie been made mude by b Burtn through the tho press and In Ia conversation to tho effect err et that the time named were guilty of at various dubious nets In the tho manage ment mont of oC the tho company ns as n a gigantic scheme to defraud stockholders for the tho benefit of ot tho time and favored stockholders Tho of or tIme tho com come company rally pany Is in largely lucid nc tho the east |