Show I I When Sandow Saadow poses tI end ani the ridge bli hi bl back bock send knot hIs lili III arlu mi w think TTO we havo have before in tie II the very recreo of o strength In magnificent II muscles Dut YVO we of ot what It I practical the lie NIno thing tiling let let Is bo be anti hi his nuncio muscle would soon loon fill fall reu th li la I lo from food lood properly digested end attn te J end nd zo no wan man U ls stronger than bla hI bs 1 4 cause when hell the tha stomach it II I Jl dt end and nd are at sic Imperfect Dr Golden Medical curcI curca of or this the ch and ami aru other Organs of o dilution digestion and nutrition It enables the perfect digestion end anel ml swim of food eo so the tho body hody lo to nour Into Inlo tub perfect and strength I x had bed whit whet I Icy called II lie e rue Ine medicine e for or the trouble nil but it dirt dJa sue tut lit io ao good l Mr Mt Ir W V II JI W Welt IU civil civill t cC l lar lard rJ N C I r wrote to 0 Pr Ir md nil myrtie 1111 In ur lit Its tint a C descriptive ll tIt lid t ni 01 Ii hr hrU U ule ruIn nile I carried out OUI these IhM M s but 1 bought lit 11 1 of ur hit hlo 1111 lilt Ill 1 1 nt ci oJa Luter I 1 it like tik a new MW newman man malt I Legau KU tle ue tue of 01 lii olden Mt I with pairs pum In lu my i ill iii II rundown I w wi f imy nry ety bin I lu but tut e Cit aud Ir cod al at night n I II Dr Pierces Jf Common Sense Medical i la is tnt ent free rte on receipt of stamp to pay iy of o mailing only Send for the pa pal l 1 boot boo or for lor tile the clothbound cJ volume Dr R IL V Buffalo JS V it Y our Heart lieari May Be Weal W cob One Person In Jn Four Has lIos Hasa a n W Heart One On II of the he iii t signs of or a 1 weak Ie heart Is Shortness of breath after e Your heart Is not able nUo to pump ump th the tho blood fast tast enough to your our lungs luns Some Borne of ilia tho thi other symptoms of cf Heart Trouble erel arlit Thins In the tha Bids Bide Pack luck n ck and Shoulder or 01 Weak Weale Spells I Dry Cough Couch Swelling of Feet and Cold CoI Pest Inet or hands Handi No ono one can afford noril to 0 allow n a 1 weak heart to go without medicine because weak heart hurt means p poor or circulation and poor circulation moans weak lungs lunts stomach liver kidney kidneys etc oto If therefore you suspect heart trouble begin taking Dr MII New liew Heart Henri Curs Cure The Tho Heart Cure will do you ou roM good on M It Is III Isa Isa a II splendid teak tonto for tor the tho blood and nerves and Ind will your entire tem Finally remember Dr Mil Miles N Now flew w Heart Cure Cur Is II told sold under n a 1 guarantee that tho the first bottle bolUs will do you ou good gooel goodU If U It Il your money back backI I I 1 was afflicted with heart trouble for tor to three years year I would VOU d be ha apparently all aU allright al alright right and without n a 1 moments moment warning would ouIA fall tall 01 as though shot the Tha attacks were frequent and A 1 terrible dread pos pOI passe se reseed m me ns its n I 1 never nover knew know when or where nor nr under what conditions I would b be attacked and aM whether I would survive them I consulted md we III treated by some omo of the tho most loll eminent of thu Ulft state ilIa to Not hot linding re Ta that Ie from this source I J began pr r lilies Mile New hieatt Cur Curo and enin bea beato to o improve at once oneo I discO ten bottle bottles which wh ch entirely cured me n lIS as I J hUll hire not had h d an attn le tot tor or five JOHN 0 Write to us for tor Fr Free e Trial J Jo of or Dr Mill Mile Anti Pain Pills PIli the tM New for Tain Also Aba Our will o your OUI case cane tell you bat Is In wrong anA how lio to Tight right rill tit it tOU fill WL 9 M CO 5 y r hi We t Give GiveL 