Show VANDALISM t at this thia country ari about the that Is Ia or abroad the of or villages In lit Inthe Inthe the tho of ot Arizona and legislation I l Is urged to 10 prevent further c In III Inthis this title direction to 10 any Y civilized though to 10 learn about antiquity if It f per permitted milieu to the this only manna whereby l tIC lid obtained Title This It I seen lleen In Egypt In III in the strict regulations re of the What a wealth of ot ir I IJ 0 been II Ill lIoy ll on tutu continent coat meat It Is thins Hint to 10 take care clIre of ot what Iff Ia l left leftIn leftIn In the of oC Among the Ih places pl ePI are arl anxious to 10 preserve ore pre according to tu the New ew York Tribune several b l and the flinch l 1111 lla In III titi Colorado valley nile Th Thee M Hie IU is Mid to couplet of ut jI j citadel 1 a building Id tuiga devoted tIe to II u Il u number no of different to The Tribune say ny The structures as am a a rule are small with low walls walla the largest not mil more titan than three storied high The clones fit together and show signs algae gns ot teen Ioen ed into shape Ahall Apparently the rooms of ot the lower tori were ware entered el from the root roof anti and nier ner from trotti lateral door When win l tO In Iuna dUM were they tiie Here 11 ere era mere flier lookouts or email upen uin InMa would ouM admit ad iii it scanty tt I i Unlit I t Phi Thi r rorK mr nere Ire ere list Tit Tin most nf ot the of or itt ab In itt thIS thin r irlon li Ii J fiVe tI ml due rlue west wait from hock Falla and forty from The Th ruin standa high above the plain slid null Is Ia i Is IsIble Ible for many miles milD rom a perched en ln a K low how red iid jand toni mesi lucia thu toy tOil to of ol hUh I s lifted th the plain It I nn an n old oh castle At Us HII It point this WAS Win evi evl evidently dently tin re 1 or at lit least leapt hAIl had three 1110 rooms looms mo one abort Abo tho the other The Th walls ai die e Mm tin examples of masonry dun 1111 are bavins ben been taen to 10 the and lw lee tie tte the walls wn III together It hut be br to obtain ml 1 the tho cooperation of or intelligent A cnn cans for tor or the of or American relics relice of ot tile the past liast These TIIt e continents have a et 1 mo Inert Inot t wonderful history and It should be the pride of ot alt Americans to 10 preserve of ot this lila his history i tory Her lion the Ih cradle of oC mankind I stood th Ih relics from the Infancy of the human raae raue should b 11 doubly Morell |