Show REDS RETREAT AT STALINGRAD STALIN GRAD Planes and Tanks Stab at City MOSCOW Sept 3 UP UP- UP T The e Russians acknowledged Thursday another retreat southwest southwest southwest south south- west of Stalingrad the Stalingrad the sixth in 84 hours hours and and clouds of enemy dive-bombers dive filled the sky as the Germans Germans' tried to blast opposition opposition opposition op op- op- op position out of the short path between them and their tive h The battle battie had mounted to unequaled unequaled un- un heights of ferocity probably equaled in the bl bloody ody German in in- in German Field Marshal Marsha Fedor von Bock had concentrated tremendous forces on a narrow salient to break through Now the Germans attacked along the whole area southwest of Stalingrad Stalingrad Stalingrad Stalin Stalin- grad and the Volga river riv r lin line The shri shrinking shrieking king of dive bombers covered the whole battlefield Soviet Soviet Soviet So So- viet fighter planes raced out to intercept them and in 23 fights shot down 23 German German- aircraft and damaged e eight Tan Tanks s Lead Attack line Front dispatches dispatches' reported that a bloody battle raged at one point on the southwest approaches approach where enemy tanks tanks' and several several several sev sev- eral regiments of infantry and artillery artillery artillery ar ar- ar- ar tillery had attacked after dive diva bombers had blasted Russian first line defenses The Russians repulsed attack i after attack mowing down waves I Continued on Page Four Column One I Russians Admit Retreat On Stalingrad Front Continued from Page Fage One of whose bodies piled plied up in mounds But the Germans Germans Germans Ger Ger- mans regardless s of losses brought tip up r reserves erves every three hours and resumed their attacks Southwest of Stalingrad soviet so soviet so- so viet troops engaged in stubborn def defensive fighting with large enemy enemy enemy en en- emy forces which pierced our defense defense defense de de- de- de the soviet noon que said German tanks and infantry infantry infantry in in- i fantry advancing ing toward an Inhabited inhabited inhabited in In- habited locality were held The Germans made four at at- tacks All were repelled by heavy artillery fire Fourteen German n tanks were destroyed and a battalion battal battal- jon ion on of enemy infantry wiped out On another sector of the same front soviet troops withdrew to new flew positions No o Mention l of ot Tanks Significantly line front d dis dispatches is- is patches to official organs organ'S repeatedly repeatedly repeatedly repeat repeat- edly referred to the enemy's numerical numerical nu nu- merical superiority but made no flO mention of Russian tanks and emphasized emphasized emphasized em em- defensive operations by artillery and infantry infantry- Northwest of Stalingrad the Russians appeared to be successfully successfully successfully success success- fully holding powerful German thrusts Soldiers of N formation engaged in fierce fighting with the enemy nemy destroyed 11 tanks one self propelled gun and eight machine guns the noon que asserted Farther to the northwest northwest- t. t in the area German infantry supported by 38 tanks attacked on one sector the said The Germans were hurled back Six tanks were disabled and andover andover andover over Germans Germans' or taken prisoner it continued On another another another an an- other sector eight German tanks were destroyed and more than a company of infantry Two German planes were shot down by infantry Three Cities in Peril Three of the objectives Adolf AdoU Hitler covets most in his southern drive were in dire peril Stalingrad Stalingrad Stalingrad Stalin Stalin- grad with a population of and valuable war industries and key of the Volga river on which it is is' is built the s soviet viet Black sea naval base and with its Important oil fields The army organ Red Star re reported reported reported re- re ported a further retreat on a sector sector sec see tor northwest of and fierce battles everywhere else on that front The enemy with ov overwhelming forces were pushing pushing push push- ing from two directions by land and se seI sea I This seemed to indicate that i the Germans were making a frontal attack on from th the Kerch peninsula scarcely scarcely scarcely scarce scarce- ly 50 miles mlles away Fight right Delaying A Actions The Russians strewed the path of the advance with German corpses and wrecked machines but dispatches spoke of delaying ac ac- ac- ac The Russians also fought a delaying delaying delaying de de- de- de laying action in the eastern Cau Cau- casus In the area they thwarted numerous enemy attempts attempts attempts at at- tempts to force a wa water er barrier evidently the Terek river and apparently at Terek 30 miles above A large Jarge force of enemy tommy tommy- gunners finally crossed but was surrounded and exterminated to the last man dispatches said Soviet Soviet Soviet So So- viet artillery destroyed a tank detachment detachment de de- detachment de- de trying to cross The noon said that on the Leningrad front scouts snipers and artillery destroyed three antitank guns and Ger Ger- mans Soviet airmen were credIted credited credited cred cred- with shooting down 18 German German German Ger Ger- man planes and damaging three and antiaircraft gunners with destroying destroying destroying de de- three more The did not indicate indicate indi indi- cate the progress of the Russians in their central front offensive opposite Moscow |