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Show ! COMMISSIONERS ASSEMBLE. TUt Hloo'es of Uondaj's M'ellrg Dis-closa Dis-closa Ctiltt Pratt's F'J.ctei List. rjclnlaah rilhap Blatllra, 1'ursuanl In aiijonrnmant lha lira and lllca board Br.d a ntesllnic yastarday aftrrnoon e'jhimouclua about fi o'olook. Tha reading of tha mlnutaa ol tna pro Vious liifoll ( dltclotsd Chief I'ratl's rairancnmanl ichadula, which was airnusl wholly IkiioroJ by tha boar In culling down tha fotoa aad Is as f.illiwsi ' I liariwllli ooiiiplv with vnur riiast ll.at I liiako siiuitiMlloiis In talalluti lo Hit, to lii.'U fin ttt lliapol.cn lorra nf Una cllv, h'li liimi, lu c.nf-.tm In lha nr. It tisiico tlmt was rocvutly -aod l.y lha I I V Ciinn. ll. I wl-h l lsta that aflnr a carsfnl onn s il.ira.lnii, killing ill v., w Ilia . tll.-ion.iy ui ili .i. ..iliii, iil. I rmia -K. illy siiiiii.il Ilia I lloMli.it II. I ill ii. nns lo bailis- n.n s: llnly K-maiit J.N. lllnit-r, lic-k ht(.aiit ,'. l.iViiiK.t'in; r.lruliii.ii I', i'. Ilrown. J. J. link, , 1'. J. 1 :v..nll. I .. N. I. .I...M, W. Car in. n, I'. L. Jolilisun, i:. M. Y.wuin. IN IIKHALr OF UU INTOHII, Afisr tba nnnuiaa had barn norrsctad and approsad Curnnil.slnnar t'ohn lo taoiiosliiar lha action lakao on Mun-d-y tilahl, aa ha d.slrad bi ehsnga oua nsmauiha list thai ol IXJ.k M.rnsaol Molniosh, fur Cbarlaa llyilig.tnu. Mr. Mi lnio.li, ha aald, waaono ol lha in at .11101.01 nin In tha di-iattmanl aad had Inaugutatrd a ayatvin of book-kaai book-kaai lnir lhal wa. parlt-cl. Ila thought It was a luist.aa to dlsoharga hlro aa ha liallavaJ Mr. Livlng-sion could ba bvtlarapand. lis Ihatelora movad, if It wbs in otilar, lhal Mon iay uighi'a attlotl Would ba raconsldwrad and thai Ilia nama ol C l,lvlniston ha suliatl-lulad suliatl-lulad lur lhalol W. W. Mclnla.b, ou Ilia list of man ordarad dUonargad. Chairman VarlanoanlandaU mat lha mntlnii waa ool uf ordsr, under Iba ruloaof all parllanabtary bodla., and undar Iba rulsa ol tha buatd lliaunly way lo oun.idar II waa lo a.k unani iui.ua oauaaul ol lha wauibara lu tba cbauitr. Cuwinlsalonar Cuba than a.b.d for unaiiimaus cousaul, but aa lha main-bata main-bata ol Ilia boam oulisldsrsU Mouday niaiit'a action au aoiual dischsraa, Ihay did not uara la a(iulaaca lu the riuaat, alltiaugh the pieralllBg oplU' tnu avaniad to ba lu.t a mistake bad tietiu inatla lu allowing tbo h.ad ol Mr. Mcintosh lo uudaigu oBloial da-oapltallon. da-oapltallon. lilniiKan tu Til Clllir. Tha action oltba board In conlarrlng Siael.l police mwsr un A. b Cum uilogs was raaolndad, as tha law gave that power unto the oblef, aod Ilia eninuiunlosllon making Ilia refusal was ralerred lo Iba proper authority. 1AI.II T TkUniHAKII.V UHUITkll, On motlou ol Commissioner Cohn, Chief I'tall waa lualtuctal l i dl.iei.ss with Ilia airvlcaa ol Ofllcar Talbel, who bad beeu euganod lo patrol Lib. arty 1'atk durlaic lha sumiuer, but who waa dolug regular police duly at preaenl. Hla lay ciir, howaeer, la only temporary until aucn lima aa hla serf, loea are required al lha I'ark. llulldlitg loseotor JVolsoru asked for asel.tenre Irom Iba Ufa dapatlmeiit, lu laarlug down a ooudamned building at UI west Klr.l Waal alreel, wlil. b the owner. It. 1C Aaderson, had ralusad to take action upon. While the otdl. natiosa iroTlda for auob atalilanee iri ni allhar III lira or police deierl. Diauts, the board was afraid of establishing estab-lishing a bad precedent aud therefore took tha mailer uuder adaiseiusot. Till C11Y ATTUHNkV t'kMSUHIU. Thau Cottimlsalonar Cohn, al It.a rtu,ual ol the Clly Couuoll, look ornt slou lo ceosure City Attorney Mi K ,y for tha luosa way la wnlcb lha ri-oords ol lha polloe court bad beeu handled slnoe the uew order of things had been brought about. Held lie, "Wheu Mr. Jarura waa dark evetythlng was kept lu Hie best possible style, but aiuce his reslgiiatl.u Ibluga have beeu pretty 'I be iu.ro bore did nut feel luollued to Interfere lu the matter, thinking perhaps per-haps that tha City Couucll which cou tinned the aiipulutmeol of Judge Mo-Key Mo-Key aa oily altoruey was lu uuiy bouud to era that the cfllolsls, whom lliey ware the luslruinsuts In appointing, appoint-ing, shuuld properly etleud lu lha duties devolving upuu them. Aa T! THAT 1111. 1. ruH AN ACT. Then another rualtar was brought up by CnruuilBelouer Colin, who, atlslug to hla lest, laced aud addressed Coin mlssiiiner Jeuulngs In tba folluwiug nianiier: '1 uinleralBud there Is an amended bill nelug prt-tisred lor preeeolatloa in tue Irtigl.lalula to legislate this board out ol orlloe aud give to lha lioveruor lue ptiwer of appolullug a new board, la in si sot" Yes, air, thai Is true,' replied f oiiitnlsstoiir Jeuulngs, looklug iiuaruly Bl Cummlsslouor Cohn, 'audi a bill Is lu course uf preparation, but It la nel yet completed. IVuen It I. finished 1 sball I'ka it Uion uiyeelf to see that eaoli nieliibor ot tUa board la supplied with a copy." At this juuotute Mr. Cohn look nil seal, but but without an expreeslou ou bla face, however, that told louoor th. u words lhal lie would do all lu bis puwer to deteat the measure which be se. hied lo think Mr. Jeuulugs lu aouio w.y rtspon.lbie lor. Adluurned until fto'olonk today, |