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Show eii.VKii i riifiir. Ntnatev vteleell anya It ta aieadlly llnalai thread. Wabiiiniituw, Jan. . Senator Wo! coll of Colorado, who recently returned Iroin Kurop. gava hla viewe today on Ih allvnr and loralgn allalrt dlacut Hon. Heaeld! An luleriiatlonal oommlll of lb Kurolieau liluiatalllo leeguae, includ Ing Mr. Allard, lielglaa delegal lo th llroaiella oonfereuce. and leading hlmttalliala frim Kugland, Aunralla, Uerinauy and Kranoe, bald an Impir-tent Impir-tent uouferenc recenlly In i'arla and 1 had eaveret Inlervlawa with lie mam bera. Wa have Utile Idea In tint oouu. Iry of lha liicreailng foaling through, out Koglaod and Iba oonllnent In favor ol reougoltlon of lllvar. Thar la hardly an intelligent land owner In Kurope who lenot a biinalaillit There were two Impollanl rraulla of the meeting al I'arla. A plan for an Identical Iden-tical reeolutlnu un tuo lulorlBnce ol Inieroallonal agraemant to be Intro, duced In Ih Kngllth 1'erliameni, Ih Krencb Ataemlily and lb Herman Helcbalag waa agreed upon. Another Imporlaiil re.ult waa tbeajilabllatiraaut ol cordial and clmer relatlona bi'lweail lha bltuelall.l a.ioolatioiu of th dll-ferent dll-ferent caunlnaa ol Kurope, .uolaoiy between France and Uermauy. Aud tha reception acoerded lha oumnillt by tb uretldanl of lliu Frenon Itat uo-I'o uo-I'o waa, Irom a foreign print ol view, Impsrtaiit and algnlllcaiil. Thaatalot man ol France and the manager ol lha Hank ol Fraac are hlraeialh.it and publlo opinion lavora bluielalllim. Tba i'arla liawai aaert, however, anil one or two tzceptlona, controlled by prl vale moneyed luteieile, are gold uuuu ""'Whl'e bliuattllltla abroad arc actively at work, II mutl aeverthaleie be admitted that lb prcapaot ol auy action la not favorabl. InfJeimauy. where there baa been much hope, tba bauklag element, aroueed by in poaal bllity of action bv th Relobttag, la eipeudlng ojuoti aitort lu favor or tha aiogla gold elaudard. and Ita Inlluanoa le ualurally widely fell. Whoever Invitee In-vitee Una country lo await Kuropean agreement befor opeulug up our mlutt lo ellver, ollera no hop of ualiull relief. |