Show a PLANS S fur fir Screw N and atil all 1 Great III Steaming Capacity Washington July 19 The plans now under tinder consideration for fot the hue new hew ar nr armored mored cruisers crul authorized by b Congress contemplate such Inch a n new departure in steaming capacity that these ships will 1111 be able to make voyages exceeding any nn by b time tho ships now no In commission lon and nn 1 equaling if not exceeding the long hong lon dis die distance tance trips of or any on naval warships afloat Although the time plans plaits are not finally passed upon the main maui features are arc pretty well worked ork l out They Time The pro provide provide vide for tor three screws so separated that I anyone can Iun work Independently Ily By U I using all nil three the ship could develop greet great speed from 22 to 23 knots 1 so 0 that she sill could be he h listed UMed lI ns mis a n 21 2 knot ship Hut all nil three screws would be bemused used mused only In case ase of emergency enC For Forthe Forthe the time purpose of making long voyages ORo only one screw aN would be he used nt at a n time U Il Is 18 estimated that this would dve ite n f speed 1 of oC ten knots an hour Hy By 11 al nl alternating the mews s the time big craft cratt could make a n voyage ot e of ot at oIt t least mUM miles without n II stop to anti and nt at atthe the pame caine time lame she would always have luu her three screws in readiness to 10 develop a R 12 22 2 or JJ 3 knot speed IP In oa ease Ii e of fleece necessity city sity |