Show The Little Gloucester ana Brilliant Work Has ration of Exneri THOUGH BUILT FOR PLEASURE SHE PROVED REAL TERROR ICprIht 111 rullln leallyat her cablet l and our I founded by worst of the bit fighting machines whossillarg lun frown don un htrlh uIIIunwu OIout Itr flat hero 01 many talllte lay I for llvvctsl 1 take al anchor In Nw York harbor the wonder of the entire naval Vtorld and the freak warehlp of nial < United Billet I navy everybody li I heard of Hill little ship and her dd 01 dllIrl fine The vessel 1 furrier ly I a pleaiure boat and ruled out with every comfort and luxury that wealth could purchate has at beautiful and stately a craft at ever unfurled a club i bursae at her masthead There wu no yacht teller known than J llerpon Morgana Corialr She was not only a thing ot beauty but her construction the conflict without even so much as a scratch on how lot Int one would not lutpKt that Ihe Gloucester I le 1 Ihe little demon that the hall shown llrrielf lo be Hut It li not only Ihe vessel 1 that did wonden The officer and men attached to her have made a record for a con vetted yacht that hat no equal In the naval history of Ihe world and halo h-alo bon whet kind of mm Uncle Vam has lo bilk him up when some other nation tries to knock a chip off hit shoulder There does not teem to be much use In relating what the Gloucester and Mr brave Officers and crew have done The dally press has fully chronicled tier ex Plolli and from the day the vetiel 1 was converted from a pleasure craft Into a righting ma hint almost up la the Jim t W 9W 4011110V at lgw y Is 44 5 j a was luch that the tvai one ot Ihe bOIl heavy weather and deep water boat In file world When II became necessary fur the gavernment ta Increase the number of ships In the novel svrvier inany small Vessels 1 ta lie used aa dispatch battle and cunt guard vessels wire purchated Thli fleet wile competed of tome ot the pleasure yachts owned by our wealthy clllieni They were liken la Ihe navy Yards where much of their splendor was removed They were lu be used for a widely different Purpose from that for which they were built The Interior dec area none were taken oul and plates of toughened attet were placed on the Man or the veitela 1 and over the vitals The long weeping bowiprltt and the state ly I maita dliappeared Uuni were mounted on the docks aad short Signal mull were put In WIn the videarlis 1 hall been overhaul 1 ed and made ready for service they looked like toy menofwar capable of doing but little damage They were roo itardod by naval experts all a useless clan of ve veto 1 able to act only at die patch boats or lo tall about In the well protected hartoiri Yet when the opportunity oppor-tunity pretenled Itself they did good work and the little weasel the llouret ter thai hat recently relumed 10 the homo fallen from the second of several of file moit severe naval battles that have ever been fought hit won Imper lehable laurels In engagement with vessel 1 whole armament oul1 I have 1 easily destroyed tome a isseVIK lariieit fighting machine In 1 our nlre The opinion of aspects at to the value of converted ichti at Iran to far at the llouceilur It I concerned ties ihang ed materially and ai the rldei at her anchorage the It I locked upon ai a wonder won-der nut the natal Sharpe cannot jit eiilain how the could have gone Into a ntht with the big Spanish ahlpe I aunk twu of the not ivwerful small craft lhat hate ever been constructed Ian I-an navy In the world and come oUI I of all came 10 anchor In the hiktbr ot New York ipmethlng list been laid to Ih credit of otlUerMhe men and the Iwat herself until the names of Lieu tenant Commander Walnwrlght and the Uluutllr hv became as much house hold words at those of Uewey Hump ion and Kchlcy The little vessel hat I completed her work and U I now ready to be taken train the active list 01 the Peril I Justhist will be done with her U I not known She MAY return to the peaieful occupation Im which she was taken or be Pont somewhere for tpeclal 1 1 duly It was ex peeled that when hottllltlei ended the converted yachti would be sold Title will probably lie dune with Sam but the record made by the lloucetlrr ties endeared the vessel 1 ta the department and t the puldln generally and at the hon h-on that the It I Jut ai well fitted for fighting Pursours as for flying the flic I ot mine yacht Mub ttt It not llil unlikely I un-likely 1 Dial the will be retained I In the I service In Ma I report to the navy de I PArtinn IJouffinent0olimanderWain j wrluhl hat rereimmendeil that the vcteel I i he ued at a training ship for the en i glneer division of Ihe outlets at the Na I I tat 1 academy at AnnapolU and It I la be lleved In many quarters that hie reoom mendallon will be favorably acted uln i i In fart a taard of officer wai nppont ed 110 traits it survey of the fllniiieiter < I They have completed their work and I the report Is I now In