Show lllllUl 10 UU I Our summer peoplt might with some profit to Ihemtelvts adjust their collage more nearly to the condition of physical comfort and mental relaxation relaxa-tion If they would Tho begirD to Ibo mountains begins much loo I early In Ihn mouton anti In many ease oDd about the Um wLuo the most > enjoyable enjoy-able period bgID Ibro 10 undoubt edly a great deal of pleasure and rerose to bo gained from a eomu mining Ibo eminences at any limo due Inc ilia bald term but such are nol nearly as complete as they might be It mad at B later time beginning about Ibo time when the Ircila commence their highly artlsllo work of adding gorgeous hues to the loaves and their oulo of Imparting rlpenm to the battles AI such time tbaillem and Other pests disappear this of Itself beIng be-Ing a consideration worthy of fallen lion and whllu Ibo nights are sonit what mire ch Illy they are not illsagr ably so and a certain moderation 10 imparted to whit earlier in Ibo season 10 tile almost Intolerable heat of the I oyiue and side bills A mouth hence will be a better time for actual enjoyment In such places than vow ort or-t any Intervening time I Those who wish to mako the t asons campaign In quest at moderation 01 Ibo lomroralu watt nearly a perfect tuocess will spend as much lime ai they can Bparo In oral our magnificent airline Sen litre Is a 11111 ot nature which otber common Wraiths would give millions la I poeiuir bul which we jiosaceelng do not term IIrevot come to fully appreciate It Is at ODe a sanitarium oil a 1100uro resorts I unit those who have the time and means to spare cannot spend either more profitably than tmooc the waves or along the thorns the Great t Hilt Lake = |