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Show ccEAiro? tiie i;rvs. i ' , -. The victory of the Constitutional Democrats Demo-crats In the municipal elections in St Petersburg was a hard blow to the Czar's Government and has caused Intense Jubilation Jubi-lation la the radical press. - , ' Paul Nocquet, the daring amateur aero-I aero-I naut and French -sculptor, met death by f falling into Bass creek, a small stream winding along the south shore of Long Island Sound. The body was found on the muddy shore of the creek where the tide had left It, and the collapsed balloon was a short distance away. , Mr. Fitzgerald of New York criticised President Koosevelt In the House yesterday yester-day for falling to properly advise the House as to his objectons to the bill opening open-ing 605,000 acres of land for grazing purposes pur-poses la Oklahoma, Territory Instead of advising the members of the Indian Affairs Af-fairs committee so . that it might be amended to meet the wishes of the Commissioner Com-missioner of Indian Affairs. . , The Republicans of. the House and Senate Sen-ate met In Joint session at the close of the House session yesterday to select 'members 'mem-bers , of the Republican Congressional committee. Joseph Howell waa selected from Utah. m ' - . While playing on the dump at the city garbage incinerator, John Cota, a fourteen-year-old boy, slipped and fell into the slide ' which conveys the garbage to the furnace and- was quickly carried into the fire and burned to death at Los Angeles, An-geles, Cal. Negotiations for the new Russian loan are proceeding rapidly in Paris. Although the Issue Is a month off. speculators on the bourse are already Interesting themselves them-selves In It,, dealers offering a premium of S. the Indications' being that tne Government Govern-ment will make exceptionally advantageous advantage-ous terms for the purpose of securing a notable financial success and restoring the Russian finances to, their former nigh level. - ' t Secretary Root has decided to accept the Invitations given him by the resident dlp-1 dlp-1 lomatic representatives of South American Ameri-can countries to extend his projected trip to Rio, so as to circumnavigate South America and to visit Buenos Ayres, Montevideo, Santiago de Chile and Lima.. The steamer Moana, which arrived In Honolulu yesterday, reports that 121 persons, per-sons, mostly natives, were drowned during dur-ing the hurricane which recently swept over Tahiti and .the neighboring Islands. E. C. Swift of Chicago, a member of the packing firm of Swift & Co., died yesterday yester-day at the Qulncy house; where he en-Raxed en-Raxed rooms about two weeks ago. Pneumonia Pneu-monia was the cause of death. i Duncan Clark, for years holder of the title of champion steer roper of the world, was accidentally killed while hunting with two friends near Cheyenne, Wyo. . Developments Indicate that sudden dementia de-mentia Is responsible for the sudden disappearance dis-appearance of Mrs. J. H. Johnson of Minneapolis, Min-neapolis, Minn., at Brlnnon. It has been proved that the woman crossed Hood's canal from Brlnnbn in a row boat and It is believed she is heading for Bremerton. An unsuccessful attempt was made to blow up the railroad bridge over the river Honnelle at the French-Belgian frontier. It is alleged that the outrage was the work of Frenchmen who are endeavoring to prevent the entrance of Belgian coal Into their country. |