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Show pianosdPo OOOEIT AGAIN 8UNDAY The Ogden and Salt Lake league teams wUl meet in another exhlbi Won game at Loess field In this city next Sunday afternoon. The two managements got together yesterday and decided upon the oon test. Both teams will be In much better shape by that time and an other spirited exhibition game Is undoubtedly In store for the fans. This afternoon the Skyscrapers will line np against the University of Utah team at Lucas field and next Saturday McOloskey's men will probably meat All Hallows college. The proposed game at Mldvale next Saturday was postponed post-poned until next Wednesday. One week from Saturday and Sunday the Skyscrapers will wind np their exhibition series by playing two games with Bert Margetts' semi proa. Harold 8-haelLxer. the southpaw from the Logan asrt'ultural colleges will oppose op-pose hla rivals of old (the University of Utah) for the Skyscrapers this afternoon. after-noon. It will he Hchweltser's first ap- Carance In a Kkyacrsper uniform. Char-j Char-j Kafer will piohMbly be at the receiving receiv-ing end for HHiweltser. while Bert Spen- ess ami i ir in fmm ranis" fiff cover third. McOoskey la anxious to try Kafer behind the bat. and therefore the switch In the lineup. Ren ('. 1 1 m i Hunt, fonner Rait loke pitcher, appeared on the mound In hla first appearance for the St. Louis Nation! Na-tion! against Cincinnati yesterday. Hunt went In at the opening of the fourth Inning with the amre S to 0 jasalitst his Hub. and held Cincinnati safe during the balance of the game, the same rndlng & to 0 In favor of Tinker's Tink-er's Reds. "K'lir Knight was tickled to death when lie heard f tbe showing made by the teitm at Halt I -she "At that." said the big manager. "I expected Just what happened. You can tall Ogden folk that we are out to win I hla year. If tbe public will give us moral and financial support we'll make one great, big stab for that bit of bunting.' Ogden Examiner. Exam-iner. B1H PnrtJer la playing right Held In the regular lineup of the Portland Northwestern league club ami is doing nicely, although he la not yet sousing tbe ball as he did hers last season, see Kalllo. the pitcher secured by Butte from Vancou er. la said to be showing lots of class at Spanish Fork. , e The Betall Clerks will meet the Rio Mrande shopmen in a prmdli-e game on the fort grounds neat Sunday forenoon, beginning at 10 o'clock. Manager Herbert Hester of the Great Falls club, training at Grand Junction, Colo., glvea Is the following dope about bin cltib: "Tbe entire squad, excepting Toner, Indulged In s hard and earnest workout both Tuesday and Wednesday. The weatlter la delightful; In fact, the warmest we have had alnce repotting here. Tuner la In bad abape, nursing a bad tlnger. and Is railing on a surgeon daily for treatment. We epect to nave Til tat o.t wali.'i list t.iiav in ths mU tmm days. SI tier, the new Inflelder expected tn. hss not shown up yet. but expect to hsve him here by Hunday or Monday. With Msg and Toner working on the Infield In-field It U my gueas that we will present (he fastest fielding Infield In the circuit Potts xhuuld he the sensation of the leaaur at shortstop, as bis fielding Is of Islgh rlase. Me i overs a world of ground and can throw from any poaitton. Flnout Is a very fast and lever fielder snd pos-se-se.-. a good arm. With more experience experi-ence should make quite a ball plsysr." e e Merklr haa turned loose Pitchers Woods and Taylor and He-ond Baseman Me-Kinney. Me-Kinney. The trio will try to catch on with Garfield. see Manager MerkVe of Butts announced this morning that he expects to start the season with three catchers Shannon, M 1-aln and Kafora. , e Boton. April 17 With one victory to their rredlt and no defeats the Boston Nationals returned from their first tour of the season today to open their National Na-tional league season on the Wali.ie street grounds with New York. The grounds were resplendent with bunting. The dsy wma clear and cool, but the diamond waa somewhat heavy from rscent rains. e e Harry Good, former local catcher, but now a business man of Raet Hiawatha, la In the city Minuting for a good pitcher. Harry atates that the little teams of l arson ar-son county are lining up some strong teams and that he proposes to have a faat aggregation In hla town. see X. Joseph. Mo.. April 17. N orris O'Neill, prealdent of the Western league, will meet his umpires here todsy to give them their dual t net root lone prior to reporting re-porting for the opening games of the league tomorrow In Ht. Joseph, Topeka, Wichita and' Onssiha. One umpire. Charles Sag r 1st of Omaha, appeared here today. O'Neill will leave tonight for Wichita, where he will attend tbe open-In open-In ceremonies. He will return here Saturday Sat-urday to attend the ceremonies Incident to a free day for all traveling salesmen e Keogh. la.. April IT. Jerry Harrington, the big league catcher. Is today reported to be dying as the result of his injury at the hands of Tom Merrick, an ex-convict, several weeks ago. Harrington Is suf-ferring suf-ferring from com was Ion of the brain and attending physicians expect tbe crista soon. Durins tbe early nineties Harrington Harring-ton aa a Star baai-katon of thai llnrlnnatl Reds e e Spoka ne. Wash. . April 1 7. A triple steal, the first ever made In the Northwest North-west league, waa made Tuesday by Spokane Spo-kane players m the game against Portland, Port-land, according to an announcement yesterday yes-terday of the official scorer, who decided that all three men started when tbe pitcher delivered the ball. Powell, on third: Mek-holr, on aeacond, and Alt man on first, are the man who participated The try for a put out was msde st the home piste. Cincinnati, a. April IT. Andrew Kyi. oulD.1dr. ho was arur4 from the Akron. Ak-ron. O club by the Cincinnati National laasu. manas.ment last fall, waa returned to Akron yaelarday. ... The Canyon Road aluss.ra defeated the Kxlal 8tara on the eighteenth ward square yeaterday afternoon. 17 to 4. Baltimore. Md.. April 17 Rain prevented pre-vented the opentna of the International leaxue baseball season here yesterday. e Cnll.se scores. West Point. N. T.. April IS. Army. ; Dartmouth, t. Chloaso. April 1. fnlveralty of Chloajjn. 11; .'nlveraitr of Iowa. 7. Champalsn. III.. April 11. Unl-reralty Unl-reralty of Illinois, . University of Indiana. In-diana. Annapolla. Md.. April 1. Navy-Harvard Navy-Harvard baseball same called off because of rain. |