Show A 01 Tim The Th Christmas fair II an n institution In Berlin Berhn A fortnight before the reg ular time rows of wooden hWI tilled with cheap article of an all kind a are opened In some IOme public street or square and tb the poorer classes purchase their there while for tor children Of ev e etry try cry rank to wander up and down don the rows of booths I la rapture The when mown princes used to togo togo go with her husband and children to the market mark I which was then hI held J In the big square near tb the called Lust Lut garten Th The children were wert allowed to lave ave their pocket money mony and pend It at the fair jut just III ea they liked A good lOod story I is told ot of the kit kal ear eer and nd when hen about 32 11 YN years old They had bad received permit v slon to go to 10 the tall fair with their tutor on the i very fry day a dl to them A grand quarrel on with the housemaid who bo had to clean the princes prine room Clara had dared Ilex hoe wat vu with to object vir vig soot t to 1 a dachshund belonging to Prince rich which 11 wu very dirt dirty In Its hall habits It ItT T I boys were Indignant at a thrashing their pet had received and planned vengeance When In the morning early Clara entered to sweep she WILl wan seized lir by four muscular hands band and her face was wae daubed with soot lOOt At this critical moment the crown P passed along the passage and hearing hrin Clara loud protest came to hr her sons room Th The maid tried with the slaves lIvel of her light gown to wipe her face and the crown oron princess III at atones ones grasped tb the situation Now ow said Hid she he you ou hit have spelled Clara Claua dr dress Hi you OU mud repair the damage Sueh a dross drOH oats 10 marks mark How much money mony leave haVI you The Th boys boYt with Mth shamefaced lion eion counted out their cherished say Inge There were wre only 7 mark and GO 40 between the two I will lend land landOU you OU the remaining 3 2 marks markl GO 60 from your our next weeks week pocket money mone said ald theIr m mother ther giving the malt main the men money and It will bt be rid nu good your goIng to the Christmas fair a as you ou have no cash so you U will both stay Itay indoors The Th kaiser and ht hi brother remember their chagrin to this da day |