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Show "DEAR OLD LUIIIIOII LIKES LIL' ARTIIA JOIIIISIIIG" Its' engagement at a Wading London mense drawing card goat without fay-town fay-town and was tt azcltamant of the t shown by tba Brltlab iporta ta tba nelodad his wraaaat 'aagagamaot John. h baa a eoupl of theatrical coatracta gland, where hii world' tour under tba allan promoter, begin. faring to .poll Ma little awing inwiri in circle, which promisee to he great financial finan-cial success. If he goes through with It. Stags lire always did appeal to Johneon, who regard fighting aa a dlaagreeehle necessity, and the prospective trip would afford hint unbounded farlllttee for po. Jn m the limelight to hi heart con tent. Jack Johnaon baa begun a foot waa muaie hall. That b baa proved aa 1m inc. Tb giant black ia tba talk of tba coronation failed to aquelcb tba tntarea ipanoii of IU' Arthuh. When ha hu co eon win bike bark to Maw York, wher to Oil. after wblcb be go again to En direction of Hugh Mclstoah, the Auetr Bhortly after Jobnaoa beat" Tommy Burn for th ehampionehip title at th antipodee the negro pugiliat promiaed Mrlntoeh that when he got readv to make a glob circling trip he would do o by aperial arrangement with him. Mclntoeh wanted him to atart right away, but Johnaoa had other matter to attend to. the chief of which waa Ik luring of one Jamea J. Jeffrie into a ring, and th Auetralian wa compelled to wnit the ding' pleaeur. According to the terme aet forth hy the Australian, Johneon will give eperring e-hlhlrlona e-hlhlrlona In Kngland. on the continent., In China, Japan, hi rain Settlement. Aue-trail. Aue-trail. FIJI, Honolulu and Brltlah Colum hla. In the year covered by th contract the champion agreea alao to fight any three men that Mcintoeh may aeleet at opponent for him. That poeelhty la the eaeleet thing In th arhedule aa far ae Johneon la concerned. Mclntoah will have a hard time picking out anyone who can give the amoko much of a tuaale, ao completely com-pletely doea he outclass all th white beavie. It la known that th Australian share the popular opinion that negro opponent oppo-nent le not likely to draw well agalnet Johnaon outside of England. nd rn that eonntry the money would not be big enough for the almple reason that Johnson John-son demands $.10,000 for his end if pitted agatnat Ingford, the only member of hla race capable of glvln him a tough argument. argu-ment. It le dnllara to doughnuts, however, how-ever, that Mclntoah will shove Bill Lana Into the breach when Johneon reaches the antipodes. True. Langford whipped Rill to a Irani In their Condon mlxus. but alclntoeh never did have much regard re-gard for Ing'a bone anyway, and the latter' countrymen would flock to e him take hi medicine from Johnson shle fist. It will be remembered that prior to th Johnson -Jeffries ftffatr a world'a tour ws arranged for JefT on much th nam line a that ei plotted by Mclntoah. Everything Every-thing waa In readiness, even th dates being selected for the bla white man s appearance at given points, aa th parties who were Interested had received certain assurance that Jeffrie would not be allowed al-lowed to loae. Tb aame dark gent who upset all their calculation then win not be harassed nv doubts of anvlhln jnter- |