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Show S i au ii.li Fork Kinlril JTuil. Tha fcurtii annual Kisteddfod ol Hpanl.u fork Camiirlan Aaaooiatlon was lie-Ill un Mouday, March ilnd.lKTU, at tna Young Men's opera hou.e. Mf. J. O. Thomas, of Hpaulsh rurk, wa. the i reslilnl uf (lie l-.i.le.lllo.i; I'tof, II. K lillea ot i'turo the mailer oi cersuioiut-s and oouductorj 1'rol. A. C. HiiiviU ol Mmitl, iliu ailudiiistor ol Ilia ii. i. .10. Mr, T. V. Mutlell of Hpaulsh Fork, h.d the llo.iur of lieiug Ilia aoluuh-ator ni Ilia p..etry, rcnat!ous ami si eei-hci; lie did bis woflt with a rlt-ar coii.i-.eiice aud to the aall.lai.-t uu u( llie ieopla, Al i o'cuck In tha allrrouoa Ilia (In: suasion ooltinirim-ed Hltli a Welsh air by tiicHpaulrh Kofk btn.s band undvt the leadership of Mr. HB 11. J.uts. I ntrnoiii'tiity itnistka wute made ay Jubu O. Thuiuaa, and lha Kis.ed.lfod wits in ened lo uiimpete lor the prise a-cirdiug to the proglalu, K.liglllK tha male churns, ".Soldier's Victory March'1 tUweni), for six lo twelve voiuul, the Hpsulau Kerk mala phmia under lha I'a loi.h'p ol Wm. II. II. VI., was lha only patty elnglng. The tea .llvetwate sst ih.n.led hy the Hlislil.h K rk C i-np. wsa awarded lo Ilia choir aud Ilia baton lo Ilia CJU-uui-inr. Walsh recllallnnj twi romps'lnt, lha I t ne, i, was given lo lli iiiy K. H s Jr.,a.iu oi I'r I. Henry li. (I.lss.l'r .v, ; he is a promising young mulriaii, Haas anlo, I.etAII Obey; Iwo cim-I cim-I a. Iris; the 43 pr was awarded to Kichar.l Kvaus, Mnilleld.wiio Bang well an I pos.ca.ea a splendid voice si. d will in.ka his mark lu the mu.nal world. H.cllatlun, Convict Jn-J lha ptlai nf ii was awat led to M .s Kmelioa James, Hpanlsb Knrk, who reolled tha piece lu an aicellent manner. Mala s.lo, Welsh air aid anng, tha silver cup and the money were BnalU.d In William T. Kvaus, Bell. Id, who aang a lova anug, V Uwauitn Uey.i, (white wheat). Ailiodlr.tion nl Ilia poetry, Tha ItllBBiid rrogrrasol lha hlsla Idled al rJpanl.h Folk, Bva c.imposlllona in) the gold pan and tha mouey were awaroa.l ti John J. JjAVIa (Isuan li.iu), l'rovo. The heip aols, Tna Rising of lha t.ark, Was played axnsil inly ny Win, U Junes, Mcofleid, wnii tu .k lha pme ol V'i Matthew Jonea, bla promlal. g son (oaly 7 years ol aa) played alter blm and was auoored. Hopraau anl i. My Western Home, (litepheus), two oonle.ta.il. j tha lady's dtraeliig osae waa awatoad 10 Mrs. Mary Ana liowen, Kuteka. ilu.l and clmiu.. Our Homta In lha Mountains (J.H. I,.il.) lur children chil-dren Item Ml lo 12 years of .ge. Ilia children's chorus ol hpaulsh Kuik,M!se Kjwa, oonduclor, and tna Laaa Hhore aiilldrai.'a elmrua. under the leader- shlpef Mr. ulesa n, onnaetiiig. Tna prise of $& waa siiuaily divided between be-tween them. Hi.praiioa.ilo Welsh air aad words. The al'ver cup and money war. awarded lo Mrs. Mary laa.v, tipaulati Fork, who sang tha luva song Aduryii-pur, Aduryii-pur, (lllarknlrd) Tiiib fluiBiiai tha program of lha atlernoou aesalnn. Hion altar 7 o'clook In lha evening even-ing the houea waa overcrowded by patriotio Welshmen and their iriands. hs-tlovernnr Thnmaa was araeted wheu ha look hla seal on lha staud, Tha ptogratu was prcaedad witu aa fuliows: Musio by Iba Hpaulsb Fork brass baud. Helicllon, Utah Wa Live Thee, by the Hpeiil-u Fork Cuulr. This alnglng was very good, Addreee by F.i-ttovernor Thomas; he greeted the audleuee aB oitlaens of theH. ale of Utah, who will have a voice lu the eleollou of the next PreBi dent of lha United rlleli s, and referred In Ibe auccese of Ilia Mall l.akelirand l-.ls.ed.ltod, aud lha loyalty of lha Welsh-Amermaua lo Ibis great let. ub-llc. ub-llc. Duel, tenor and base, Tha Kinking Hliii; two partlee competing: Harry U. lluguaa and hla Irleod ware the winners, win-ners, aud were awarded the prlaa ol $5 worthily. Jraprtuiptu apeerli, five oonlestanla, llavl.i T. liewls, Hpanl.1 Fork, look the pllx. Miae.l chorus, Moonlight Will Come Again (W. It, Tbeiupsou); from aight lo twelve voice.; Ii.a Hpanlsh Fork chiiir, uoder the leadership of Wm. T. Jaiuea, worthily took lliepnlea, tba fill and one act ot Oliver table eutlery were given to the obolr aud tha baton to lha ooiiduotnr. lljel, l.lst to tha Convent Bella, waa reudeied by Mrs. llow.u aad Mlas M.ry Keese. nolo, Hundred Kathoma itaep, aang by Joeepb rnilllpe; eucored. Harp aolo, A.ii Urova, was played vary well by Wiu. 1 Jones, Hcofleld, mllowed by bla lllllesju Malt iew ou the soma Instrument. W.I. li song, Meo of Harleeb, aang by William T. Kvaus, Moofleld, lha onngregailoB lolnlug In lha chorus. I'rof. Ulleo aang with Ilia oigan a Welsh oimlo aoog, followed by I'm', Jne. A, Hcsa with another Walsh Oolnlu song. A lar O-lhlng Jankliia rendered a snug tha Klateddfod waa cl eed l y alnging the aolo aod chorus, Lsnd Of My ! allien. Tha Cambnana h.d a I y'i "'. HaitTva. |