Show fm n J yuu 1 uk of If f the time ca caito CaBO o the tho bond of ot the state has hal placed him under 2500 hondl which ho he has hns not yet et be len n able to furnish Mil MB m ILS STATEMENT In an IntervIew given your our r Into ni by b hit Ht Le Ie Bleur In III Provo under date of at May 3 I 1 notice my name In connection with curtails certain statements nta regarding the tho of ot tacit stock of the theLt Lt Ie It Opal Mining company In InJustice It Justine Justice to lysol I 1 to enter a n do tic of ot sammie It I Is its a n grossly statement by Mr Lo La moro mere merely ly Iy to detract attention from his own guilt I became anti and nn treasurer of ot o othe the Le Lu Opal Mining company nt itt lt Its ts Inception Aunt April ANI 27 1903 tind remain remained ed In that capacity until July 14 I tol fol following lowing since which time tune I have hl e had hul no 10 connection whatever with wih time thu manage management meat ment of time tho company or the time unit sale of ot UN Its Ia stock stork My ty retirement was du tItle entirely to personal Iler with wih Mr Lo who Insisted upon handling th founds of ot the company against my lay pro PO po poteat POtest test teat Mr Le Ie hiatus says Hays I was removed for cause caute but carefully AvoIds giving It a I name 1111 In ha 11 truth no charge was Wil over ever brought against me nie I J was forced out by the arbitrary action netlon of at Mr Le Ie 1 accompanied by ft n threat thront upon I LEFT LEG LEO CRUSHED Andrew Jacobsen Thrown Under Uder the Wheels of Train Special to tho the News NeI Ogden July 21 Andrew a I transient passing through Ogden Imil hm his hil left leg crushed above oboe tho thin ankle this morning morIng under time the wheels of ot nn an ni Oregon Short Line Lino freight Jacobsen hAIl had gone Ion to tn the water vater tank where he Intended the tho freight atm 1 i which ha ime hoped hopel to tn steal n a 1 ride He lie le missed his him hil footing In the time jump was wan thrown unties under the tho wheels with wih time the re result suit sult stated The rise traIt train trin ns nt at once oneo stopped and Ind the tho Injured man picked up upon and on taken to the tho hospital where the leg g wilt will wi be he amputated Jacobsen Is Isn IsI IsIL n IL I Swede about 35 years yearn of ot age anti and is II evidently n a 1 mast man of good habits as nR he Ime refused to take liquor whan It was as offered him to deaden the time pain pail A complaint wIlt will wl ha bl sworn Iwon to this nf af If by Mrs hire Kd Ed Jordan charging Mrs Irs John Johl Malan with sIth wih with wih n tt deadly Sheriff Harmon of Provo Prove arrived In Ogden Olden this thle morning moring Logan whore where ho went sent last Ilet night after Laughney who In Is wanted on the charge of ot obtaining money mony and goods under false falsa tal e pretenses Laughney Is well known In If Ogden whom lhor his hil folks oil ud for fo n it 1 number er of ot years He lie Is IK sold ell to have hAe Jumped hH hIs hl board lull bill 11 and go pa 0 cured money moisey through misrepresentation tion ton The Time man was WAR taken to Provo this thin afternoon CITY COUNCIL COUNCI SESSION SI Tho Time committee on sewers sowers and the committee on oil laws 11 lan s a ot of th the tha city elt council held hlll n a joint meeting last II t night con cl tho the bids for tor or the construction of a tIme the sewers genera Ie weIl In district No 0 D After n 1 discussion flon which i nn nut ni hour all n a I half the time committee voted against HI as HIlow I low lowing Inn Co n 0 of at Denver to have Iise hlf the contract nt at figures 1000 1600 Go loss ions than appeared on Oi the th face of ot their bid hIll for far L 12 I C This Thill was ciss WR a n victory Co a 0 of at Salt Bait Limits When the bids were wen opened It watt fountS found that nil all 11 the local contractors were went higher than Ibsen the out outside outsIde side contractors cent motors As Al tabulated I by hy the time city engineer tho the bid nf ot Iel Co via ss 11 1000 0 better beleI that than Gibbons Co 0 but Gibbons had evidently made A 1 clerical mistake which was WI responsible for tor his bid being the tho hIghest Th Time The mutter matter came ramo up tip II on his bid hll for time the construction of manholes Ills I hid bid hi un was 01 for Cor or time the tl first 12 14 feet eel fell antI 15 1760 50 for tor or each Ih additional two feet felt feltIn In depth This Tills second was evi evidently dently denty B a 1 clerical leMel mistake ml fur 1 75 and probably was responsible for Cor Gibbons ft Co I a losing this the There was a I clause In time the lIons providing that no s ocr cor corrections or or explanations of bids bille should he bo allowed alow ell and altoS on the city attorney sided I with Attorneys HendersOn who wh represented oy claimed that it I would bo lu clearly Illegal for tOI the time council to corrections The only thing they thoy could do according to time the city Ity ity attorney was to accept the lime bid bil ot of I l or cm to reject rejet all the time bids Never Noer timeless Chambers made nade a to I vigorous light fIght for tor the tho contract to the time usurer Denver Heler firm nt at ot the reduced rl u cell 1 U reI Ho Hou 10 lb se u by hy Pal lal i but WI N Ne e and Carr CRr argued the tho Ito reputation of ot if the city eit for hottest honest dealing was wall ut at It stake anti that the city cit elt had bath nl al leady saved 1000 by h I IID tile outside out bill bid bidders ders Iler coming In Iii If rr they should ito no 10 alk on their outside con In iii II the tho would not mint come como comeIn In lit 1 to bid on Ogden work Time The Ti vote oto stood four to two t 10 |