Show Evening Chit Oral n 7 Bum TIE bishop of London has recently contributed to the literature of oflas TilE THE T ways l to lower the divorce orce rate the suggestion that every husband hus hus- husband band and wife should take a a. two weeks' weeks vacation separately each year ear It seems to me there Is much in favor favol of the bishops bishop's idea and also something against it One of the tho most Important elements of a good Rood vacation is complete change It Isn't merely a cessation of work that thatIs Is needed to rest anyone anone Its It's also the s of things things different different air to breathe brathe different wall paper to look at aL different food to cat different things to todo todo do 10 and different personalities to rub Tub up against The most different vacation other vacation other things being equal equal is is always alwa's the most renewing Wherefore Therefore it is 11 a firmly firmly- held theory of mine that it is not the best thing for to two very Intimate friends or for two mem ment- members members bers hers of a family two family two sisters or a I mother and daughter or a father and son or two tt brothers to go off on a vacation to to- to gether I think one does not get so o much Invigoration invigoration invigoration oration or out of the time rest time that wa way as wizen when one goes gocs with sonic some person one likes tikes but does not see very very- ry often an any other time in the year And nd for the same reason it seems to tome tome tome me that It is a good Idea for a husband an and wife to take a I vacation from each other as well as from their work worl- each year eal And then too I think It Is a splendid timing thing to get far enough away from your our blessings occasionally to get a proper perspective upon them There never el was a blessing however great roat which one could not get dangerously dangerously danger danger- accustomed to and familiar with the familiarity that breeds if not contempt con tempt at least lack tack of appreciation unless unless unless un un- less one occasionally had a chance chanco to miss it and It-and and a good husband or wife is not an exception to that rule I know one couple who have followed the bishops bishop's plan long before beCore it was his plan an any the they both d declare 11 re that it works out splendidly because while whilo they enjoy enjo the vacation atS at the atthe the time they also enjoy enjoy- coming home to each other after it is over The prime objection to the bishops bishop's theor theory a nice young oung husband with whom I was discussing the plan contributed contributed contributed con con- But neither my mv wife nor nol I enjoy enjo anything anything anything any any- thing so much u unless we e can do it to together together together to- to gether he pointed out To the average man whose two to weeks' weeks a vacation cation Is almost the only onh chance he gets to enjoy enjo himself with ith his wife that thatis is quite an objection Doubtless when the bishop suggested that married couples should have ha a two weeks weeks' vacation from each other otter he had hada a vision of them also having a month or two together But since the average married couple doesn't move in the bishops bishop's set and therefore doesn't find that exactly possible possible pos pos- sible wh why why- wouldn't it be a good compromise compromise compromise com com- promise to split the two weeks and take half vacationing from front each other and the other half with Ith each other I 2 |