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Show CU1BI.NAL tiUELKSfiNKSS. ft. t. Itjisigiitu Ilea a Msrrsw Ki caps I-rem llslk on Icciset f li. On Msndsy algbf, at It. . Hat-uiuaseb Hat-uiuaseb was returning lo bis horn In Murray from atundanc at a mtlog, utl wait of lb fjvrmaula smltr, fa waa overtaken on lb road by a bore and sleigh. S.aled In Iba oulter war John Hurl aad Will Wllllamaaa. who appeared to ha toutldsrably undr tb lnflunc t liquor. Mr. Ustmuatsn wsa knocked down and Iba bars alto fall, draw lag lh tlaigll ever Hie flo-ttiat flo-ttiat frm of Mr. Kaainutaea, en ol tb ruaure rtiug oa bia bead aud remaining In that petition uuttl ether genlltmeu who bad attended Ike ine . lug arrived aud rendered eatittauo. Wan lokd up Mr. liaemueeeu waa unoouaolaut and remained to UUtll taken lo Dr. Kerrabee'a, where bit wounds wer diee.eJ, after which he wss uonvvyed bemv. Last avoalng b wae alill tu a daugoious uuadiuou, not bsli.g ahla to move. The two men were arrested by Can. table Moae aud labeu belore Joan l tb peac Jaa. Hauudars, al Murray, aud plvadad aal guilty Is lue chargi-pleferled chargi-pleferled agalust Ihrm. |