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Show NINE BUILDINGS AT EUREKA BURN Yankee Con. Suffers Loss of $20,Q00; One flan Injured. EUREKA. Utah. April J7. The mill buildings and shaft house of the Yankee Yan-kee Consolidated mine were burned last night, involving a loss estimated at $20,000. For some unexplalnable reason there was an explosion In the compressor-room compressor-room at 10:30 o'clock last night, and Frank Cook, who was operating the compressor, was thrown against the side of the room and badly burned about the face and hands, though not seriously Injured. immeaiaieiy alter me crasn or me explosion the building took fire. Cook made an effort to shut down the machinery ma-chinery and get to the water pipes that are provided in case of fire. By the time assistance arrived from the town the entire building was in flames, and it was Impossible to get to the water mains, so that before the conflagration was stopped practically all of the buildings were destroyed, with the exception ex-ception of the orehouse and carpenter shop. These were saved after heroic efforts on the part of a hundred or more people who came up to the mine from the town. Superintendent Lehmon, ' finding it impossible for the night shift, which was at work, to come out through the main tunnel, sent, some men down through the May Day workings and, through the channel, by which these properties are connected, to warn the men ui me minger. i uua im ouKn me underground workings of the Yankee these volunteers ran along and notified the miners at work and brought them out through the May Day workings to the surface Just In time to prevent them from being suffocated by the smoke that the compressor was gathering gath-ering from the surface and forcing down into every avenue of the mine. The full extent of the damage has not been fully determined, as It Is thought that some of the machinery can be overhauled and placed into commission. The damage has been estimated to be as much as $20,000, and It Is fully covered by insurance. The company will begin to clean up the wreckage as quickly as the Insurance company can make an adjustment and operations at the mine will be resumed at the earliest date possible. |