Show RUHLIN OUT SHARKEY Ohio Pugilist Furnished a SU Surprise for His Friends if T WAS A BLOODY jt Guu GO at Lut Laut to Jrr t 8 Club Coney Cone une the time In bill big car Tom went down downto tu to IVO deaL tonight In the th Mena ILna of the Seaside Athletic club and bI Gus the Ohio wU waa hl victor Ictor It wal waa a clean knockout after fifteen rounds of that a memorable ring rn Save In III the matter of Huhl ia hd m th In ver future tf ot the sam aIn nd nt at all Urn lied had the h well In hand key lid cUd not give up hi his pee In of fir ft a do No col t diet ever more battle no JO to ever clun citing more to hla vItalIty lI n at the end when blinded by the i blowe or of hili hie powerful opponent and dulled mentallY by the or hie foes fol he h clung to the mu muirl cite irl frame or of the man who wu hla hi OF The battle and t were truly a for tor the public No Ithe of form that uld be figured gave the Ohioan more a one to two to chances chanc had and at stood ort off all ot of the tho now In the ring II 11 waB waa known to be a giant In oUI to a 11 point beyond and lvenell Ill 1 the other hand 1 had never neer made a Good against any man finn ot of reputation and was wan regarded I a U 11 n flence nce there was apathy fiB na to the 1110 light and while there thero was come 1 nevor shoWed better 10 to 1 and It even evan money that he would not ton rounds The Tho In fact decided to Put the admission down to 1 1 There Therel l n a big crowd on hand however and thY were treated to R a rattling good goodlight light surprising results harkey was tho first man to the ring and It wal waa 1006 p m when v hen henh h be appeared The Impatient crowd gave hIm hm a fair volley ot of applause and waa 1111 nt especiallY enthusiastic when lam Iam In 10 n a minute later thoe 1 tu to great advantage from a 11 spectators when the men stood up tu tl Ho He had hael height and weight and andreach r reach ach and looked bl big and muscular III condition seemed perfect and his hili work ork as the battle showed that It was Sharkey was not lackin In the matter ot of condition either an that cannot be urged In explanation or extenuation GUS OUS At 1016 when the men answering the gong guna came to the center speculators ent the crowd offering 2 to 1 on Sharkey harkey At these thee figures there wee was wasa a heavy play and the talent did the JS As the men sparred to an opening It could be seen that Gus Improved footwork and greater In avoiding punishment Ability In that r respect coupled with Ills lii naturel advantages s gave him hini a superiority which lIe he waived He also showed fierce punishIng pow Cr r and It was on only superb that kept him from defeat earlier In the battle He used his right and left with eQual facility and made madeth th them both th count H lAcked In IIi en e 8 and ond It if he tied nad cone ene In could finished the battle much earlier than he did He allow allowed Sharkey to tomake nuke make the pace and although he met him im determinedly enough when he came In he did not IM all of oC hll hi I Ho He used his right to excellent J advantage and time and again stepped Ir II after atter the chunky had Iun at him and made his blow count with that marvelous Ag tT l which has hilS made and has pugilistic career made mad the f Ie from the until he was 11 round brought him elu luser r to It kept away awny from rom hl ii wild swings and de rate leeds kept hammering Is III left and right t t th fare face and body lie He cut the sailors until It VAs bathed In blood IUd nd his chest and sides Ahles where he heT T his powerful punches punch They 1110 hed In clinches clinch and aud wire were J 1 ken time and again Sharky nn an Inclination to rough It and lib th wrestles In the clinches and Anel the crowd hl hissed and anel hoot hooted at him lm Cries ot of foul rang from th the 1 but the referee to inter fI Th finish was dramatic Sharkey h lUtt through h the fourteenth t Uund by desperate and wac waa but 1111 revived when he came up for the nth He made I a wild willI tr trY with bl his 1 itt und and when whon lie be miNd caught on this Jaw with his hll left ran In and beat the Irishman down I th lh floor with A ot of 1 rt lighter to hi his f t t and when came rAme In d him around the Ruh fluh lr Jr shook hook him off a and dropped him It A thousand men frenzied In tt th the ring nr there 11 n a din ot of hoa yells yell Hark up again and then II against the unable to finish him and that II iId have been a charity charlt harkey went down clown