Show I I II I I I DOES I ISKIN SKIN GET GET SPOTTY I By Dy MME MOREAU NEW Y YORK RK Feb 17 Although 17 Although the splotches of red are so much more liable to appe appear r on n your fac face In iTt wint winter r Skin seems to to need neel e a the outa outdoor r air a nice soft air to be r really at its bet best S So joure oure going to have lave to w watch a lIttle littIe littie lit- lit tie tle bit more more diligently that that pretty skin pretty skin of ot yours perhaps you'll have to use a 1 lit littie little little lit lit- tle tie more mor bran and a ti little acid First assure yourself ursel that you OU trent aren't I I I. I I II I eating foods which are too rich and that thatIs Is not the cause of the undue redness which sometimes centers right on four otherwise very nice nose I If your our food Isn't at fault then you ou can modify the condition by using bran brato wa wa- wa- wa ter Put the bran in a little bag in a bowl water of-water water and anti let it boil boll Then empty into the water and wash your face tace in the mixture either with or without without with with- ou out soap o r acid helps too But a about atut ut one teaspoonful In a glass of water Dash the mixture on your jour our face patting It dry afterwards Hot water very ery hot IS is good too Get Geta a a. little spray and dash the hot water I against your face A few drops of vinegar vinegar vinegar vine vine- gar or astringent toilet water added to the liquid will make it more effective Such a treatment is also helpful In doIng doIng doing do- do Ing away with brown spots which sometimes sometimes sometimes some some- times appear under eyes ees and ind at the side of of the face tace near the hair line |