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Show if '."o I X d'' I ' Coiil. I I. J. Hhrp liaoUIr all klndi of ooil, ; a.k ih1 i1i (.mm i. Cuiorsilu Anitir-CM; Anitir-CM; ftll fU.7& pr ton. Ofl.Cft "H H 'Ulli, Milu rtliuttl. '.'Upbuilt iNo. WK , 1le Wbtr l uiil t o., Ht roftlby Uim Mok, ton ur cftrlofta, iroiu W mi toll buJ crlimun mlnai kl Co-lville. UcliniKln tu the Oulftrtu Hliwr Mlulnu aiiuiny, lio Hook Hpnoitgi, Cuitlo Omit, lMevftnt Vlly nil AuLliikOita ooili; prompt dsltvry by oourtvout ftiiii oblibtiUgE tmitr.; cinnii o .l and full wtyljfhi guaranteatl, OtlltM No. 1DU pi. Main HiraaU W. J, M joiipuiary, AKot, Tal. Mo. H. ! Atd and 7 par mot tmrat. ImproT- j Ja (JltJ Wloka, 76 fllata. O Take Comfort. Wear Goodyear Welt Shoes; bolter than hand-sawed, and cost less. ' Foot Comfort," our booklet, will tell you all about them. Write for It-freo. UiiUIYi:AK BllUt: MAt'll'T CO.. HokTON. ' bIGHT READING. I will rommem iilit reading cl.i nn MonddvcvemniE. Jan. 30; Irrmi fi ou for course ol lo le (om, Have also rlavtr-i for minur lot harmony and cun durilui;, anl cl.met of 4 lu 6 (ur voice cuIiutc. Trivain Irfltoni on pi a no, viuiui, aniRhiKi narmony. eic. i-trucu lam at niiuic atuiliu, room iS, Dcttrct National lUnk builiiinp;. PROF. GEO. CARELESS. Ibe liuri.uiou ionu Ihe onl? ill runulnf dlnlac imri on the 'A ) carte plea, be twee a lever toil Uuehs Ketiiee Cltj end Chloeca. Peeeenieti heve to pay only for whet Ibey eel. He tare the your ticket leea Tift the Hurllogton route, An Old Muldlrr'e acaiuiiitinilnlluns 1 a the hue wer I wet e 'uliller lu the Pint Meiylend Vuluuteert, Uomviny 0. Dunne uiy term t( tervloe i coo t eeuo obrenlu tlleritxitft. Hince llien I hive UM $rrmi eou-UOt f f iue)l but wheu 1 fnunii 'iy thet wrUlJ let me relief It wmiM I J .re my wlsirnecb, unill 'hiiut'erUI (Jnllo. t'holere enii Dleribcnt I If rued y wne tirought to my net tie. I uhhJ it eal will eey It It the only leiuvdy ihi.t lift mi peruteuDt relief uJ nobeil rtiulU foil'iweJ. 1 leke pleure lu reiowinenitiuK (bit prtjerailon to ell of my old itomredt, who, wbllt llviof their irTiute to tbelr etmeiry. rotilr-otad Iblt UrtrtJ'ul Jlieete et 1 dU, from eetloy unwueiesuaie (! uuo.okril fooil. Your truly. A. K Hbniunu, Helty, Ofogou, Kur lele by UiUnjUn. Hnme time mo Mr. Hiinoo Uoldbiuoi el H.n Lult ltay. Cel.. wei irouhiei wltb e leiue tieuti eaJ riiumetlnj. He uied C be ru tier I 1 n't 11 it Ulm nd e prompt oure wtt vft'anted. H-i teyi he bet eluoe edvtied tutny uf hu filendt to try It enii ell wttu bTe tlniif tu beve iMjketi Mgbly of 11. it le lor el by drutifttt. Vli amber itiu't v.it HtDitdy ! femautfur lie eurt of bed colon. It epent tbe to ret lone, rwllevee Ibe Iudk end elUt nature la rettnring ihe ayt trm to e heeitby oooeliloa. ll freely uted et 1000 ee the ueld bet breo oou I trei'lrd, end before It bt becom etlltd la the t)ttrm, It grvetlj lMt.t the teeerlty el tbeetlei'h end bat