Show TRANS MISSISSIPPI CONGRESS CON RESS Finishes Business and Adjourns to o Meet in St SI Paul at a Date to tobe tobe tobe be Hereafter Fixed Motion to 1 Consolidate V ith Uli the Irrigation and Mining Congress 1 I 1 rl i P reek Creek Colo Cob July 19 aThe aTher The r far 11 I commercial congress tahi td iii l its business and ml nit adI fT u I ti t t In St Paul Minn lInn at nt ati I III i II i v lJ hereafter fixed by J the ex CX ext t u h The attendance to tot tor r b t IJ lt There Th re was 08 an address l Ir h ft h t v late of ot Denver on the theU U J i L Tl 11 i National Need leed of ot Shipping J t lr r 11 i n in III which he hI gave many manyia man manc 11 n nt t c u i ia ty the people of the United M tt 4 r own OMI the ships necessary t i e v fl i ir foreign trade tralle W I i t i I flit ril r injuring the action Of ot tM r 1110 mi of at the United n fl r time till lights tights ot or sec lee seca leeI I a m A ru r to fake take newspaper t J L u 1 ia Ii publications U s g s th adoption of a n t r I 1 r f which had been 1 tJ nj II i h by the Ihl resolutions committee M U Ui j t i th I h province of ot this congress J I K 1 up and ind adopted f r ung mg 1 ei were un UnA t r A y U n Whit T It r C l i mil UTI A S 8 Gavin M r J 7 II 11 IIa I i T h i is ip bartison Tuna Texas John sI JIL I 1 I urge u e upon the I demands of ot organization k Bradford Prince seW New e Mexico chairman 11 Ii 11 n Whitmore Missouri William Bunker Dunker California Hobort Hobert Graham Colorado William M I Cameron T Texas as Fremont memorial Ala Adams Colorado chairman Sidney Story Stor Louisiana Ir Ur J T California John 11 n Barnes luau Col 01 II IJ F Montgomery of oC ripple Cripple Crook reck that ns as the objects of ot con gross greet the National Irrigation r and und tho hid nl Mining congress congre are Me In ninny JURny K le Identical they the might noil be merged Into Inlo one or urgent organ allt so o with the time same expense to the time members the sessions t be long longer longor er or giving better opportunity for tor ma mo mature lure ture consideration of f questions coming before them his imle motion he lime president appointed the tIme following com cent committee committee to confer with similar commit committees committees tees he of ot the other organizations on In o the of ot consolidation H ii F 10 Mont Moist Montgomery gomery omer Colorado II II n Whitmore Missouri I Ii Prince New ew Mexico Final 1 adjournment of ot the business was then taken Liken The went to Victor In a n body hod bod this afternoon where vigils w mme ro made to wine seine or of the l mines thinner dinner being bIng beings b ln lna s a n by br the ani nJ Other entertainment provided |