1 L More Good Tea TeaMore More Good Coffee More Good Spices Slices More Coupons tore More Pretty Premiums Watch Our Stores A I jq Prices Talk It Pays to Trade IT Great American A Importing Tea Co 24 Main St Salt Lako olty I L S AT AlTHE AlTHEr THE r I lACE HOUSE TOMORROW M C ly We intend closing MII I I loel Y out OUR ENTIRE STOCK of Millin Millinery cry ery To do so at once we shall bunch our Trimmed tints Hats and Sailors and offer them at prices that will clean them themA ALL A Lb TRIMMED Tit I MM ED JIt II Spring anti and Summer Styles St les that arc are marked nt a to t sell from I I to 8 OO 00 Special I 2 48 SHIRT WAIST HATS HArS AND SAIL SAILORS ORS nil new now styles st marked to sell 9 i l from to Special at I m N SPECIA Li to 4 pm UNION Ladies Sum Summer mer iner weight Vel ht Union Suits Hulta of oC fine lino selection of O Pillow In Maco Cotton finish every ever way WILY tans and anil greens greene pretty etched In desirable de a I suit harmonizing colors 4 yard Iud at lengths sell lell at lOc cia i at nt PremIer mode made JACT In extra line fine and Silk Bilk Very rich designs le In black Batiste deep lace and ribbon black and white now selling Melling at nt 70 79 from ZW fIO to SUO n IL yard 1 2 Special at Special nt ot Dm SH Kid quality antin Gloves new stock nil all colors colons Liberty Ribbon 3 and 4 incites Inches two clasp chaap Every I ver pair fitted v nell at nt hOc to Oc 19 a II pair Special C 9 3 o a yard Special at lit at C SPECIALS to pm Children Childrens Night Gowns Good Hoys floys Hard Hartl muslin hemstitched nil 1111 sizes 1 cotton olton reinforced at all to 9 D values The to 1125 wearing points absolutely at garment special at nt tW color the tho bost hl ost t bicycle how hoMo Liberty on the tho market markot Special in satin solin taffeta and fancy stripes nt lt In widths IH 1 to 3 Inches now Pure Boap Castile aetna cut soiling selling ut Ho to up tIp 0 Into IntI the tho ZOc pieces Special 0 yard Special at nt at lit OC 8 C Corsets Cor W It II fine batiste liters Inco and anti ribbon trimmed bone In J I Combs Hair of ot tho best beat three models and with and with without Goodyear RUbber n II comb that Is out supporters always sell neil ell nt lit cheap ch lIp at Special 11 lie lic at n a t tnt Special pur 87 C nt at Ginghams Madras Gingham Underskirts A black sateen fast colored very v ery ry pretty stripe underskirt of ot good quality and patterns Belling aching at nt lOc hard only guaranteed color three flounces 10 yards to a 1 customer 6 fr c hOd generous width nt at t tench each ench Special nt itt ladles Jersey ribbed Bathing wool trim trimmed vests vesta low neck hock and n a amed med prettily In braid and em cm garment Fold cold everywhere o er i nt lit SOc strictly Hell each P PrIce I 11 lic date nt T a r ce at nt c At t the b Ii Wm LACE a lOUSE HOUSE HOU Oc Prop e i t r l Ii 4 IF 1 JK A Ayou 1 you riot jot L today 0 tomorrow 0 uso CREAM AM LOTION Instantly all nil ItO mill lonc the ho skin soft ami j Wo Wu havo hlo sale salo in All AU ca cars cara start front i Pitts Drug Co Go GoTHE Cor J r i 1 THE STATE BANK OF UTAH SALT LAI CITY Joseph r F I Smith Win In IJ n Vice Charles harles 8 Hurlon Henry T Assistant t eh r J 3 Grant Iea halLO Inao o Barton Joseph P F 1 Smith James Jsmes 11 I Murdock rh Chad B B 8 Byron Dron Groo Orca fc Win n B D I Preston reston M 11 d Vell ells A Ay y Canaan Carlson n Commercial Honking in nit alt Iti Ita it Accounts Account Solicited 4 U S DEPOSITORY DESERET NATIONAL BANK GANtt Bait Lake City Utah I lYA M MM ISM OO AM M M MJ tr Depolt Deposit Boxes for tor H Rent nent RentI nt J I J S huh President Moo Thatcher Tho Icher Vice hl nt H H R Youn Voting E lilI fl S lilli lull Assistant AI B H RANKER BANKER flANK F R BAIT LAIF CITY UTAH