ultra Curid In e tingle oey wbet weuld beve bea e tevere cold. Kur tele by drug 1 I A w lnye 1m Of Plpeole lia 1 .n tn i the deneer It .mI, It It the right thing faroouirht. i Halter theoeuy borne mixture. Bel 1 ter then eny olbrr mrdlolne wbatevei ftr tbt odugh Diet learlnr, titan killing, emieiy-bremllurt daugeruut cugU, Kly't i'lneola lltliata cur.t tore threat, end le (julck eed ttire In til bruiichlel eneotiuue. It will rt. Ileveilhe O'Ugb et unoe. It make breelbleg muvtt eeeler enl tbe ti a-nn aa levere lb oatet of eal hue. llrloe & ceult. Tool Tim l Nulla" ul Vclluw I runt. Tbe dlreot line lo Keu-aa City, Ht. Leult end Alleulln tea boar J, u via the Mltiourl I'eclAo Hallway, from Pueblo. TU rough tlaeplng end chair ert, end ell coneteilent merle In ITulrwi depou In tbe Hay time. If you ere gulug Keat ena tre for e deyllghl ride tbruugh tbe grand at t aeeuery of tue Rocky Mouiilelna rn route, tee that your ticket rut vie MUtourl raoitln Hallway, Klegeut Chair can pitaltively tree to beldert of regular Uaiu tlokeU. H. k. KoftSKR, V. F. aV P. A,, SI llorlau Block. Hilt Lake City. Take Your Wifo im.ofthoaehandaoniaiMeaiiei PurvBoxaa. evaaaa. reaealaeaa aaare aaa aaia. H, M. Bloa.i m, senior memrier ol H. M. Bloaanui A (').. 'Ml H. J HI., Ht. 1 .00 If, wtllee: I bad lan left with a very dla'reealn ocugh, trie rSeull ol Infliirl.sa, wnicO nothing teemed lo rail. ve. until 1 lOiX JlallarU't llotm-Auund llotm-Auund fyrvp. On buttle aeniillly runimi. ( sent one bottle la my tit er, who hd svsr osngh, nd the pa per leered Immediate raliat. I iwaya rsoommsod this tyrup to my friends. John Crantlnn, '8 Hampihlrs slreal, liulncy, Ilia., will.s: 1 ftev taund Jlallardi lloittmtni Syrup superior In any oilier e'.ugn madiolua liiaveever known. It never dlsap pulnl. l'rins 6O0. This llnlmenl It olBaraul Inosmp. tltlan from nny othvr liniment n th mark'. It Is a srlanlitl dltnsvary whioti rasultt In It baiog lh most pane IrsiiiK l.ialmenl vr sai.wo. Tliar are uuiuaruus wklta imllalleos, which may t raoommenjed beoau.e lhy pay fAs tet tr a gralr pn.ni. llawar af tlieea aod demand ISaU'ara' Snow linmitrU, 11 poaltlve y ouree Rheu assliaai, Neuralgia, Hyralna, Hrulaat, VTouods, C'ule, Holatls aad loflamms-loijr loflamms-loijr Haaumsiltm, ilursa, Hoai.is, Her ret, Ceulraoled Mutriea, HtlrT Joints, Old rjorea, fain In lim, Barb VVH Cuts, Hor Chtt or throat, and ll ssaefjlali heneflolsl in Pa s ytl. A Soand Mvsr slakes a Well Man. Ar yuu silllluua, ConallpaUd 01 Irouwlsd WHO Jauaillte, Hlrk Head, ei-bs, Bad Taale la Menlh, Koul llrealb, Coaled Tnugue, Urarrla, ludlgaetlon, Hot Dry Main, 1'aln la Hack aad between lhHhauldrs,t bills and J'er, elo. II yeo bev toy ol lhass symptoms, yoor J.lvar Is out of or .r, aud yonr blood tm slowly being ro'sened, beosu.e ynor Jjlvef doe nol sol properJ. HxnutM will our any dieoriter of Hi Liver, Htomsoh or II iwals. II hu no equal at a 1,1 ver Medicine. Prloa TS