Show W as ashen h- h Ington ton Wh- Wh j Ir I- I g g Telegrams Telegram's By Correspondent Ray Tucker Washington WASHINGTON WASHINGTON Friends Friends and critics of the White House deplore deplore deplore de de- de- de its attack on the Chicago Tribune Some of F. F D. D R. R Rs R.'s s 's closest associates begged him and Navy Secretary Frank Prank Knox to withhold their fire until after the November balloting But here is the true story behind the administrations administration's move to indict the most powerful powerful powerful power power- ful Roosevelt anti-Roosevelt paper in the middle west Its noted correspondent correspondent correspondent corre corre- Stanley Johnston who wrote a brilliant epic of the Coral sea battle did reveal that our naval forces had broken the Japanese code It was because of this advance knowledge that the navy knew the names and numbers of the ships which were sent against Midway It was our foreknowledge of the Japs' Japs plans which enabled us to whip them so completely When Mr Johnston wrote his story disclosing to the NIpponese Nipponese Nipponese Nippo NIppo- nese that we had solved their cipher navy officers here hit the ceiling One high ranker told the president that in view of the violation and his emergency emergency emergency emer emer- gency powers he had a right to send a detail of marines to close up the Tribune But Mr Roosevelt preferred to act more slowly and Judicially Stanley Johnston and the Chicago Chicago Chicago Chi Chi- cago Tribune may be indicted for printing a story which according according according ac ac- ac- ac cording to Admiral Ernest King set us back by six months and was worth a fleet of battleships to the Japs Perhaps the admiral admiral admiral ad ad- miral was right in advising F. F D D. D R. R that he had the power to put the hostile publication out of business But Roosevelt Knox and King who are pressing this prosecution are not taking steps to discipline the officers who gave this information to the paper Our key men talk too much about our war plans There is not a cocktail bar in Washington Washington Washington Wash Wash- ington where our next moves against the Nips and Germans are not discussed in detail If Attorney General Francis Biddie Biddle Bid- Bid Biddle dle die wants to keep vital secrets from the enemy he should clamp down on the society-going society bu- bu in his own department department department depart depart- ment and in the army and navy Harold L. L Ickes has finally organized a crusade which has the support of the president and d American people Oddly enough the problem concerns Puerto Rico rather than the U. U USA U.S.A. S. S A A. A Mr Ickes In effect has notified notified notified noti noti- fied Charles W. W Taussig a White WhiteHouse WhiteHouse WhiteHouse House pal and a molasses king that he is not framing American American Ameri Ameri- can economic and food policies in the Caribbean A while ago Rexford Guy Tugwell Was vas about to be relieved as governor of the dependency He was then scheduled to come to Washington Washing Washing- ton to tender his resignation But Mr Taussig who has been coddled by F. F D. D R. R for more than a decade announced that thata a Puerto Rican named Mike would succeed t the h e ebrain brain truster The secretary of the interior exploded which exploded which is not an unusual unusual unusual un un- un- un usual proceeding when proceeding when he read the Taussig prophecy He called in reporters told them that Tugwell was making an excel- excel governor and that was news and that the former Columbia Columbia Columbia Co Co- Co- Co lumbia professor would remain at his present job for many months to come come come-at at least until after election This is not the the first time that Russian and German bayonets have clashed in the Caucasus During the first World war General von Sanders the kaisers kaiser's kaisers kaiser's kaisers kaiser's kais kais- ers er's master strategist planned a brilliant campaign in which the Germans and their Turkish allies were to scale the peaks and drop down like an avalanche upon the czars czar's poorly trained army Unlike the present campaign campaign campaign cam cam- the central powers at attacked attacked attacked at- at tacked the region from Turkey Turkey Turkey Tur Tur- key and Armenia But the commander made a fatal miscalculation He had ordered his men to climb several mountain roads which were clearly marked on the maps Actually they were narrow narrow narrow nar nar- row icebound trails which even evena a mule scarcely could negotiate They are no better now Supplies Supplies Sup Sup- plies trucks and artillery had to be abandoned More than 80 per cent of the expedition was lost in the snowstorms or struck down by the defenders It is quite possible that United United United Unit Unit- ed States soldiers now in Syria and the middle east together with the British colonials will use this southern route to reach the range and support the red armies as they fall back before the battering- battering rams Copyright 1942 McClure Syndicate |