Show WEBER COUNTY FORGING AHEAD Rep E H FI Anderson Talks In Re Regard Regard gard to the Growing Industries qi I S AND SUGAR BEETS Dali ll 11 lIe 1111 lit cemi 11 lela suit Seti rl of nr Product Edward I H Anderson of We Calmly has much to 10 say 1 abut about Ih the adva advance that hi his county hAS nail Ir in manufactures during the last few Cew years reaM Chief ChIet amOr these paul lall he yesterday yester dy day ar are summer and canning The Ogden factory wal was bui built tw two or times years ago anI anti lad lall year yer lure turned out all and lyen seven mIllions of t pounds ot of I sugar u r 1 It Ul uses some 2000 0 acres acre of Ills beets a 4 year eRr last yer year time rap crop wa was not an average auaUe one owing to 10 the douth Te The are finding beet el raising sery ery profitable This sugar far factory lor has rOen one o of the most successful en Ogden hR has eer ever undertaken The of other products has haB bon been raised on account a ot of much lh ot of I the he acreage acre acreal al age beIng taken laken UI with beets ls ThIs Is esPecially so 10 Ire In time case of IUler lucern II a few years ear ago aKo WAi was a glut Iut In Inthe the Ia bait year ar the Ihl augur fac factory lor tory doubled tb the C capacity It of IM Its plant end It I ii saul that another Increase wl II 1 made this year ear That ThaI the business tf of raIsIng beets II Is R a profitable one olle Is evidenced I by thee fact the ot of hAS gone gOM up from S 4 a toll to 10 SUO IGO In two There arc an nol now nine conning flo faa tories In the county In which tomatoes are canne canned This II is due to Ih the fact Weber Is the finest growing county In the State Siale Iii I fRt fact I it Is time only counti where been groan wih with any degree ot of success DavIs count county Some of thee canning factories turn out 01 as much 11 at three n a 1 cia a There are or tour factories In course of erectIon lon and nd the tomato Industry hlll bids fair air to 10 be one of time the greatest In time the State Siale All Ap In 10 fruit growIng Ilp the farmel farmers have come to I understand tile ot of planting lew nets orchards wIth olly one hint of at fruit The Th re result ull Is 18 that InToe large orchards ot of or seven Years year lre mere bearing great reAt quan titles of ex fruit which Is being shipped to 10 all parts paris of this and cur roundIng States Irrigation I is reh lag attentIon and sast areas of land It are being cultIvated b by the of new nest reservoirs Not Notable Notable able amoni these II is the enlargement of ll time Davis and canal Some ome attention II is paid pAhl to 10 In Ing especially In th time northern and tall east frn em hart ot of county In the latter laUer ot of are arf located time onyx mine With time the timid the nut to tot time the UnIon Pacific trimmie prospects In Ogden are brIght the fhe work on time latter road heln being on the mute routt ot of time great continental high highway WiY and benefit tIme cl cIty |