Show Notes and Personals Hong John K Citllile Bud Josef ICimtmll left for Halt Lake this after LOID whrre they go lo attend the rraoiuilailBElppI C room Mr Car Isle la 1 a delegate from Logan city unit Mr Igal bell la I sent by the oaamber of commerce Lest Monday a had 8 years of age accidentally let tire to the large bun jelonglnu to Mr Reuben Allies of Smithfield The little fallow was try bg to perpetrate I the celebration uf In I dependence Bay and being lu close I iroxltnltr to I the straw atsott behind be barn what followed Was a very natural tcqtitnce Mr illlta bad Ifom fifty to sixty Ions ot fresh bay and aDDle farm machinery In the barn 0 ell of which was n total less John Illancbarif the I proprctir of Ibo Logan Hume waa affected yesterday by Marshal McCulIocb rba Led with runnlrca livery stable Without a IkeDBc When arrl oed bolor Justice Bmltb Mr Blinohard pleided not gullly and teuiauiled a Jury trial Ilia demands wno granted but as an liniortnut witness wm ah tent tile trial was poilponod until Tuesday the MilO Mil-O F Whitney moved his family to Ball 1 L ke thin afuruoo They will be mined very much la Logan by their host of tllonttr L It Martlueaux nturuel yeitur day from Salt Lake City CP Hendrlckion of Wcllsvllle was arrested file other day for Leepluic uniform Run tie belonging to Ibo United ritales government and re Joe log to gives them up when ordered to do so Utudriokeon was a member of the N U i > t U lu Cache and < when his company was disbanded he decided lo bang on lu the uniform and < Run contrary to orders Ills decision hn cost him mUch trouble and thirty days lu Ibo county Jail which be IB I now patiently serving The following marriage licenses hove beeD Issued Henry Rigby 01 Pratt and Anna OtborpooIttxburi = Kiger I A Ueckstead of Swell Lak mail Frlscllla A Marlin of Ircetou Ali A-li Pinoll and bills Luna Thatcher ot Ligan I |