Show A 4 Tho Post Is Facetious In Its Utah Department of Friday the Denver Pot comments facetiously as follows Merctir has a new bras band and the echoes which hoer about the famed camp are being overworked There Is some talk at Castle Gate or organizing a vigilance committee for the purpose ot endeavoring to Improve the moral condillon ot Ihot town Tbo Park Clly Record report tha the furnishing goods houses are doing a mashing business la trunks and valises Many people are leasing the I camp because of the closing down of I the Ontario and Daly mine A Fageberg was police courted at Salt Lake for enoovorlng to remoVe the head of John Cheshire with a rip I la w I The Deert New take no hand Ir the discussion as to what the bicycle girl shall wear on her shmcly piston rods but thinks she ought to comb f and i lightly tauten up her golden hair that Is now hinging down her hack II ISoa fud Iti Harold Carlisle nan sued the Silt Lake Tribune for 5 000 worth of damage i leol i age done the only I character he possesses that paper having printed li a dispatch from Kansas City saying I he had received eight head of stolen cattle It Is I the first libel suit that paper has hud on hand for quite a while nnd Its editor are very proud ot It ItMercurlle Mcrcurlto propose to 111 e right up to the litter of the biblical Injunction to let their lights so shine that others may nee ther good work etc elc Two electric light companies will operate there |