eeuU. Fro trial nouiea ai a. u, h. s. urux eaor. liny lOMl Ml tlie Vellnw rront. Oat yrur sualrsn'a r.x title al Ik County lleeonler's (lllloe. They ar mad dlreetly Iron th original records. rec-ords. W. for iTT Chirmoh, iUeorder. "Tb Common leopl,,, As Ahraham Lincoln called them, a nol care U argue about their ailmeat. What thay want lea medlslns that will rur tbem, 'Iba si 011 le, nonee. statement, '! know met ri,ou'eHar-eeparilla ri,ou'eHar-eeparilla oured me," la the !! argu nieul In ravnr ot this mrdlal, and this Is what many thousands voluntarily voluntar-ily tay. Hood's I'lllt ar tb bell after. II iiaaf rills, aatltl dlgsstlea, cuia bsadaobi'. Sou. Can.lv, li.ns or canny "I all kinds al r) aara,7H W. first M.ialli. Buy all your urugs aad msdlclns told reliable Ondl. I'ltta Drug Btore. COAL. Try Ilia I Inh t'oal 'n,Mnv. All ronl rarvlnlly ea-rveHeil. au.1 lull wclglll gui,ranli'',L Irl. (III. V VI. I I ITtllV, Mgr. Japanese Irneul powder bas notqnaU Hut exterminator, al Uodba fliu drug ttr. Vou will save money hy trading wlU lb old Uodlaj Pitta Drug Co. ylan:a,alnei,aaa,TVelaTS,''RaaiI bt ll eteereoir aia le t euia cr eioaih. Leaiaa aiieaisilr utrlts le eeU ass sas vaulla, CHItlev at Bllllrr, "l iaal Tl.et Hulte," Krllable Ilrclrle Work. For tale houee wiring and lan) Hue oliandellera, go In II lnlai. Mountain l.ltlrlu Co., hast Klral Huutb tlraet. Tsk all your ireecrlp.lons to old rellalil Uodbe I'll U Drug rilor. ll.k raaxaarrelal mm a.aleta Wank gaueral bauklag tualneea; pays S er eenl nn deimaits, K. Arnittroiig. I'reet,, i. W. Maleon, vice-I'm!., J. K. Jen- blngi, naabler. h a ordering your ol from O. H. Martin, you get It oleeo and promptly dell vend. Offloa under Muliralek't Hens. Dr. Mack bat returned front Bin Frenoll and hat laken elegant dental ifUa on alb Hour Alias block. Whan ltaby waa ale k, we gsae bar Caatorla. Titian alia waa a L'bttJ, aba cried for Caatorla. yrbeu alia brn'sii e Ml, aba clung to C'uatorla, Vt ban ah had CbiUnas, aha gaas tbaai Ce .torlA Ulnar at Miller Maireeuvd teat. Iluy all your nidlolaa al Uodb l'llts Drug Co. Hale or t'larleliued llaggage. Nolle le bar.l.v alvxri that 00 Tuat- day, January Llal, lows, al 8 o'olock p. m.af llial aay and continuing tber-alter tber-alter irom day lo dey until eold, al tka baggage depot ef tbe undrsla-usd,assr Ike corner of Hlxlh Waal aud Third Houlli Hlreatr, Hall Lake (Jlly, Utah, Ilia undaralgoed will expos for sal and sail al (.ul Ho ausllou lo lh high-eat high-eat bidder mr est th fsllewlng dew orltied erllolat of biggigs, remaining uoolalmed lo tb poeaeaslon ot Ibe uuderaigned at the expiration af aix monibt tram lb tlm of Its arrival al the place of Ha delivery aud at placaof delivery, siored by the uaderalgnad. Held tale will be made for the par. pure of paying fur Ibe itorago aad oare of said baggage whllo slorsd, and the resaouabl and aesweeery ousts ot sacb me. The Damaa and addrataee el the