Show CHAPTER FETES DELEGATES More than delegates to the convention of the auxiliary of the National Wool Growers' Growers association dined in the chamber of commerce Thursday guests of the local chapter chapter chap chap- ter teg of the auxiliary Mrs Winifred P P. P Rails Ralls was hostess hostess hostess host host- ess Mrs frs Julian Julia Neff presided and spoke the greetings Assisting hostesses hostesses hostesses host host- esses were Mrs Neff Mrs Lucy B. B Seely Mrs Royal M. M Smith Mrs Irvin H. H Jacob Mrs Mra James A. A Hooper and Mrs William Oswald Mrs O. O R. R Ivory was toastmistress Responding to the greetings in brief addresses were Mrs J J. J R R. Eliason Eliason Ellason Elia- Elia son past president of the national auxiliary Mrs W. W P. P Mahoney president of the national auxiliary I Mrs Fred Weidman Mrs Sylvester Broadbent and Mrs Rails Ralls Mrs Zola Jacobs McG McGhie ie soprano s sang ng for the assemblage Mrs E. E B D Erwin wife of the mayor and Mrs Henry H. H Blood wife of the gover- gover npr were special guests |