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Show fJEIGHBORS BOOM FOOD FOR NEXT PRESIDENT Meeting Called in Dearborn, Mich., to Organize Independent Inde-pendent Morement DETROIT. Mlrh, May 21 A public pub-lic tna.a meetltie- to nre-anlse a Uenry Korcl for President" rluli will be held Monlrht '.n Irhnrn Detroit De-troit auburn, and the homo of the automobile au-tomobile manufacturer. !The bnelc Idea buck nf he meellnir. II waa lud by laedera In the mm-roent. mm-roent. la to brlna ahmit the i'P'H-day i'P'H-day of Mr. Knr.l on an Independent ticket at Ilia lirnl gi-neral election. Tanlatlva plana for tha meeting were announced by a group of Mr Itord'B fallow tnwn.men. I'oe'er, un-fiouneln un-fiouneln tha meeting- appeared In public placea at Iiearborn today. At tha offices of Mr Knrd In Pearborn. knowledge of lha meeting other than that tha noatera had barn oheerved, waa denied. William T. Kronberg. editor of a peajrhorn newspaper, declared an effort would mada 4n lndti-e Mr Kord to run for the presidency on a platform of which "honesty currency" would be nna of tha planks. |