live Five Per Cent Interest paid on or Urn 4 t posits SI i Main Street Opposite C 0 WELLS FARGO COAN GO CU BAN Salt Ink Lake It itt Utah h 1 l 1 The oldest and aird t bank In III fiah tah Capital Surplus Undivided ma 1 t 41 4 Transects Transacts a II banking hu bUn in i Domestic nM foreign Direct et coon conn ni n with banks banke In eli all principal cities of ot th the world worl letters of at credit lete pt rr transfers transfer on all prominent tiles Deposits ts to t cheik cherk H n L r 1 H Cashier II P 1 CLARK Cashier CO J BANKERS flA N IC SALT BALT CITY UTAH Established 1873 1813 The DESERET SAVINGS BANK JV W c AV w i niter Riter President Mows More Thatcher cc President lr Runs Kiln A t Smith unter U J L S Hills John J H n l John Joho i tItter Cutler David l A V Of J n Winder r li J 1 li n lt HeAd mool W K F J James Four Por Cent Interest Paid on en Saving Savini COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK DANK Capital Paid In General Banking In all 1111 Its III french John J I Daly 0 O J 7 Salisbury Moylan Morlan C Tox W P 1 Noble Jet Gpo M I Downey John Joha Donnellan A V F I Holders Holden J D 13 J K H Capital fully tully paM paid WALKER BROS flANKERS Established E Bait Salt I Lake ah City Utah Incorporated 1903 1103 Transact a 11 General flanking Banking Deposit for Rent Pent NATIONAL BANK OF THE TIlE REPUBLIC U 8 a KNOX J 3 A MURRAY Y Vice Pre l l n I VT W F P CAPITAL PAW PAID IN W Ranking Banking In all nil Us It branches branchu transacted drawn on th the principal elt el elof of Europe INTER T PAID ON TIME t IRI R C G DUN CO CON The Tho Mercantile Agonoy e Rust Hust General Manager uta Idaho Idabo and WyomIng Offices In Bait IAk CRi Utah I DRIFTING D TOWARDS DS BRIGHTS DISEASE Many people who are neglecting symptoms of kidney trouble hoping it will wear away are drifting towards Brights Disease which is kidney trouble in one of its worst forms wp 4 stops Irregularities strengthens the urinary organs and builds up the tissues t t of the kidneys so they will perform their functions properly Healthy kidneys strain out c t I the Impurities from the blood It as passes through them Diseased kidneys do not and 1 I the poisonous waste matter Is carried by the circulation to every part of the body I 4 causing dizziness backache stomach trouble sluggish liver live Irregular heart action etc If you have any signs of Kidney or Bladder Trouble commence taking T KIDNEY CURE at once as It will cure a slight disorder In a few days and prevent a n fatal malady It is pleasant to take and benefits the whole system low How to Find Out G a D a Burhans Testifies Four YearB C tt ft You can cut easily determine If our kidneys kidney are arc G 0 B a Durhan Burhans of Carlisle Carllile Cent r N V Y writ cot l out of or order by setting asido for a hour hourt a 34 24 bottle of the tho urine About four tour y ira ago go I J wrote you stating that I had bun tr passed upon arising If II cured curd of or a kIdney trouble by taking Un I than thin two NUl of upon examination it li is r cloudy or milky or has bus busa he Foley Poley y Cure Cur It stopped th the sediment and lad andrain lada anda a sediment or small particles float Vein rain ralp and symptoms of or kidney disappeared 1 am iliad glad to 10 ny uy Y that about In It your kidney are arc diseased and I hiva never neve hid had hide return of any of those thoi symptoms during th the fa four f KIDNEY CURE C RE HE should h au I bo be b e taken t a k cn yun that have havo lap d and end I r am rn evidently cured to 10 uy stay cured cural an and heartily reCommend from at Kidney Cure Cura to any ona ons once kidney or trouble Two Sizes 50 60 Cents and mi t SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY to toFe F Fe e J HILL DRUG COMPANY a C C i I |