Show I We Druggists Who Sell Dr Miles Agree If It Fails To Refund Cost Costor Of or court course e wo we 0 fei reimburse the druggist You know linow him and on trust truet him Dr li le medicine for your our nerves It cures cure diseases of ot the tha Internal or sane cans by lIy giving tono to tho the nerves which make miko l those thos organs work It 11 I Is n a novel theory not of t anatomy I but of ot treatment tre Drat discovered 1 by Dr Mlles and since outdo use Una JIll of ot by many physicians who op predate Its 1111 value vatu tIne In la trotting treating tho the nick sick I If you aro are sick nick Iek wo o Tar you ou a II way to tobe toI tobe I be bo mach l r Milts Ullen Till 1111 medicine ml Is le a 1 cure curo for tor disorders such luch aa ae Neuralgia headache Loss e of f r Memory n Mil flora m Et St Vilua Ilus I Dance y or 01 olI Nervous Pros etc Ily II up the tho Dr Or 1111 I wilt will sl else o cure our those thOle of Qt the Internal organs due to toa toI toi I a disordered system some Borne o 0 of these them aret reI nil flit Bilious I ious bus headache Hu Kidney Trouble Constipation Dropsy Catarrh t m etc elo Air Aly brother r hud had h ft nervous prostration end was not expected d to live Jive I pro pre prevailed upon Mm to 10 try Ur Dr Miles g and now ha ho has bee fully tully recovered l You I wrote role you 11 how liow It II saved lilY rny lift Ufa a II few Cew yen years o r ago ugo when I hod bcd nervous trouble I nr arh It Its merits to 10 a M hl I U lawn Jwu J FREE BEE ViII us UI and lI TWo Co o w wiH wll mAil I you OU a KF Free rell r p ot of Dr Pr Mil Mites Pill PIli the tho NOW New fie n Remedy mt JY for tor Pain Aleo tiso Iso I tom torn for tor or our l t to to case nalo and oM tell lull you OU shat IN I wrong non I I 01 art how to If ri ht Abed I ely Ino I I e ia nIi afe fRIO ij co roUl l ii J II a sl 3 r Our SHOE IM L SALE ALE i 1111 ENDS SATURDAY NIGHT Broken linos up to GOO on tables nt n pair too OFF ON OH ENTIRE STOCK f and unit Main Maln Street Stroet Phone 69 GARDNER CARDNER DAILY STORE NEWS As thin thia as thin can be without sacrificing z any of the good wear wearing I Ih h ing Ilg qualities qua is J the kind of re summer underwear you youcan youcan can expect when you tt come here a aI You can expect o to find a large and varied I showing to select from fromY r r d 11 I You Y can expect to toK K find every garment b priced to suit your purse n And you will not be disappointed ONE P mm 1 mcm J J e e GARDNER I l I MAIN ST TUB THE DUALITY OALI rl ir tt t t r itO O S B H ROBERTS ROBERT J NEW NE JV HOOK Mormon Doctrine of a V Deity Roberts Van Per ner Discussion ELDER B 11 H Lh ROBERTS LATEST l And Km In some f pct HIJ HIS GREA TEST WORle K KHAS r MS HAS JUST ISSUED RUM THE Df I 1 I I Gill 75 i iI r t I tAil All Ail the Mormon Church Publications Publication Sunday school and M N tI I A and Jup piles pile always in do stock tock Jend J nd for far Freo Free Catalogue i I Deseret L News Ne ws Book Store I 8 e MAIN MAM ST SALT A LAX K CITY UTAH r jf i M tt tt i i 3 rJ S ld it Y i 0 SKI I SE s l The C I r g 0 of lad r I While BloOd hot lIot d always II painful l f u I th ti tim e ll With ith fens tew m t when thc s e s Ity ale w t y r a t skin kilt leading 0 to th In p t In a that aC I I is SS t to rl t nu boils boila and puppies e III ng the w IV oR 01 tie the kiml ki nd make their cs rasheR and eruption So mo and l n 0 J B s B 5 f i c on letter the twin of or ll hou o s a 1 road YO 11 lIt skirls skin diseases Olsen Nettle ash Ra h Irivo t t o e ay ayI t I a an oz k p tl li la In tun tue Poison 1 Oak cud Ivy nod r i It a n an tone toO to q outer other troubles IS as nn In e ea ar ono asks e usually remain quiet quid during tro bl d with nn Itch t uri fA or or II 0 the cold weather break Im out fOtO Inca n cog n rU Uon o on t I nfl sh to torment and ills dis e o I to t s si s fa the o mon r In 41 I tract by hy their fearful burn of o this eruption I t thinka OW e bl itching fug and od in 11 IO tonic known u tob tr r t u i 01 of c or nna an toul tOil 0 known to it t A course of VS S 3 S 8 S now will J th tho orld 18 ld t Url purify p nod and enrich the blood 1330 1000 East Bait EI t 8 Ht S RANK RANI y reinforce and tone up the carry off orr the bodily impurities general t i system m and anH d channels channels clean The skin skin kin Th with bl u 1 1 ll the tite smooth and free of nil all shit It i Send for our book on ou diseases s 3 of T t M Mus S SUs us 18 if U you desire medical advice or any special sp te s n Oil his you nothing donning will se seyou y E SWIFT SPECIFIC C CO COst s GA G A ESTABLISHED W t L L c tP 0 LL t NEVER o I L SPECIAL J Friday ii 0 I Eight Light hundred hun tc yards I of colored Taffeta Silk 19 inches wide in all I f the leading shades Just J list a athe the thing for or linings I Regular RC ular value For C I Friday only at per pcr I yard j 9 0 0 I iI f y c l f f AY R I THE ti 1 Forest City I Worlds Pair Fair Art Portfolios t constitute a superb series of photographic reproductions which afford a permanent I record and souvenir of r v TIlE THE fiRE GREAT LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSITiON You will be proud to posses the hc work I both for far or personal possession I IThe 1 and to show your friends f i iThe The series is entertaining entert instructive j jand and inspiring by reason of its magnificent J 1 photographs and its absorbing descriptive t matter written wr by Secretary Walter B j t Stevens of the Exposition t tD D on t M Miss a ab f t Single N Number b 1 d You owe it to yourself you owe it to your family to secure this superb st p rb j f S history of the great j f Dollar Exposition j tt t t tTo HOW TO GET THE T f VIEWS j r f I I 1 1 ir w IOe for part II In n l t TIIE Ti I o of I tin tilt Dally or t tl 4 II i i 1 I l 1 ll m only to 10 Daily Subscribers who ho am are II In f 1 Ono One Portfolio Fron with ovary mottles Ion I I 1 or 12 by h payment of If t a II In advance Po no othel a Or 01 Y I i r 11 o |