for tor the third Hm but with dogged determination to his feet 11 Ifs wu blind And rr and nd a 8 punch put him down don r Ij feree Cre stepped In and ended the I I f f I was helpless DillY Milen sprang Into tile the ring d his hll and then sided In i him from the ring Us ne was 1 while Sharkey bore a score eore scorer rr r I FIGHT DY Iund Immediately a aIt It and rushed QUI Gus to a at ar r t ral whets they clinched and fI rushed and led again alln sending both Ini to the bod body Gus Gu WI was rattled but n himself and landed hard bard a 1 left to the Ja jaw Tom 11 hi h 1 again right to the body but wal as asfur 1 t fur heat heeM and GWI G again nailed r 1 with both hands hand on the head phak abak II H Ir g Tm up but h lie came back with a i iI I h and was AI mixing It up when the theU U 11 rang I Iund Tom rushed over to and swung wildly for tor the head a 11 tight right over the heart hart anti and antiK andI K I straight left to 10 face but Tom TOJI WOUld go ge beck and seIning strong streng his left hard to the neck Gus I hn took a hand and jabbed his left herd haM to the fa and followed with his hill Tom lom himself lt and worked th bends to the he body and Gus Gu landed left and right riCht to the head The fighting was Wall remarkably rut Cast for big man and the Uti otowI was ch wildly HOOK LOW AND WALLOP Round ITom and nd au Gui met him with both hand handl to the head low and wallop yelled Q burke Rourke but Tom WH vu mid mad and again rushed Gui au slammed him Willi wt both beth hands handa but It COUld not keep hila oft o Tom Toan then drove boUt both hand handa to the body and countered with bli hi Wt left tAt ta UI te head bead Tom dropped to escape punish ent lie 11 WH was right nit Ill only to get both hands banda to the face and ald lad head from Gila Oua Tom was wal bleeding lit at the nose nOie when hen the bell rati and ADd both were ere tired Urd Hound dAnced about and rushed but when Tom Clo closed ed planted a abard ahard hard bard right rih on the sailors nor body They Ther then mixed It up In corner Gui wu vt very tI tired and Tout was wa little better Toni Toft rushed and jabbed his hll left lett to the face He repeated the blow and anda QUI a lent t him awn with both hand to the bod body The ro 4 W much mitch slower than the preceding end OMi and both were glad lad to hear tb the hen bell Round ITom Tom w vU l artt on hi hip and meeting hue In Ute tile enter center planted his hll left lett to the body and swung lila bla left Ift to the jaw Again lie landed tb the same punches punch and net Gus Gill Ith a right jolt on Ut 1104 body Both loth It on the ropel Gus Cus shot ahot n a straight right to the tace Sac and Inel Tom rushed him the ring and landed landd a right behind the ear OUt Gus Jabbed ook but WH vu very ver tired and Tom banged him With hard rights to th the body and to the head Gus OUI w staggering when the bell rang rani TO r GOES B A BIT WILD Round rushed and hooked his bit left to the Jaw and Gus Oua Jabbed hi his left leU cutting Toms right ey eye Tom was wild and rushed anti swung hi his tight lIht heavily to Jaw They mixed It up hard both landing left lett anti right swings to the head kt it close quarters Tom hooked his hla left to the JAW and Gui Oua crossed with bl his right sending Tom back bak and followed with a hard left to the wind Doth Both again In landed both hands haud to the face were wel mixing It UP at til the bell Round Hound rushed and swung hi his left to the JAW Th They y clinched and broke without a punch and QUI Gus jabbed hi his left Itt to the face taC Tom again and they clinched Tom jabbed all bel lit hi left leet to the head and sent nt him away with one of the lie same a III I Sharkey landed a rIght on the bod body and Gus OUI uppercut left Ift to the face And then swung his hll right to the jaw lie to reo the trick and ducking Toms Tom swings drove his hla right to the body M as the bell beh rang rane Doth Both were now very tired Round Tom rushed again and jolted hll hi right to the body Gus OUI closed anti and landed left and nd right to this the face tac Torn Tom wee WAil still lUll aggressive ami rushed Gus Ous about the ring Again Ju Gus jabbed I and swung wung with a rIght acro across to th the ja Jaw Tom dodged It Torn rushed only to take a left to the face Cace and f a right righton on the jaw Tom staggered and Gus OUI rushed and banged with both to the tho Jaw and Toro Torn went to the floor taking the count nd only got to his feet IlS as the bell ranG GUS OUS