eenalgaora aad oaoalgnact of eaoh and all the following deiorlhed pnreela and th pile from wulon aeb and all said paioeii ware shipped ara ua. knewu, 14 bund let of boddlug, 1 eick ot oleiblug, 2 hlaek linahtaud oanieaia, one rtissel trunk aa ooiitsntt.ena sluo trunk aud ooataule, 8 grips aa.t oie-leta, oie-leta, taleecope aud contents, IS uui. liiellaaaud parasols, 1 silver watch, ill packages df ttindry article, 1 box ore, 7 baakets and eootente, 1 uiualoiianJ, 1 buadlaof taul poles, 1 lohssl desk, 1 Colt s revolver, 44 osllbsr. Dai of tl rat puhliratli.n Da. 21), 'OS. Til k lllU QKAKUt WUTkHN lUll WAV t'O., By F. A. WtuiaitH, Ua. fsaassgsr AgU ROBINSON BROS. Makes Shoes at Home, NOT IN NEW YORK, NO DICKERING ONE PRICE AND THAT THE LOWEST. 35 W. First South St OUR GIFT SALE Commonoo. DECEMBER loth, whin we give with oaoh PURcHASt: Of $3.00 or more, li llfaBliMlyllliislratcil MJni Prices Lower and Values Hlfjher In Seasonable Footwear for Everybody. SOLOMON BROS. 1 CUT j I prices ; i;- j: I On all Hard and Soft Coal Heating Stoves. j II. DiiooiGf Furniture Co. ! iji ; ..T.,rTjj' Faultless Base Burners. j 'FOR SOFT COAL f Reduced from $4D.OO to im $27.50 ,fliWiMrt fax, H-ndsomeln rfZttlfWtf;? S appearance, fcftv: M"-:. t3 n(j Suitable for Ftji Blores' ESfr. olllces and " ' r I residences. All Heaters M34i0 GREATLY MTnhi REDLCED LaJSX PRICES. Utah Stove & Hardware Co Corner Commercial and First South Blront THEY ARE HERE, Our Fall Stock or BASE BURNERS and other Heating Stoves. Come and select one before tbe next cold snap, when you may be sorry you have put it off so long, JAMES-SPENCER-BATEMAN CO,, 67 Main Street, yPt ESTABLISHED 187. rr W4 ffeHflk T A ILORS, p- Jtlsyy Bali Street, Opgoilte Valfcer Home While & Sons Co! i uliilfllUI, MAIIKKT, 93 and Sii W. Kit-fti Koutli, THE i)k;t nvi.v I Will aiMwer young Ninety-sii. The New Year claims the world and th i world should be with him on the food ' qutstion. The best liven In Salt Like are with us, becsuie they want the beat, ; and It we sell It, it's Ihe beil every ' time. Have your groceries new and Irenh like 1896 That makes ihem ; temptingly eatable. Our groceries ' re always that. Nona know tin, better than our customers. Our store it a cyclopaedia of table wants an I throws a Hood ol Hunt oa what we ought to est. Look herd raisins snd ' currants alresdy clesned. I ANOTHER I DAY. ' Th lUmbltr boj mad ft r rMl .bow- r Ing In th 0t1tn tkoenk Th flr-tt nronl ' of lb dy wm lh ton mil rrvaci t-, in ; whtrh MoConahoT flitUhi third, ukhni third prim aud third Hint prlxo. Then ' cmm in track ro. jot iiok lakii.j cond In tha noTir. Fwlr flmt, WulUr i' MHMnd,ii(1 'ltttcbr Oitrd In ih ntHn E oraich, clftc 11, all '!UmbUr" yuu will I nol. In ih half milu claaa A, May ! look atMsmd, t'ortna tittrd. Hall mlla, rlaaa H, Thatohar aMond, Fowiar tbinl. Kiv mlla, olaa H, Kowlar aooond. In Ihla rmoa a man In a jallow auli laM hit i haad and fall.Connlbaar