Show 81 ICCLLIXU tUAUPlOSMIIll Is Csag Iiulr to Named Ue I a twu Aenorleolits NEW > YORK July 15A special to b Worn irom Lonuou ayii It U I at > piulole Ibat as a result ol the rol kiiU o the diamond culls at > oUooiiirnanieg tae anal bttug IS I lb DIteur obmploublp COUiDIl pl 01 lb wola will be o lb I AmerlcD Dt Mo a 11 I 01 Chicago ond Ik Ila Young Tou McDowU b1 ulnuess mar aly than last Year Red Olne to I Ila bJ upar bore 10 be a od am Ctbtlt6f than hie broth11191100poll bletall 00 lb diamond J1191 ulyr Year Tho IVolld eopondOI maw Dr eDoa immediately after be iIft4labis host and be allowed lIbluUoo Whatever 13ulabome I Ike otter IIlo head WIt dd beat Allocrowedav btyghul roc Dr Dowellsods be 1 bn a Iwo more tItlo win before 1 8t into tb I boll I have good bop 01 ofigetting I I think 1 have improved II t buill since rbutilwattlosin tobavd line III DJ btfcto 1 knew West tile 10 hilaing 10 boo Young feDrck teen o vr I lucky In lbl be has 10 drawing a bye rora I battle row only 0128 beat into Iho nbl 1 It we althAD110 Will bv belo Ihe dvulag t being fresh Lug XlhU 90 I tot Is that I lb 101lUa I TOlok we ITO seen by World IIIIPODdol YoZelond Dd be loot In allioo Ilaldl fine I Ill Pelflctly ulhad I with mool bar rho mJ I Committee olou fairly over the 1Igallon 11 a that I 4 oIP at t legation a littletby at u by a 0114ce ray own he hall w I1 I I toy father vwd bit him thought Ib through me 1 bn met coahly lair ply all = ago Only around I I alAd to may It I 171g He who Msfa 1 is coaching hh Left 111thil lb tb boy BID Ones he a good chance I ba lIIm1 if Dd my b list IS i 101 lllU a MuUwl It lIra t one if they do 1eo1I > DY > OP < llutO TILE 1111TT1 < lIIlUAIlEa July 16 The second day of the regatta wai favored with beautiful w Rather light wind blowing up the acurae The tteDdcc was tin ch better than It was elellloy re third bo ftl of the ghd challenge cup contest In won e fly by the Iieander olub who bad tIe Beikt station bUn Hie Utrecht University Dist club Irltton by one and three quarter lengths Time 7 I Into 11 sea The lourlh bent for the grind challenge chal-lenge cup wee won by New Oillege Uxiord WilD bal Trinity Hall Cambridge Cam-bridge The winner had the Buck nation New College led throughout Trinity Hull spurted garasly at the finish bug New reopen loJ and won by ball length Time 7 into 2 leo The filth trial brat tot tbe ladlei challenge plate was won by Kramai net l college Cambridge WOO had tbe Bucks station beating the ChristChurch Christ-Church college Oxford nIbe sixth trial beat for the ladleb challenge Plate was Wall by Halo Gillette In Ibe BUOIB station beating Icing college Cambridge Tile fifth trial beat lor the Theme ige cup wa wou by the KIng estate club beating Ibe 1311 1 rowing club The winner und I k > nation Dr McDowell In th rlai beat for he diamond I dbT J N lartit d > ed T J Reline New HOB boat oluj i l Ireland wlutiicg as I lie Illol I In 9 ailuUd and 83 eenudt Tits winner had the Huoka alatlon i Hoiru not away first and ODD led by bi a length McDowell not I alter iilui it nil speed ODOR collared him anti when they reached open water began to list I bio Than to everybodys astonish nent Ilogan showed signs 01 being wludtd ando loslig him head Ho collide with almost everything Insight In-sight and was thrice mixed up with the piles McDowell slowed np looked com plaoenlat his rival had then proceeded toward the flnlsa very quietly and asK as-K be were out rowing lor iilcaiurr I Indeed bo allowed Hogan to overtake him und they were almost even at the finish Trio limes were as follows Qjurter mile 1m 4S hal mile 3ui 3ij mle GUI 60j rue aixtu Trial neat for Ibo diamond scull wa won by 11 T Blackslaffe Vast Bowing club who beat A F U JJverllt London Itowlng club The winner had the Buck station Tile seventh trial heal ol the diamond i dia-mond scull wa won by K 11 1nJck Wbul boat club Maine cbuielli who beat J J Bluste of the I DeHoop lliwlug club Ibe winner hall Mal lIno station |