LAN LANIS S HARD rushed anti and Gus met hIm with a straight left to the face that lint jarred him Tom swung wll wildly d I but buthi buthis hi his blows landed around the neck and Gus OUI planted both hands to the bod body Torn Tom IWI came caine on but Gus OUI measured him and anel sent lent a crashing right to o the JAw lie He could not keep the sailor away but every eVer time he callie caine Gus Ous was ready for him bun and sent lift left and right to the hl d with telling effect Qua GU looked the beet It at the bell Round stood In hl his corner In Ina ina a crouching position and when Tom came In sent him back with a short right on the jaw Tom rushed back and sent ent a terrific left to the bod body He Het t d to the lie blow but blocked It and sent back a fell to the head QUI Gus mixed It with him and Tom made him with a right on the jaw Gus GUll then swung a right on the body dy that could be heard throughout the building but the sailor was Vas good yet and was rushing again when the lie liebell bell rang rushed and swung his left to the neck Doth Iloth steadied them themselves selves and Gus jabbed his left twice to the face Tom responded with a aright aright right on the jaw and Out broke ground Tom followed and Jabbed hIs hs left to the face tace and uppercut his rIght to the chin Doth Both were so AO tired they were hardly able to for the ag grossly sailor allor rushed only to take a aright right swing on the jaw that staggered him Tom swung for tor the body bolly but buttell buttell tell short and hit Gus on the thigh ho be tore fore the close cloe TOM AL ALMOST PUT AWAY Round Tom rushed and landed on the body Qua Gui his hll left Itt to the face and sent Toms Tom head back Torn Tom was bleed bleeding In badlY from the e ee and nose nOH Torn Tom to a clinch and pulled Gus GUI across the ring They broke and Tom stint sent a 11 hard right to body bod Gus GUB shifted about the tin but met rushes with left jabs Neither mens blows bloB were any fore ores Round Hound rushed but Gus danced away and Tom grinned OUR Gus jabbed his left to the face and ore orein in Sharkey to hl his own corner drove both th hands handl to the head Tom to forced his way out and bore Clue Ous across the tha tin still swung a 0 hard right to the head Gus GUll wal wa coot coos anti 1111 firMing fighting cau lie He jabbed Tom hard on the tae face and hooked his rIght to the heed head at tile the same me time blocking Tom swine were resting mUng at the bell Round rushed and tell fell short with his right for tor the body Gus OUI jabbed his left leCt to th ha face in took to k Tom oft hi teat now seemed stroner and ill Jolted hili Iii for the hud head ft was wa bad and Gus OUI banged him both bolh hand playing on i ut It looks as aa asIf If lii he would surely u SO go but by hanIn on he managed ti slay Ul tIle the round LAST BUT Round was u UP tint ne lie closed but Gus Gu sent lent him with short left and r ht putt on the bod body Tom k c pd ed tired and aud Gui OUI followed him and lid his hll head back and crol crossed hIli hi to lie Ille jaw JIW Tom staggered and In anti and banged bun with both hands handl until the tailor pallor stag red to the floor lie He was wae up at the count but unable to make IL a and sain he be went to the carpet from With bulldog genie n he d again to IC hi fet feet cs 18 h this time was Waif hardly able to tous up us hi hs hands handl When Tom again aln his te feet t tu u us to the PIM gains And AndI I short hort lefts and to U 11 wad head wadI I I looked RII Re It If thy they would not hurt hurtH H 4 but bUI Turn was 0 badly done up that hI hi again went down dow under them raIn he rose 1011 blindly to his hla tNt feet and nUll tip walked to him Tom tried I but OUt us lIe bak nd put left to face And a right to the Jaw Tom tb thee top 11 forward all out end nd JI hn White waved Ruhlin to hi comet while the pallor s N ond him to hili corn corner where r rhe he gradually revived and was u soon lOOn able to leave the tin O FOn MB lit JEFFRIS Ann After the fight manager sald Well were now ready ad for tor Wr Mr and h hope he will cones to time without deE I think I ave thE and may make mak a a ann nn 1111 I a II wu Was muCh but NitI hI he had no excuSes to task make Ill meet hl his again was 11 willing to t and had to that would be 1 a result on theIr next nest m Jim Jun Corbett was 11 hl highly elated over victory ne H said laid had haddon done don a 1 lot of talking lately and will now ha have to make good his hili bluff qt alt |