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Show DREXEL MAYBE- TAKENTO EAST CHICAGO. May Il.-John Drexel, who surrendered to tha police at Sacramento. Sac-ramento. Cal.. laat night, aaylng he wa wanted hers In connection with the escape from Jail last December of Tommy O'Connor, gunman, two days before he waa to be hanged, la- believed be-lieved to be a parole violator from tha Minnesota state penitentiary and formerly for-merly an inmate of the Jollet (111 ) ststs prison. The Juhn Drexel listed on police records hers wss sent to ths Ht. Cloud (Minn.) penitentiary In 111 for five yea fa on a charge of larceny. Ha was paroled In lll. and In Ills was sent to Jollet for operating a confidence game. He was released In 1117 and returned to fit. Cloud. He aim, served terms tha Pont lao (111.) reformatory and.lr. tha Chicago bouse of correction. correc-tion. The police expected great Interact In hie story that he drove a car In which O'Connor escaped, but said they were afraid be waa just someone who waited a free trip fcaet. if he proves to be the Drexel referred to In the police records given above, local of. "cials plsn to have him brought here. |