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Show ' imuseini'iit Noloi. f A gmat many peopl. dunrlog lo I ii,u, u jerutn,,u(., u ibaaiar ! I! bight, wh.ra lu Old Kautuoky Ih. attraction, war. dUappuln'.ad ii'i au.o thny ouuld not obtain etan "'.on Hug room only;" ao orowdtd w ta lha huuio In .aary oorntr. An a inia morning tlia ruin lor llck.la i. I 'inuia, luunatlng auotbar liuanauaa i.u.110110. loaluhi. ru. play liultba tutlodiaiaalio obaraoiar witb ama raally (irnlty arrnary ami aoma b'.ta nf (oiiil aictn. p;. iicp.afltnnnlly lrlp; 'itaiii. Ing up a long ptory of a.rluiia kimla ol aliiainy. It lakaa wall wuh tho part of tli. audience which al. waye axpraaafl lla apprroiatlon In a manner tbat repemnlaa a tnad paitiirmanc. oa a IhMi'.nd penny wntttl.a, all trying to drown Hi. piaroiug noia. of th. otbeia In tlialr own ulaoorda. Hut thla la noeerloue ttiJaotloM to tb. play, aa that part of in. Mihilo undoubtedly haa aa much right lo Iheir anjoyrnaut at otriere haae. In UI I K.uiucay inirnduo-a a berolo niounieln girl wlw naaa bar III. and aavea bar loVfr fioui daath; all bonaal mnenahtaer Willi inurtler In bla hiari; a allialn who adda tu b a Mat ol oriinee an aliampl to kill a horar; Hi. hor. Iiaeli; th. ao oallad Piohaiiinuy baud aud a colored geallenun wlin a borae wnlp, and varb'ua othar obaran. tare. 'Ibei.la earn. elmollng, a deailiy llgbt batwean two riaala, an ltiC"Udl ary fir. In a atablr, a hurae raor, a murdi-r and a few minor Inrtueola, all of wbioli were duly apreclai.J. Tb caat le a lairly good one Mite liBtira Hurt la a band, acme Mad... and acted bar part epi.ndidly. Mr. Klugalay waa alto good Bathe benalbi arlad mooiitlilna r, Tli. real of the caat auitalu.d ttteli rolea aatltfaotnriiy, Miaa ijaura i.luyd Rurf, It ran ba elalail, la a mac nf Hon. Kllat Morn, r Uilaolty, and waa born al t'aruarvnti, Norm Walta, in 1X71. Mr. Mnrria neaar aaw the Utile laiy un'll yeaiar-day, yeaiar-day, and waa unaware o' bar tireieiiot la toe city uolll Dollflei by rit'oreiary Jatnaauf tba looal taiubrlan aaiooia lion. rixlay Mlit Hurt waa mad. the gnait of the Cauihrlant, aud tula aflernoon waa being tbewn the many attraction, bt cur tl a. Tn e .Tintng as lu ormai rTCeptliu will In lauderrd Mlaa Hurl at lha Knul.lrJ, and Hie local I'ymro will turn out lu a buoy to greet ber at t'jnlght'a trfiirfnauuo. Tinaaaeulug lu. play goaa again, Tlia a iTancaaal. of ilekata opened thla mornlug lor M'JU. which will h. Hie aitractioB at the Tuaater on Monday, I'uaaday and Weilneeday nail. At Ilia Urand and l.yc.um bualneaa coiiIIiium lair, bulb pl.ee. haa I n c tlloUK attracllona. The Hllaer Lining at Ih. (Iraud la favorably com. ueuled oa by iboaa wbo baa. aaen II. Tb concert al tb. Tabarnaol. tonight to-night la Ih. Drat of a aerlua lu lie glaeu for the btinefli of Ilia Mutual liui rove. oient l.tagua aud lb. Tab.rnacl. choir. A flu. uiuilcal progiaui w.ll ba r.udarad by tuui. ol UlaU't beat taleul. |