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Show Angels and saints in communion at b anquet Salt Lakes Touch Elboi7 and Clink Glasses With "' ' People of Los Angeles. : " LOS ANQELBS, Feb. ---Waehlngton's birthday was celebrated at the sixteenth annual banquet of the Los Angeles Chamber Cham-ber f Commerce last night at Turnea hail, which was one of the most elaborate funo-tlona funo-tlona of the kind ever given In Los Angeles. An-geles. Plate were laid for 400 guests. H. O'Melvahey acted aa toaatmaster, and the principal speakers and their toasts were: Senator-elect Frank F. Grant "Good ClUaenshJp;'! Txoi. J. .H, Foshxl. '"George Waehlngton:" C. O. Whlttemor of Salt Lake, general counsel of the Salt Laae railroad, "Salt Lake and the City by the Sea," and Edwin H. Hart of Berkeley,. "California.', '.. . TOere were a number of prominent residents resi-dents or Salt Lake present, -having come Jirough on a train over the new Salt Lake railroao. arriving her this morning. Among them were L. H. Farns worth, F-8. F-8. Harria and former Gov. Wells of Utah. Th ball was beautifully decorated with flowers, palms and the National colors. In his response Mr. Whlttemor said la jart - c- . . Wasa roar heels oh hard, aad year head fMls qneer. and your thoarhts rls op' like the foam ea bear it is said yon are lntexl-eated. lntexl-eated. OeBtlaroea. that Is tnr eoaaitlon Bow; I am Intoxicated, not with the sparkUDg wins that has kMB ae lavUbly ana gMMrouily dispensed dis-pensed at this bounteous fst, but with Joy sod happiness at being thus honored by an organisation which represents within itself the elements that hava made ths city of Los Angeles the mod era marv.l of mankind, aad -at being called -upon to respond 10 the sentiment sen-timent so aptly proposed by your gracious toaitmaster. . . With me here tonight are Vi". TUher Har-rl. Har-rl. secretary of the Commercial club of Bait '.Lake City, and Mr. L. H. Fampworth, oae of ths board of governors of that orgaaUa-,tlan. orgaaUa-,tlan. We bare luat mads the trip over the new read la a little mora tbaa a day. coming com-ing down from the mountains and snows and across the desert Into .this .beautiful land of .flowers and sunshine. We bring you the greetings of oar fellow townsmen and the pledge of thetr everlasting friendship. We are (lad to be hers.' guests' at- your board and sharers with you In the pleasure, well deserved, you take In your past achievements and In all your ardent hopes for the future. We appreciate the compliment of our guest-ship guest-ship to Salt Lake and to ourselves, and. If we may, we will take bark to our homes and our people, the thought that It is ths warm handclasp of Los Asgeles wUb Salt Leks. aure .augury of friend ship that will irr.-tw warmer and closer and sweeter to us all as the years go by. The subject assigned to me carries with it the thought of the great steel blrhwsy. Just now laid down, with every perfection of detail, de-tail, across the ranges snd great sweeps of desert that divide the ocean from the inland sea. Bo great la thla aeoompltshment as a business enterprise for all concerned; so much does it represent of genius and energy expended, of millions poured out for eonstrue-tlon eonstrue-tlon snd equipment, of promise of redemption for the deserts, and aetivtty for the silent hills of Nevada: and so fraught Is it with a-ood for this city of yours, and that distant dis-tant city of mine, that I might well make it ths full measure of my response. Happy day for Los Angeles r Thrice happy day tor Bait Lake, this day f Its unto with you and with ths sea! Whenever now, you tire for the time of your Sower-Brown hills sad valleys, your sunny skies and tmckang-las! tmckang-las! temperature, snd long for the grandeur of ths American Alps, aad th invigorstlon of a sea breess four thousand feet above the tide; whenever the scent of the roses and the fragrance of the orsngs groves no loncer satisfy, and ths sounds of the surf cease to be music In your ears; then shall you go up la a brief twenty hours to ur marvel of nature our "Died riea," and bathe in Its buoyant wsters. wuh all th lofty, snow-crowned snow-crowned peaks around yon. - |