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Show McLemore Says ! 'Blinders' for Women Motorists Would Help more): A one-track mind Is right. If he had his way It would be a nonstop, noneat, nonsleep marathon between California and Florida. And then I'd have to spend the rest of my life hearing him tell what good time he made on the trip. 1 EL PASO. Texas, March 8 (UP) " I am known for having one of the finest one-track minds In this ' country. ' When I go to a baseball fame. , I write about baseball, talk about baseball and think about baseball. When I got to a cat show, I write ; about cats, think about cats and ' even purr when I pass a warm ' fire. Teurtaf Serlbe I So I can't help writing about - touring across country In an auto-1 auto-1 mobile today. That la just what I am doing, accompanied by one of the world's foremost backseat , drivers, who has to sit in the j front seat because of her hat 1 boxes, her coat bags, her shoe boxes, her traveling case, her pres- ents for friends. And, last, but not least, her purchases along the road. A fortune awaits the man who 1 can Invent attractive blinkers for ' women who tour in cars. As it is : now, women are capable of spot-' spot-' ting bargains in every conceivable ' line of merchandise as far as a mile off the highway. Shopping Tour Give a woman her head on a ' cross-country tour and a man couldn't drive from California to Florida within a year. And when he finally completed the Journey It would be a freight car, surrounded surround-ed by "wonderful bargains." Why la It that women touring in automobiles always get hungry and thirsty and demand to atop Immediately Im-mediately after a man haa used every bit of his skill In passing enormous trucks, buses and mam-1 mam-1 moth road-scraping devices? Hell ' hath no fury like a woman who ' wants to stop and la argued out of , stopping. The selection of an eating place la another cross that the male cross-country traveler has to bear. When you have lost precious time by pulling up, and lettting those other fellows pass you, and then ! are Informed that the napery la not clean enough, or that there is nothing on the menu fit to eat, you go grimly on until, strictly '. from hunger, you settle on a road-; road-; side place where the napery la not dean and there Isn't. anything on ; the menu fit to eat Cornea the Dawa Tomorrow we have some 600 miles to drive to get to Dallas, and I can already hear the trucks and buses hoaring by our portable bargain bar-gain baufement, ai my wife quizzes the natives as to whether it Is real wool, whether the bedspread is all handwork, and If they grind their own meat for the hamburgers. hambur-gers. P. S. (written by Jean McLe |