and Wallar bain I ImmodlatclT babiud him, thu rvauli it I ft spill tr tnaM pariltM and iba rat laft lo Kvan. Tha flv mlla, oUa a. wm I another Kamblar vtDt.Mj.y taking flrii, , Jus Hack aaoond and MoCnnahor tblrd. i Konrtean .tit ;in on daj la glor ' uu.'h for anr ond. ': IVepin mir laaca antt aanpta mar ary. 1 Ana doi mir at'Wl it Uay plan, ' lint Hsiablur's wia rams tthntarar tbT I I LHirardlaM of hw oibara (aal. Moral-llur ft Kamblar. ilidft ft win ( bur and you'll b aplnuar. ( W ar. tba only daalara In lha W--t E who carry a onmplta aiook of Sporllnf j O'KhI. Otiina aad ua. i'atalrgu fro . Browning Bros. ISA Main (tre!. Halt VmVm City. ItaOl Washlagloa Av., Ogdea. TUI ItAt.sNoi! or on n stock, ban. aa'.l br Ilia, aaoke aj walar. ki be an d at oeea, rasarilia.a ul rnal or aalaaa, (.r.aci. forlaTe, oia'a?"" "ello'.V'a'l,Ir'4ura carloaii or nr. fn..r nit.ua uit .tn.aJ I X. L aeceaS-ltsa Stors, Is L ard aomb . tal L I'. A. IUU.MM. WISCOHB & COMPANY, ftUpIft, Fanoy and Oraan Orooorlai. M Eftat, Flrat Boutft Htroat, DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE. For lb naxt SO dftyt waoffaryoa graal Induoomania In Pianos, Organs, ; GUITARS, MANDOLINS, ! And all klnda of Musical Mar- chandlse. j W hav an elegant stoek to eeleot from, aad ur Frleee ara tower laan aay other bouaa In the country. I All we aakla lo call and a for your ' salves. . NtXs sddreaa. CALDER'SMDSICPALACE 4S so 47 ITssI First ttsalk. EVERETT HOUSE. j UXIOH igUftBS, HEW TOKK Pavortta haul far Utah paopla la lw Trk. f lrdr aaw nanftvemaot. Thar0uf.tr rit- l vatd. .'irfact uiiibUob ana an aiirira f lirofamaata. In Ua vtrT haarlof iba popular litvtif dtotrlfli. (lonram-nl to piac ;f iimtemsnt aad rtudilf -cilla tiom all paru ot Uiaoliy. JCaropaant jtl1. ' f 2 FIVE-TON ( WAGON SCALES j (Made by Ilia Chicago Seal Co.) j For Sale Cheap. j luqulrtThlsOmc, ' ENGLISH CAPITAL FOB AMERICAN INVESTMENTS. 1MPOHTANT I Amrlons seeklol KnKllah Csnllal fur near enlarprlaaa. A llat niulalnluir th nemaa anil ail ilraaawi of 3fM) sucma-lul proumtere wba have plaovd over iuo,liuo.uuu HterliDK in Kiireliin Invoauneiita wlihln the laet els yeara, and over aVIB.ltUO.tMJO for iheeevnu inuittiietif IBUe. 1-rlne lit or a, Pyll,' by tpoaul nriler to Tli Ixindou anil Uui-varally Uui-varally llureau ot lnveelore, lio, Chuap-aide, Chuap-aide, Uiuilun, K. U. Bubaerlbere will h j entitled, by erranuemeule vfllh tbedtreii I tnra, to receive either pureonal ur lailera f of Intrnduollon lo any of lliaae euoneaetul : nroinotere. Thla llat le rlrel-uleea tu every ( ra.pa. I. and eaarv man or llrm !"' I nam apiiaare therein mav be depeuilaa . lilin. 1'or plaolnu the following II will be tound Invaluable Honda ur MUarea ot lniluslrlal,Uiinuierlal and Financial I en-rwrus, en-rwrus, Moriu.no Loana, Hale of Lemla, 1'alents or Mlnee. Dlraoiorat Bib l'.n-WAllD l'.n-WAllD l'. Koae, Hun. WALTtH ll. l-Ki'Va, Care, AMTetua avrivy. (Vopyrlghul |