Show ltw to Ih rnM Toronto Mnord Slico u lllit of rlpo tonnitnn nnd loll j for IhrionuartcrH of uu hour wllh u Finnll plceo of chili Pros through n I hair Ion and bell np again with popper pop-per ullpl ponudfil cloves gronud IIIItor main and salt to taste Vlieu cold 1 stir In two or limo teaspoonfuls I of IIIIItllrol orked Into n smooth pasto u lilt llicxnr ndd tile game quantity of curry powder will enouuh vinegar to make oil tho eOIlloloncl of mlllo 111114 t ltd lion liottlo for tito Exact quantities quanti-ties cf picrs for this recipe fire not given for laiitiii vary 00 much oil > 1 fpmo like n larger quanllly of ono spice than nMthlO cte Thl rauco will be fOllu1 dellclon with cold IIICllt |