Show I Late Bulletins EDINBURGH Scotland The Scotland The peoples of the far east must be accepted as equal partners with the western world after the war var Hubertus van an Mook l Dutch colonial colonial co co- co- co lonial minister said In a speech LO LONDON LONDON U DON U. U. U S. S flying fortresses fortresses fortresses fort fort- have taken a heavy toll tollof tollof tollof of Jap forces during raids on bases north of Australia Reuters news agency reported from Sydney MOSCOW German parachutists parachutists parachutists para para- wearing red army uniforms uniforms uniforms uni uni- forms were captured In an Unidentified unIdentified unidentified un un- identified city military press re re- re- re ported LONDON Fighting French press service reported French men and anti women who escaped from Martinique have reached adjacent British Isles In Inthe inthe inthe the Caribbean v NEW YORK Moscow radio said that the Germans killed 96 of French war prisoners who refused to work IO LONDON DON German radio claimed that Norway has been made Invasion |