Show INERS TO PASS THROUGH SALT LAKE Twenty-nine Twenty special trains occupied by approximately from I all parts of ot the country are scheduled to pass through Salt Lake between June 2 and 24 either en route or re returning returning returning re- re turning from the annual conclave to tobe tobe tobe be held at San Francisco In June Each delegate will remain in the city from froman troman an hour to a day Those which pass through the city westbound and the city from which they come are aro as follows follows fol tol- fol- fol lows AAd Duluth Al Al- Kaly Pueblo Boston Al Am Amin n Little Rock Ansar AnsaI Springfield Bedouin Muskogee Muskogee Musko- Musko gee El Riad Soo Falls El Jebel Denver Isis Salina Kan India Oklahoma City Karem Waco Tex Mirza PIttsburg Murat Indianapolis Mohammed Peoria St. St Louis Rajah Reading Pa Syrian Cincinnati Cincinnati Cincinnati Cincin Cincin- nati Tripoli Milwaukee Zorah Terre Terro Haute Harrisburg Eastbound Eastbound San Antonio Ararat Kansas City El EI Mina Una Galveston Galveston Galveston Galves- Galves ton Meridian Ismalia Bun Bufi falo talo Little Abba Mobile Pyramid Bridgeport Syria PIttsburg Zenob a Toledo Toled O. O |