Washington Wheat the nouvoetwir anld III Nw York bay Phil hiti maluted by every I craft that had anything on board ta make a nolle with Mile ratne ta her I anchntate quietly but Ihe mud hook I had narcely struck the bottom before the most 1 wind Purroundrit by a nun her if small beau filled with people nil of whom I viere anvloui lo get on I baud I and Impact title wonderful little I fighting iniflilne Train Uie outilde Ihe I Gloucester ihou l no tlgni of the many I lasttles ishis hd taken part In nor were Her Comma Excited the s Eve rywhe there any scars 10 19 found nn Ih lnhulxn 114 ot the vessel yet theril It t nouh trophies to how thai the had den the work the wai tent out ta da and a good deal morOn i On the quarter deck and just over the I wheel It I the tint eoutenlr taken from I the Ppanlih ships by the llouceitera crew It li I a life buoy from the Spanish armored cruller Infanta Maria TIn T-In the olTlceri quartets ate a numb of Interesting momentum of in planner r tnbr r In which Commander Wainwright remembered re-membered the Maine They were captured cap-tured from the rhlpe that were deitrny ed off Panllago whll mme were taken from the ehnre batteries at the different Points at which the Gloucester battled so successfully There Are three then nomIon each from the Mrta Termed Crltob1 Colon sand Almlranl Oqunlo Ittioldals thave there are now treat Cpanlih flags tome liken from the hlpi and others from the short Ut failed lorlAll All the relict did not however find their way Into the omcera quarters The men got a good than nt what was raised on the vessel When the writer visited the ship the jockits word 10unlnr on the main dock 1lIn 01 their experiences while some were be Her Whose AalUi re In the bombardment of San Juan Iorlo d IIIto and It 1 was the am vessel Ih1 not only sank the splinters torpedo boat destroyers Iluton and Furor al the bat tie art Rant Utu harbor but l first in sexed the cruiser Vlicayo 1 which was on ot the largest and moil powerful vessels 1 01 the Hpanlth Meet II waa at file bottle fiff Hanliico thai the little craft showed her worth and the grit and dhrmlnollon 01 her officers and crew They ought from the minute the Brian tell hlpi came QUi 01 the harbor unlll II MOM In XF Iron cut Vice aya after mile went ground An the wind cause Wait over fully eight or nine lamia They mal have thought they were fl t Inc at something thit ai gain about U knots an hour I don I know what their violation wa J > ut their thota went way allow ui We fought the big ship until the torpedo boat desire yore came out and then we went for them They looked pretty and trim ai they fame oul firing thdr 9 Mal 1 guns and getting on a pwd hoot ho-ot itefim Wo JUlt called lets them and I tell you we could 10 wh < re our Shells were tearing holts Into them every min ute It was a horrible fight when we got near them aller their colon were struck The poor devlli were burned up and mot to piecea We went along tide and took everybody off that was alive It wai a little after 10 oclock when the Iluton gave up and then w 0 concentrated our lire on the furor and the did not tail long We tried lo say the vfneU 1 but It was no uie They were riddled with Phyllis and the boilers eiptnded xi that there wag nothing but a tangled matt of Iron and iteel We took Lieutenant Arderla and II men from the Iuror and Commander Vas quit and II men from the Ilulon I Ad Illicit Cervera and a lot of other orncert were also liken on board nI I for a time we had a full houie Yel we Pts fl 4651r AN C 1r111 WAIW Put n nearly every ono th a t occurred during the war the was struck but a few times Non of the shots caused any damage During the battle oft Ban flare despite tin fad l ai already noted not-ed tint > li wai nearer Iha flpanlih P111 ihfpt thin any other vtutl and rn mined the tyro destroyers at clots range she came out with no raiualtlee and without having been struck once nithir or the vtiielt the dntroyed wai more powerful Quit capable It handled prop erlycf easily demolishing the little u yachl The ofnetr and men of the Gloucester deserve all the plains that can be be stowed upon them They hive proved beyond any doubt wttml kind of ma lariat Uncle Bama navy le I made atTh men without exception tpcke mcd itjr of the luttlet they were In it they ian them and even thenthey preferred not to talk of the little affalri The out cere pertinently refuied to dlicuie what had hirpened and when ipoktn to of the behavior of the ship and the crew they would simply uy Its away a-way we have In the navy The modesty and reticence of the llouceileri crew are of course a tom mendable aa they are chartcterlitlcally American but It our publl were ranked to exprrii lie estimate of these men II 1 la certain that It 1 would In substance beAt bAs At brave a band of heroei at ever plowed Ihotniln And Jut the sort of fellOKI too ID Milan ort old Spain rLnniiT WOOD to tat 0 tj fl |